Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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85 Telephone REpublic 1234 TIMES HERALromf THURSDAY MAY 18 1989 Telephone REpublic 1234 35 35 lorist ICC Rule of Water 9 DIOR SESSION Upholstering Mattress Renovated 13 $3 Painting and Papering Carriers Urged Situations Women UPPROVES NEW part or Window Shade Service ABBOTT SCHOOL OR SALE Auction Sales LOST OUND Senator Radcliffe Heard Bratta Ambulance Service Personals 14 Radio Service ani pm Mid pity Radio Shop NA 2802 Roofing BIRTHS Beauty Shops DEATHS 9x12 or 8x10 Why Pay More? CALL NAtional 2985 Building Design Store ixtures Carpentry Repairs Tinning and Roofing and Ella A Lane (9 6 33 Tires Cement Work Herrins 33 and Millie Chair Caneing 28 Clothing Electrical Contractors for at littfo at 60a a Weak at Money to Loan un Stored ree BUSINESS OPPS Garden Supplies 29 Money to Autos Complete Molding Generators L4 round Guitars Home Improvement Boats Coal Wood uel inKcA isUrtv 14th NW Horses Pastured Dogs Pets diamonds watches RANC 627 SEVENTH STatG AUTO LOANS STATE INANCE CO Automobile Commercial corporate Bradford 36 1023 Irving and Mary Hilton 34 1444 CONTINUOUS hot water heater Monarch gas perfect: $40 459 Man Ave 42 Alexan Griffith 81 REPAIRS all kinds foundation to roof free est: immed att Myers GR 4132 School of Beauty Culture 1317 St ME 8820 BEDSPREAD single hand crocheted: lovt ly diamond design: $15 LI 4421 DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED while you wait Modern Dental Laboratory 502 Westory Bldg 14th and NW NA 0773 BEAUTY COLLEGE 1018 Vermont Ave DRAUGHT BEER 2 spigot 60 ft coil sacrifice $15 MI 9753 Service (Continued) Service (Continued) I want to sell what is left of my 8 rms of mlsc turn no dealers 523 12th colored work day or pert time ie nights DU 0049 CONECTIONERY STORE 1402 Cai tol St Good business owner retirin will sacrifice for quick sale DO 9353 WASH HOME IMPROVEMENT CO T72 giAnlfAI 1 Auction Sales (Continued) VACUUM CLEANERS Hoover Eureka Electrolux $895 up: guar like new free demon Best Brenda 805 11th NA 7773 Accredited Beauty SchooL 1434 Park Rd WEDDING RINGS DIAMOND RINGS SECURITY HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 5415 Georgia Ave GE 3430 ON diamonds watebea jewelry silverware etc: no adv arrangement nee: lowest RpSSLYN LQAN CO Roeslyn Va I WILL NOT be responsible for any deb contracted for other than by myself ANDREW PERRY GUDE BROS CO uneral Designs 1212 St NAt 4278 BOOMING HOUSE 8 room illed sonable Capitol 8L AT 6092 PLANS and specifications at minimum cost Joe Burcham 227 Colo 1 A 8 4 6 8 YOUR OLD TIRES worth money when 5 nationally famous brands: pay as little as 50c a week: no money down free mounting Manhattan Auto and Ra dio Co 1706 7th WILT ERNEST On Wednesday May 17 1939 at his residence 1040 North illmore St Arlington Va ERNEST WILT beloved husband of Bessie Wilt (nee Robinson) and father of Ver non and Emeet Wilt Remains resting at the Ives funeral home 2847 Wilson Blvd Arlington Va Notice of funeral later PAINTING ext int papering floors sand ed and refinished: csrpenter electrician plumbing and plastering Burrell CO 2317 ROOING lumber millwork Murphy A Ames Ina CH 1111 alls Church 1180 BEAUTIUL PARLORS: also very hall meeting or dances reas Mrs terson Grafton Hotel DIst 4020 LOORS sanded repaired general con tractor carpentry repairs Economy DU 4975 COMPLETE permanents $250 ME 4404' Shingle Beauty Shop 502 13th St MAN white drives truck wants work: ref Mich 6531 BRICK lumber radiators boiler etc ree del City Wrecking 1246 1st SE LL 4093 MONEY TO LOAN on second trust: low rates easy terms Box 24 Times OUR CUSTOMERS LIKE THE "ACC'' STEPS walks retaining walls stucco flag tpnefrye estim man colored desires work of any Willing worker Call Dis 5111 Situations Men (Continued) ths 5 people who eend tn the best rested slogans each day a Guest cat to Loew's Capitol or Palace will MANICURING and scalp treatment fined 9 to 6 ADams 9407 BEAUTIY your lawn or garden with flag stone or stepping stone Segretti WO 0076 URNITURE Bedrooms living rooms di nettes studio couches sofa beds: guar an teed springs and mattresses urnish ings for the entire house Talk of the prices says Mr Green WE WILL TAKE YOUR URNITURE IN TRADE Open evening and Sunday YOUR credit is good Green urniture Co 3600 Georgia Ave GE 2223 VIOLET RAY machine large suitable doe tor coat $275 sacrifice $75 CO 5866 BAsem*nT Suitable for any kind business 1114 13th Dressmaking Remodeling Mending 746 COL RD AD 6784 WHY BE LONESOME! Meet the Right People Through AY THOMPSON SOCIAL EXCHANG MEt 3116 After 3 or Write Box 20 Times Herald RADIO TROUBLE? rwettl All wort guar 8 mo air New Underwood noiseless standard: sac $86DL 9330 Apt208 GENERAL contractor builder: carpenter repairs WooCdYkhVAT75266 WASHINGTON DIESEL SCHOOL A40 Que Bt NE DI 1762 anent SCIENTIIC SCALP TREAT by exper operators or appt call AD 7664 Restful treatment tor and ache DI 9071 BEAUTT Colored a facials: expert care feet NO 6468 GAS 1535 Jersey Ave Good business Will Sacrifice AN colored desires time: ref Hl 0718 BEDROOM Don't make the mistake ol buying elsewhere says Mr Green before you inspect our of the val ues Walnut maple mahogany and Prima Vera We will break any suite to satisfy your needs YOUR credit is good Open evenings tnd Sunday Green urni ture Co 3600 Georgia Ave GE URS and cloth garments storaged free with each remodeling order 280? 14 ROOING Siding Insulation All work done on easy terms Gardiner NA 0334 32 Spruce Extent Laddrs $1120 Pyms Adams 1119 9th St NW NA 2402 TINNING ROOING specialty: painting best work: reas prices GE 0662 The necessity of ederal regula tion of transportation was em phasized yesterday in a report on a bill placing water carriers under railroads and other carriers Pointing out that the air trans portation industry is regulated by the Civil' Aeronautics Authority Jurisdiction of the ICC along with the report said if the water car riers were placed under the ICC principal forms of transportation would be on an The bill is sponsored by Senator Wheeler (D) of Montana chair man of the Senate Interstate Com merce Committee Referring to water carriers the report said: ICC supervision is not for the purpose of favoring one form of transportation over another or seeking to put any form of trans portation out of business it is simply to put them all on a com mon basis or common starting point in their sharp struggle for HOUSE wlrtnr repzlrinr Prompt SenrICT Hebbard 4 Mackewy Inc Ml 3886 1 WILL NOT be responsible for any del contracted for other than myself SALLEY PAINTING exterior: very res Imme diate attention Call Krol LI 5463 GATES CONTRACTING CO 3848 Legation StNW W02558 EM 4214 WINDOW SHADES cleaning reversing Rahe'i Shade Shop 903 10th St Wi RE 2656 DINING room suite 8 pc walnut real buy sacrifice $40 Wise 6538 DINING RM SUITE 8 pc walnut $35: sofa $5: no dealers DU 0746 Governor Herbert scheduled to deliver the principal address at session sent word he was detained in Annapolis signing bills left over from the last session of the legislature Speakers today included Sena tor George Radcliffe of Mary land John Marshall director of the District Unemployment Insur ance Commission and James Wil son delegate to the International Labor Office Senator Radcliffe praised organized labor for its in telligert grasp of complex social problems of today IQW COST LIETIME JtWtlRY lONCini INTERIOR exterior decorator: brickstuccot tqof repairs Economy pg1 28 tn: balloon tires exc cond new $3950: sac $16 EM 7698 VE REPAIR all auto locks American Locksmith Co 1917 14th NW DE 4668 $25 and up Kaiamazoos made by Gibson $1260 uppryP QO BEAUTY SHOP Modern new owner leaving town sac: bus $150 $700 down balance terms CO STEIN BEDDING CO 1224 12tb ME 1816 GENERATORS exchanged all cars $350 up Qarty Elegtric Inc AA ML Something New in permanents Under new management Mae's 716 7th NW RE 0514 ECONOMY SIDING A ROOING CO 2031 Rhode Island Ave NE DU 4975 ALSE TEETH repaired while you Emergency Dental Laboratory 605 Boom 902 Tel ME 1833 CEE ROOING CO 4414 Geo Ave AD 4133 GE 3904 Undertaker Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co HAGERSTOWN Md May 17 'After unanimously reelecting their entire slate of incumbent officers B85 delegates to the Maryland District of Columbia ederation of Labor's thirty fourth annual convention adjourned and scab tered to their homes this after noon Among resolutions approved at the morning session was one spon sored by District school teachers requesting construction of a new Abbott vocational school in Capital Shingle Beauty Shop 502 13th St Our ahampoo proeen make your rug jut lik new pay twice a much for REP 0246 10th Sts REE PARKING PUPPIES Male 2 moi Spin Vj ter rier: very beautiful: reasonable GR 1203 BERNARD STORE IXTURE CO Rew 452 St NA 5462 EW! Different I Air conditioned perma really cool 617 7th St Phone now ME 6674 28 NEED CASH! Refinance your home on our easy payment plan We make 2d trust loans quickly reasonably Colonial Invest ment uo iszw la ui oaou Washington Home Improvement Guild Members 37 CABIN cruiser 28 It lour Completely equipped S300 Mr Burger WO 6900 ADDISON CHEVROLET CO Will put your ear In Up top hp reuon ably 1437 Irvinr St AD 5411 29c 35c 1c OB loat or wanted animals apply Animal Rescue League 71 St NQ 5780 Undecided! In Doubt! Unhappy! Seeking guidance and assistance! Consult Little White Grace Gray DeLong Helpful America's Ace Adviser Celebrated Clairvoyant Consultant Tells what to do when to do it how 1 do it ees moderate commensurate wit proved occult power At Paychic Council Routt fEatab J838 1100 TWELTH ST NW Cor Private Parking Phone: MEt SIS Ro Racial Discrimination Ico Aves on riday May 19 tn Cemetery riends are Invited to call at Gawlwi 1766 Pennsylvania Avs until 10:45 a riday ome Repairing oundation to I Years of Continual 11 entries to Times Herald Service tory Contest Editor Call for your ticket the Times Herald Office within 5 days er your name appears in the paper CABELL NANNIE POWELL MeCORMICK Wednesday May 17 1939 at Alexandria Hospital NANNIE POWELL MeCORMICK CABELL widow of the late Charles Ellet Cabell uneral Thursday May 18 at 3 from St Episcopal Church Alexandria Va Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery Alexandria Arrangements by tha De Mains funeral home WM SARDO A inest Since 1900 St LL ggjj KORRELL HUGH On Wednesday May 17 1939 HUGH ROSSELL eon of the late Major and Margaret RosselL at ChamherSr 1400 Chapin St Notice of fu neral later CROUCH ALICE On Sunday May 14 1939 at her residence 309 Eleventh St 8 ALICE CROUCH mother of Edwin and Wilbur Crouch and Mrs Eve lyn Bargas uneral services from the Chambers Co Southeast funeral horns 517 Eleventh St on Thursday May 18 at 11 a Relatives and friends invited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 11200 Mo $1500 Mo $2100 Mo $2800 Mo 43200 Mo THEATER TICKETS IN THISICE SLOGAN CONTEST Slogan for Ons of These Raliabte KIRK JOHN On Tuesday May 16 1939 JOHN KIRK husband of lora Mae Kirk and father of Beth Jane and Marian Kirk Visit Our New Modern Plant Convince Yourself of Our Ability Capital Carpet Cleaning Co 1216 Mt Olivet Rd HOUSE PAINTING In terl or decorating Reas AT 6106 trustee WINSHIP WHEATLEY mayl82023 28 28 Trustee Guaranteed Satisfaction ireproof Storage ull Insurance Protection REINANCE LAN Let say sff yaur graaest balanM aid aim sovatiea eaah awarded may send Id as many slogans as you ih ao long as they are confined to the ms advertising Id the Direo classifications slogans submitted will become th inerty of the firms referred to re are some suggestions which may you word your slogaas (Incorporate irm Name where possible) 4 Hours Around the clock Plumbing MARTIN IGNATIUS On Wednesday May 17 1939 at his resi dence 1818 Belmont Rd MAR TIN IGNATIUS beloved hus band of Lillian Mary (nee Mc Dermott) uneral will be held from the above residence on riday May 19 at 8:30 a High recuiem mass at St Church at 9 a Inter ment Mt Olivet Cemetery Relative! and friend! invited PIPER MATILDA On Tuesday May 16 1939 MATILDA PIPES neral from the residence of her sister Mrs Helen Dolan 34 Bryant St on riday May 19 8:30 a Mass will be offered at St Martin's Church at 9 a Relatives and friends invited Interment in Mt Olivet Ceme tery The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin of St Parish will meet at 84 Bryant St on Wednesday at 8:16 to say the rosary Services by the Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin St PT A OS Emerson studio upright full keyboard Used only 6 months Like new $18900 Used Lester Betsy Ross Spinet full keyboard like new $24950 Alao other Spinet Pianos Slightly used $119 up Terms low as $1 weekly A North Plano Co Inc 1231 St DI 1324 Open TREW MOTOR CO RELIABLE! REASONABLE! RIGHT! Only irst Class Workmanship 2104 14th NW DEJglS Clinton oster 27 Nokesville Va and Laura Marceron 18 2088 Eight eenth 8t Henry McGettlgan 36 1821 Adams MUI Rd and Gertrude Bar ley 24 1801 St Hyman Botssky 28 607 lorence St and Rebecca Madeoy 26 617 our teenth St Vincent Bogdansky 28 207 Dela ware Ave and Lorene Moore 28 Herrin III Elmer Sheridan 42 and Harriet Brooke 41 both of 106 Sixth St Roy Beckner 28 8607 Eastern Ave and Dorothy Maykrants 20 aa unuium i a William reeman drla Va and Virginia 3219 California 8t Raymond Haimdahl 30 KING CO 821 Jackson St CH 1790 TUXEDO full dress accessories Diesel Training School J'P Student beauty eerv 15c up Permanent Wavs $125 1340 Ave ME 7778 POCKETBOOK Black containing money and glasses: vic Cottage City Md money return other contents DUp 5351 cut your payment! Is half $25 $50 $75 sr Mora is ReflnasM Pay $150 ADAM A WESCHLER A SON INC 915 St SALE HOUSEHOLD UBNiTUBE AND PERSONAL EECTS ETC Notice is hereby given that on Wednes day June 7 1939 at 9 a there will be sold at publie auction at the auction rooms of Adam A Weschler A Son Inc 915 Street WM dining ropm furni ture living room furniture bedroom fur niture pianos refrigerator showcase per sonal effects etc stored with us in the following names on their account or in which they claim an interest: Mr 8 Bradley Mr Brown Mr William Dekowski Mr Dickerson inkel stein General Electric Co Rogers Trans fer Co Mr 8 Hollis Mrs Mae Belk Kerr Mr rancis Helgle Mr Lyman Mrs Theresa Poole Mrs Minnie Smith The above mentioned goods and chattels will be sold to enforce liens for storage and other chargee which have be come due and remain unpaid If for any reason the sale shall not be completed on said date it will be continued on each succeeding Wednesday and Saturday at the eame time and place until all goods are sold or until the lien is satisfied METROPOLITAN WAREHOUSE CO 50 la Ave By Robert 8 Nash Manager Custom Made Slip Covers Covers are cut end measured over your furniture to insure perfect fit 2 piece pre shrunk $2950 8 plece pre shrhnk $3950 HOUSE HERRMANN 7th and Eve Sts DI 3180 CASH LOAN PLAN 0s any 1833 ts 1339 autsmoblla Gat the eaih Immediately vltheut ele sattirs 1932 Models ITS 1938 Model $265 1933 Models 1100'1937 Models 1360 1934 Models 1125 1 1938 Models $425 1935 Models 1176 1 1939 Models $525 AAA COMPANY 3854 TSOth St GR 1303 PIANO Slightly used Latest model Co lonial atyla Spinet in mahogany Special only $179 Pay $125 week)yNew piano guarantee NAtional 3223 ARTHUR JORDAN PIANO CO cor 13th and Sts 38 CH AT ALASKA HUNAGEL COAL CO wau NAt 6g85 jAckon 2000 Seasoned oak wood $13 eord S850 cord 4 cord Charles and Burley Chamberlain jr boy James and Grace Gilliam boy Harry and Guelda Burrows boyttilio and Elizabeth Coluzzi lrl Edward and Estelle Rueaell flrl Herman and Halen Newman sirl Robert and Helen Davie ilrl Albert and Carmela Miller boy Clinton and Beatrice Humphries boy James and Hilda Utterback boy Mlchael and Margaret Klem trl and Agnes Shreve girl Charles and Ruth Ealing girl Up to $500 Made In 15 Minutes Marian Kirk Service at Metropolitan aj cost Terms to ba complied Church Nebraska and New Mex wjth within thirty days otherwise deposit on jnoaysav lorieited and tne property may oe saver interment Rock Creek tUed and resold at the discretion of the DEPEND ON THE DEPENDABILITY PARKWAY MOTOR CO put your car in first class condition by our factory trained mechanics at the most reasonable prices In town However if you care to you can trade your car on one of our thoroughly recondi tioned models now offered st savings up to $200 PARKWAY MOTOR CO 3040 St Michigan 0181 RELIABLE LICENSED BY THE DISTRICT COLUMBIA MARTHA SPENCER CLAIRVOYANT ASTROLOGIST MOST REMARKABLE REAMR DESTINY THE RESENTAGT It may be of vital interest to you to kne the outcome of your present DISTRES the happiness of pur future life depend upon the right solution and prop advice I WILL TELL YOU THE JECT YOUR CALL NAMES RIENDS RELATIVES AND ACTUjI ACTS CONCERNING YOUR LIE A CIRc*msTANCES WHICH YOU KNO TO BE ABSOLUTELY TRUE Cut this out My advice may be ve valuable to you if not taken too late 924 14TH ST YEARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS LOOK OR BRONZE NO 924 ABUNDANCE of green pastures on RHINE RIDING RANGE Just outride LANGLEY VA board your horses $3 a month and rid tree OX 87 3 SCREEN WIRE SALE inest Quality ull Weight Screen Wire 14 Qtlv sq ft 2o 16 Bronzi Coppir tq ft Be Practically all widths in remnant lengths only Cut to order slightly higher Screen Doors QI 4G nfi 78 Window Screen rames With Hardware Screen raming With ft Screen Molding flat or per ft PEOPLES HARDWARE 14 Convenient Location Phone Nearest Store or LI 4044 39 CANARIES (27) parakeets (5 pre) show Im med i ata sale Ml 4763 McCurdy I Re elected ederation officers re ele to 1 7 day included President Joseph Mc Curdy of Baltimore and vice presidents: John Locher of Wash ington Kershaw of Balti more John Geist of Hagers town Paul England of Cum berland Harry Thompson and Kingston Howard of Baltimore and rank Coleman delegate to the American ederation of Labor PIANOS Buy a Grand or Spinet thia week and you will make a real saving We are closing out all used and sample Baby Grands and Spinets at low prices Spinets $99 to $179 Baby Grands $129 to 30 DAYS TRIAL Pay $1 weekly REpublic 1590 The Piano Shop 1016 7th St Open evenings PIANOS Buy a grand or spinet this week and you will make a real saving Wa are closing out all used and sample baby grands and spinets at low prices Spinets $99 to $179 Baby Grands $129 to $295: 30 DAYS TRIAL Pay $1 week ly REpublic 1690 The Piano Shop 1015 7th St Open evenings GENERAL Electric refrig table top stove 90 piece dinner set $15: dining rm table chairs china closet ME 1893 INLAID linoleum reg $165 sq yd 99o Linoleum 734 9th DI 5674 Your Measure? ments 1 to 5 Inches with BEAUTY BATHS or ree Con sultation Cali MEL 4404 29 Money to Loan Auto CHAIR CANING splinted CLAY ARMSTRONG 1236 10th PL NiW and Selma Rasmussen 29 both of Arlington Va jOThttx 1003 Savannah St fi St Thomas St St Untfsrrl Merryman DL both of Baltimore Md Carl Placquado 23 311 Eleventh 8t and Alice Reinhardt 18 1815 Thirtieth St 8 Halvar Lindgren 28 and Edith Jakobson 26 both of Richmond Calif 4 George Wlnterle 46 and Elelyn Werkiser 42 both of Philadelphia Pa Joseph Gleason 29 West Roxbury Mass Gertrude Heskett 29 Roslindale Mass David Dantzic 25 221 Whittier St and Villa Redman 22 4404 TCirtAnm PI John Musumeci 22 2101 irst St TV and Rosina Patti 23 603 Lamont St Margaret McAuliffe 96 Homeopathic Hospital Bernard Curry 76 3620 Bt Garnet Wirt 73 3617 8t Matilda Piper 73 34 Bryant St ilinzr urr 611 Thlrty zlxtb Georie Wuhlntton 320S lrat at Anthony az S7 Munition Bld William Hoch 65 Garfield HoapllL Emma I Brook 61 143 Monroe St Elizabeth Malone IU Maryland Ave Rosina Havennsr 41 Providence HospltaL Jessica Hardy 84 Garfield Hospital MARRIAGE LICENSES CLANCY THOMAS On Monday May 15 1939 THOMAS CLANCY father of Mrs Julia Uunn Remains resting al Cham bers funeral home 1400 Chapin St until riday 9 a Mass at SL Church at 9:30 a Inter ment in Mt Olivet Cemetery 36 Miscellaneous for Sale AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO Every make: sale rental repair: rental special: CivU Service exam 1431 Capitol St LI 0082 Open evenings vAit fftlrf 4Viir MP I tfMl a ft mnh Vaai mH1 It not Thtn wm ms our friendly anaitr and sins times net sf tan ht hat a lan that will bale you AMOUS SEER The Man Who Knows Thli strancs man ieei and telle it all Juit wbat int nat DMn jun wnat be Telia you when and wh you 111 marry: whether hi band wife or sweetheart it ti or false Telle to chtng travel lost or ablest frien dlvoree wills doedt whether it beet to buy or tell telle 1 good and the bad A vieit convince you of his wonder power Tells you esaeily you with to know Someth: telle you thia it the man I feel the impulse to call Do delay DAILY 10 8 tn 8U DAY 10 8 tn (Copyrl 1931) 616 12th St SOCIAL INTRODUCTION BUREAU The making of companionable acqual ances to those of culture and refinem is often difficult This Bureau is ducted to help you in this matter and women of all ages have found ec panionship through the assistance of id Martha Taylor Hughes Box 10 Tim Herald or phone DUpont 3249 All strict confidence Baltimore Branch CHesapeake 2953 49 A arm A Garden Products ST VO POULTRY sew nampsnirB reu uto PO 6396 yr old: all layers $1 each Alex 3125 When people from the various Govt departments and the large business houses in Wash' ington call Guild headquarters and ask that you send a guild member to give them an esti mate for roofinr resldinr or remodeling their home their must be a reason or five years the Washington Home Improvement Guild has served the people of Washington Its many friends and satisfied customers are telling their neigh bors about the high quality Jobns Mans viile materials used by guild members about the million dollar to lend guild financing plan how only skilled mechanics are employed and hQVL reasonable are guild prices Johns Manville with 70 years of successful leadership Is the best known name in the building material industry in the entire United States The United Clay Prod Co is the best known in the city of Washington The cooperation of these two companies gave our city the Washington Home Imp Guild Call a guild member now to give you an estimate on that long contemplated remod eling job SPONSORED BY JOHNS MAN8VILLE CORPORATION LIVING RM suite 3 pc velour: fine cond: $26 2921 St 8 LI 0819 Refrigeration Service COMPLETE CHECKUP on any make refrigerator by expertly trained factory me 4P chanics $1 MEtropolitan Radio Co 940 St MEt 7071 9 am to 9 pm UPHOLSTERING repair Lowest price Guar Arlington urniture Shop Ox 8263 LET US REUPHOLSTER your old UvtM room suit better than it was when new Pay on easy term if you ilk No deposit necewary Call for free estimate MIL 6348 United UtUitle 1105 7th 8t NW THOMAS OWEN A 8ON Auctioneer 1431 Eye Street SALE DESIRABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES 2037 IRST STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a Deed of Trust recorded in Liber No 7270 at folio 330 of the Land Records of the District of Columbia we shall sell in front of the premises on WED NESDAY THE 24TH DAY MAY A 1939 AT 2:30 Lot num bered orty niue (49) in Ray Middaugb and William subdivision of iota in Square numbered Twenty one (21) bln'a Addition to the City of Washing as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Colum bia in Liber County 13 at folio 123 to gether with right of way tor alley pur poses over the rear 2 feet 6 inches by width thereof of Lots numbered orty four (44) to orty eight (48) and over the rear 4 feet of Lota numbered ifty (50) and ifty one (51) in said subdi vision and subject to right of way for alley purposes over the rear 2 feet 6 inches by width of said Lot numbered oriy nlna C49)lorthe nseljand benefit of Lots numbered orty four (44) to orty eight (48) ifty (50) and ifty one (51) in said subdivision Said prop perty taxed si Lot numbered Eight Hun dred and our (804) in Square numbered Thirty one Hundred and Seventeen (3117) Terme of Sale: One fourth cash bal ance in one two and three years with interest at six per cent per annum pay able semi annually: or if monthly terms desired $80000 cash balance monthly or all cash at the option of purchaaer Deposit of $30000 required at time of sale Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from date of sale otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser after five days advertisem*nt of such resale in some newspaper published in the District of Columbia or deposit may be forfeited or without forfeiting deposit trustees may avail themselves of any legal or equitable rights against defaulting purchaaer urther particular at time of sale All conveyancing recording and revenue stamps etc at cost of purchaser SCHAHIRT Trustee JOHN SCOIELD Trustee SAMUEL SCRIVENER JR Truetee 9 THOS OWEN i SON Auctioneer 1431 Eye Street Northwest TRUSTEES' SALE VALUABLE BRICK BUNGALOW KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 5019 AMES STREET NORTHEAST By virtue ot certain deed ot trurt duly recorded in Liber No 0403 olio 233 et sea ol the land record of the Dirtrict ot Columbia and at the reauezt ol the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction within the office of Thos Owen Son 1431 Eye St on MONDAY THE TWEN TY NINTH DAY MAY A 1939 AT ONE O'CLOCK the followiny de scrlbed land and premises situate in the District of Columbia and desiynated as and belnr the East half of lot 9 by full depth thereof all of lots 30 and 31 and the West hall ol lot 32 by full depth thereof in Square 5191 in the Capital View Realty Co's subdivision of part of the tract ot land called "Conclusion as per plat recorded in the Office ol the Surveyor lor the District ol Columbia in Liber 8 ut folio 5 Subject to building restrictions as shown on said plat Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust lor approximately S3 85000 further particulars of which will be announced at time ot sale: the purchase price above said trust to be psid in cash A deposit of $25000 required Conveyancing re cording etc at purchaser's cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days otherwise deposit forfeited and the prop erty may be advertised and resold at the discretion ol the trustees HYMAN BERMAN RAYMOND EVANS mayl820232829 Trustees THOS OWEN A SON Auctioneers 1431 Eye Street Northwest TRUSTEE'S SALE VALUABLE MUUrWAlAl'n'lw ITEENTH STREET NORTHWEST ON THE NORTH RONTING 50 wwwrmrti nikl IBTYr W'T TJ RY APPROXIMATELY 1375 EET DEPTH TO AN ALLEY IN THE REAR TOGETHER WITH GARAGES ON REAR THE LOT By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No 7205 olio 493 et seq of the land records of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction in fron of the premises on MONDAY THE TWEN TY NINTH DAY OP MAY A 1939 AT POUR the following described land and premises situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being part of lot 20 in Block 18 tn Hall and subdivision known as Meridian Hill said part being described as follows: Beginning on the East line of ifteenth Street at the Southwest cor ner of said lot: thence North along the East line of said street 50 feet to the Northwest corner of said lot: thence East along the North line of said lot 13750 feet to the West line of a public alley taken in District Court Cause No 768 as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 39 at folio thence South along the West line of said alley 50 feet to the South line of said lot: thence West along said South line 13760 feet to ifteenth Street and beginning Subject to building restriction line established in District Court Cause No 1616 Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $600000 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $50000 required Conveyancing recording etc uerms to oe cumpiieu 29 Money to AUTO LOANS 5 INT PLAN EQUITA BLE CREDIT COM 1321 AVE NW Loan Plan BEST BECAUSE 1 You are not embarrassed by in vestigatioti 2 You de not have to get any endorsers 3 You can get $25 to $800 cash in 15 minutes 4 You can borrow on any model car 1932 1938 GET THE EITRA CASH YOU WAHI i See first we make auto loans others refuse! THREB CONVENIENT OICES 14th aq NW DEctor 3741 ti 15th a NE ATlantic 2286 3068 St NW Michigan 2921 Landscape Gardeners ARLINGTON LANDSCAPE CO All Landscape Work Done by Experts 1453 Jefferson Arlington Va JA 1690 COMPLETE lino of electrical supplies Prompt service Centra) Armature alse Teeth Repaired ALSE TEETH repaired while you wait EMERGENCY DENTAL LABORATORY 606 14th NWloom 902 Tel ME 1833 PAINTING Day or Job nothing too email: work guar Gibson AT 1694 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Spe cial low price give us a trial BA 7404 LUNCHEON and beer Marlboro Pi) fully equipped: reasonable Hl 0013 RESTAURANT Est 16 yrs: seats 66: Main St in Rockville: fully equip sc fountain: rent $100 mo with 8 rms bathe 5 yr lease Restaurant CHAIRS LAWN AND BEACH CHAIRS strong sturdy folding type Do not confuse with lighter types $099 to $119 at all Peo pies Hardware Stores or phone LL 4044 COMPLETE Department store fixtures in A condition Write Box 460 Warrenton Va RERIGERATORS brand new 60 off: terms Atlas 713 St DI 5737 RERIGERATOR Crosley Shelvador 4H cu ft A cond Bargain 1004 Inde pendence Ave MASSAGE special scalp treatment by ored graduate ADamt 0440 or Better and eafer horael riding try Cedar Lane: epecial week rate KEneington 4 6 (Other Lost Adg on Page 3) GOLD RING Ruby: lo entrance Ro Smith Hotel See doorman Reward GATES CHARLES On Wednesday May 17 1939 at hie residence 3811 Thirty first St Mt Rainier Md CHARLES GATES beloved husband of Katherine Gates and father ol Charles Gates Remain resting at the Gasch'e funeral home 46 Maryland Ave Hyattsville Md Services from the above funeral home on riday May 19 at 2:30 Relatives and friends are invited Interment Congressional Cemetery GEESLING CHARLES On Sunday May 14 1939 CHARLES GEESLING husband of Minnie Geesllng uneral from Chamber funeral home 1400 Chapin St on Thureday May 18 at 2:30 Relatives and friends invited GERVASIO ILIPPO On Sunday April 30 1939 at Monticatinl Italyt IUPPO GERVASIO? husband' of rancesca Gervasio and father of Mrs Cecelia Clark Mrs Mary Galotta Mrs Vivien Koebel and Joseph Gervasio Services from his residence 1418 ifteenth fit on Saturday May 20 at 9:30 a mass at Holy Rosary Church at 10 a Interment in Mt Olivet Ceme tery Service by Chamber PAINTING Low rates Esti mates guar 3616 Conn NW EM 2065 PAINTING papering root: guar reas Smith 1794 Webster AP 7200 Camera Repairing CAMERA REPAIRING ULLER 4 INC NA 4712 816 10th St GAS STATION 14TH Ch $360 net profit monthly: $3500 tel 907 Tower Bldg 14th MEt 4g LADY desires to assist in managing le rooming boarding house with view part interest ref exp AT 0263 LIQUOR STORE Well equip Sacrifice quick sale Leaving town GR 3073 Deaths Announcement of Services by Chambers Deceased Geesllng Crouch Alice Piper Matilda Parrott Mary Clancy Thomas Gervasio Rossel! McKeon James RUGS CARPETS At lowest prices: complete assortment: na tionally advertised brands: also remnant in all sizes: open evenings free parking Woodridge Rug Carpet Co Inc 1715 Rhode Island Ave DUpont 8030 SADDLERY trucks luggage fitted cases: King jr 511 llth St STENOTYPE MACH 1936 model per fect: never used $40 WO 1400 or EM 6310 GAS RANGES 4 bumer oven Now only $250 up Peoples Hardware 1826 Bladano burg Rd LI 10012 GAS RANGES Reconditioned $5 up serv ice on all makes Also new Detroit Jewel and Hardwick ranges Bray A flearff 1524 St RE 1165 6 10 Bids and Proposals SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Purchase Section National Bureau of Standards Washington until 2 June 6 1939 and then publicly opened for special 250000 voIt trans former Specifications and blueprints may be obtained from the Purchase Section National Bureau ot Standards Waahing ton SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Purchase Section National Bureau of Standards Washington until 8 mM June 5 1939 and then publicly opened for high purity tine wave form generator set 60 cycle 50 kva 240 motor driven Specifications may be ob tained from the Purchase Section Nir tional Bureau of Standards Washington DC DUMB Now in use $15 TEm pie 4684 ELEC RANGE Hotpoint $2960 Diet Elec Co 1 Dupont Cir DU 5900 4 ni LuLUittUijUA reing meGiuni peneci deal honest pricCT 3 hope to eerve 011 9 ac j30 AT 3111 1117 gt a eiiiei Ghor VMflV NEWMAN CO 1266 Oates fit AT 3822 LI 5247J RADMOKE HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 625 St LI 6276 ATLAS HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 1511 ranklin DE 3535 LI 0375 DISTRICT HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 300 Maryland Ave AT 7596 PIANO upright ABC Chase mahogany good cond sacrifice $50 ME 0478 PIANO Slightly used Wurlltzer spinet $169 Natural walnut waxed finish One of the latest models Very easy terms NAt 4730 1330 St OICE URN surplus Desks chairs files tables etc Low prices Baum Son 616 NA 9136 OICE URNITURE New and used wood steel leather Bargain prices Com mercial Office urniture Co 800 SLEEPING BAG Between 80th and 38tb St Sunday reward EM 0380 TERRIER black and white: name "Shan tag 26608 vicinity American Uni verslty Sun May 14 reward WO 1400 TRUNK black and cardboard box con taining clothes between Stephens City and airfax Reward GE 5712 Run and Carpets Cleaned RUG 9x12 8x10 $250: 2 mo free storage City Rug Cleaners ME 6411 SPECIAL SHAMPOO 9x12 dom $225: Oriental $350 guar SANTINI CO 0970 HEMORRHOIDS eradicated by my ov method: results effective for a lifstin or money back Write for booklet SOMMERWERCK 1366 Columbia Rd I WILL NOT be responsible for any det contracted for by anyone but myself GEORGE CARTNER BB Vicinity 14th and 15th and Eye Sts inder keep money NAt 3922 WRIST WATCH platinum diamond endr cled blade eord: reward CO 3258 eve TAILOR SHOP profitable busine sacrifice account illness LI 6307 TO BUY OR SELL ANY BUSINESS HAMMOND A CO 911 13th SL RE 09 Auto Repairs Parts Service jET US CHECK CAR in new safety lane Rear 8327 1 Ave DE 6017 EST 1928 1611 SL ME 8973 riRnivro rAKiTturrmv cn 1510 8L NA 0334 cages and breeding eagre? AU for $25 $2 75 REDUCE i II I I EMPLOYMENT 24 20 Men yo ki ALEBT young men estab ice cream routes Jack A Jill 2109 10 YO ALWAYS positions open Begistratioa tee $3 WASH BUR 226 Bond Bldg 26 BRICKLAYERS Apply Mr Beetham qj foreman Champlain A la Ave hl BRICKLAYERS Apply our Corners Md or call SHep 5430 ft BOY colored for liquor store: age 21 25 "Vi must be exp: refer per 1 1 mit Do not phone 601 la Ave CARPENTERS 3 mechanics at once steady work good wages 8831 Ga Ave tt CO 0567 Colored exper in grocery with permit 101 14th CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER Builder ot medium type homes Handle work to completion exp office detail: TT immediate: excellent salary Personnel Service 1311 St EXPERIENCED PRESSES for Hoffman ma chine 1739 Pennsylvania NW ME 7096 IRST CLASS PRESSER colored at once steady job Apply 916 9th St OOD ROUTE with over 600 customers: worked 55 years: open to reliable men qi No experience necessary Must furnish 3 references and be satisfied with earnings of about $20 weekly to start Apply ri 513 St tc GAS station attendants soda dispensers Wash Bur 226 Bond Bldg Ti HELP WANTED i Men with permits over 21 years of age to drive for ARROW CAB 111 CO ree instruction Can earn $25 to to $85 weekly Apply between 10 and 12 Dr i a or further details Address 310 St HOTEL CLERK 2 openings single under th 26 years old Good salary plus all meals Personnel Service 1311 St Clip work 16c: 1 corner bead man 2c per foot 32 I Ave MAN with good appear and personality for position starting about $25 wk 1427 at I I Boom 205 9:30 to 3 MEN 8 for special sales work New fast selling product: exper unnecessary travel optional Box 25 Times Herald MEN 8 neat' aggressive for special work Mr Roberts 1429 St after 10 JLi Men of Good Character 21 years of age or over residing in Wash ington at least one year to join REE class for identification card Apply 8:30 a See MR CRUZE BELL CABC0 1317 ME 1727 PAPERHANGER with tools Report for work 1602 St 1 PHOTO COUPON Easiest no bal I ticket Nu Art Studio 1000 Conn PRESSER EXPER: ABLE TO SEW APPLY 3318 ST SALES CLERK Photography supplies: exper selling rolled films accessories 1 etc: good salary Personnel Service 1811 St 8 SALES ENGINEER Shingles and insulated roofing expr to contractors apd dealers: not over 40 yrs old: salary $250 mo plus all traveling expenses Personnel Service 1311 St SALESMAN Clothing store experienced Apply 634 8th St TELEPHONE SOL1C1TOB lummr camp and playground drive HI 0672 TINNER Must be able to hang cutter must be A or stay away 1305 St NE UNION brick masons (10) at once Apply at job 44th A Clay Sts ready to go to work USED CAR Good propori tion liberal commission for a sober in dusirious man Apply Mr Reynolds 1324 14th St WANTED 2 sheet metal helpers: exper only need apply 220 St YOUNG MEN (20) to sell ice cream 3t novelties Apply Smiles 1355 St (in rear) a JOB OR 28 CENTS Many people find Jobs through a tion" ad in The Times Herald The rate is on these ads is 50 per cent off or only a Une (eaah) your ad reaches 111 THE LARGEST circulation in Washing ton and naturally the more people you reach the better your chances of getting work Bring your ad to The Times Herald Bldg 1317 St 21 Help Men Women MEN and women to eel! Rex Air Condi tioner Humidifier Cleaner Write Bacon Rm 221 3308 14 St WHITE COUPLE to go North $130 mo Ladies Exchange 1706 De Sales 22 Women th ALWAYS better position Register 'now Nat'l Personnel Woodward Bldg A TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD COMP COURSE $10 226 BOND BLDG ALWAYS positions open Registration fee $3 WASH BUR 226 Bond Bldg BE a (telephone) operator reoep tionist: brief typing course Miss West Personnel Service NA 2114 1311 St BEAUTY Steady position: must be expert manicurist BEAUTY All around exp good personality perm position in es tablished neighborhood shop Box 26 Times Herald BEAUTY Steady position LL Bill's Beauty Salon 1406 Monroe EXPER SHIRT INISHERS and loldera white or colored Standard Laundry1421 Lee Highway Rosalyn Va Colored general house work laun dry care of children: exper best ref: live In: $9 wk MI 2198 LADIES LEISURE why waste time staying home all day when we have en joyable occupation to offer No age limit earnings good and dignified work Apply 803 Penna LADY over 28 able to meet customer ny Good pay1427 I NW Rm 210 hh LEARN Shorthand Touch Typing Book on keeping Comptometer ACCOUNTING ji Day and evening sessions Numerous op rus portunitie LARGE employment service New classes NOW forming Inquire BOYD de SCHOOL (Est 20 yr I NA 2338 1333 tha LEGAL Not over 80 rill yrs old: exp handling secretarial duties: ful excel salary Personnel Service 1311 hat St 'ou MAID colored Apply 1348 Harvard Bt after 5:30 ADams 9428 NURSE TEACHER KINDERGARTEN WASH BUR 226 BOND BLDG SLIP COVER SEAMSTRESS expmlenced only 6700 Ga Ave RA 9875 STENOGRAPHER Legal or insur ance exp in writing up deeds of trust releases etc good salary Personnel Service 1311 St WAITRESSES soda dispenser cashier Wash Bur 226 Bond Bldg ly WANTED colored girl sewing exper )4 WILKINS TAILORING CO 1627 NW WOMEN WITHOUT EXPERIENCE we can place you in our direct hosiery and drees sales department Call at 803 Pa YOUNG lady at once assist photographer house to house work: salary $276 per day: free to travel Apply 8 to 9:30 in a Studio 1224 llth St NW COLORED woman to work in Chinese laun 14 dry Exp 'e 23 Salesmen Arents to WANTED 3 men over factory age for Rawleigh Routes Large organization I0" Good profits to willing workers Sales way up this year Steady work Write cs Bwghs 24 Situations Men on da DRIVER and porter colored: knows city 2 well: ref Harrison AD 6907 MAN colored shot repairer wishes work: ea exper godd ret RA 4918 PAINTER paperbanger wants job Call bet 7 A 8 Best NA 4349 REGISTERED PHARMACIST empl de sires change in Va June 1 long exper 11 Box 23 Times Herald PAINTING papering cement work al) type repairs Lowe DI 4094 PAINTING PAPERING Very reas do own work white DE 6361 PAPERING painting gen repairing: prices and work that satlsfle Lewi CO 7018 PAINTING decorating repairs from foun dation to roof: reas Economy DU 4975 Papering Scraping and Painting 4Q Special Price on This Week Bedrooms DEc 1841 Liv Rooms Painting Papering Carpentry Reas White mechanics LI 6466 PAPER URNISHED and hung very reas white Lee Gentry CO 1421 ainting Radiator Spraying PAINTING radiator spraying free esti mate rea prices Pierce HI 0262 Plastering and Painting PL A Patch old plaster paint and paper: exp 25 yr DI 4748 Plumbing PLUMBING heating repairing remodel ing: prompt efficient service Schlosser1 GE 2927 PLUMBING REPAIRS REMODELING PRUITT ZIMMERMAN INC CO 2806 PLUMBING beating furnace vacuum service remodeling repairing Payne AT 2211 REE We com prepared Harry Nau Co CO 7281 PLUMBING J' 901 Plumbing and Heating ygy Aon St DUpont 6381 WASHINGTON HOME IMPROVE ME NT GUILD Accredited firms operating under the new Home Improvement Plan AUTO LOANS Automobile Commercial corporatm.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.