Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Telephone REpublic 1234 TIMES HERALD Aroand th MONDAY JULY 3 1939 Telephone REpublic 1234 19 14 22 35 for little at 80o a Wook at lowcost LIHTIMt JtWtlRY LONG un $3 Moton Auction Sales 9 Situations Men Papering Boats 1 4 A Resorts ROOMS Too Late to Classify INSTRUCTIONS the Lost A ound CratljB Coal Wood uel Dogs Pets LOST OUND Help Male Plastering Money to Loan Platers Plumbing PLUMBING 801' SERVICES Special Notices BUSINESS OPPS Rooms urnished Roofing HIGHEST price paid for men' need clotl Ing Harold' 1128 7tb ME 822 urnished Tree Experts Chamber Co Room With Board Upholstering REE Oil scalp treatment with shampoo and wave 85c Arna 637 NW ME 8388 OR SALE Houses Unfurnished Suburban for Sale Chair Caneing Cleaning Contractors Personals Help Men loor Refinishing This Handsome Casket Pure Linseed Oil per cal 98c 60 Services Included NEEDS Women Newly reduced Classified rates 24 hour coverage Largest circulation in town Times Herald Want Ads: Re 1234 diamonds watches 627 SEVENTH STatG UNERALS YOU CAN AORD HERE IS AN EXAMPLE 11 HARDWARE STORES the hel per cent COMPLETE LINE MODELS Corr Sport gqpply 8 88c (toe 88e 63e Chamben Co Chamber! Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co Chambers Co PLASTERING wall scraping whitewash ing all jobs riven Immed attention DI 6091 Women (Continued SLOAN CO INC 715 13th St NEWLY reduced Classified rates 24 hour coverage LARGEST circulation in town Times Herald Want Ads RE 1284 CHAMBERS Undertaker Chambers Co Tree Spraying Krueger Tree Expert Co Phone alls Oh 1517 Is provided with this dignified high quality faneeel Chambers' great organization makes this funeral complete in every detail at only $160 with over Deceased Clements Mary Boyce Mary Lillian Dougherty Gertrude Nom Lee Sing Morrisey George 1 Costello Louise Jackson rits Marie Dickenson A Whitlock Whitlock aller Good win Catherine STEPS walks retaining walls stucco flag stone: retimatesJeny AT 926 or until the lien is satisfied METROPOLITAN WAREHOUSE COMPANY 50 la Ave By ROBERT NASH Manager Phone Nearest Store or Line 4044 NotefClosed Joly 4th One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 3s Miscellaneous for Sale (Continued) JiXxAAlN VT wr 0111 AUTOMOBILE Commercial CVP 14th and 15th and aist and I Plumbing and Heating or uherals lowers or Ambulance Serv lee eall Chambers COL 0439 designated as and being lot A subdivision Square 889 as per plat Liber 17 folio 140 of the the Office of the Surveyor ol uoiumDia Now Safe of LAWN AND GARDEN 59c Lawn Wickets per doz $150 Garden Spades $125 Dirt Shovels Spades 85c One Piece Steel Hose $100 Steel Rakes 89e Hedae Clinrwr Lawn ence 22 In high per ft GIBSON'S $20 and up Kalamazoos mads by Gibson $12 50u Drop 1 300 Laundry PLATERS gold silver chromium brass copper cadmium etc NA 1326 8 RERIGERATION Serv iCUlg night WEDDING RINGS DIAMOND RINGS SALE VALUABLE BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO 1618 EAST CAPITOL STREET By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No 6626 olio et seqf of the land records of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby the under signed trustees will sell at public auction within the officertf Thos Owen Son 1431 Eye St on WEDNESDAY THE ITH DAY JULY A 1939 AT ONE the following described land and premises situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being lot 47 in subdivision of original lot 4 in Square 1084 as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 59 folio 66 Subject to covenants of record Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust lor $400000 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $50000 re quired Conveyancing recording etc at cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be adver tised and resold at ths discretion of the trustees BAKERY ully equipped doing good busi ness Owner must leave city Reasonable terms 1902 4th DE 5330 SaRBER Beauty Salon separate inest location and equipment: low rent Will sell or rent at RIDICULOUSLY low price Location busiest upper Brightwood Owner 3400 14th St Services Today or Dr Randolph At Casanova Va SALE HOUSEHOLD URNITURE AND PERSONAL EECTS ETC Notice is hereby given that on TUES DAY JULY 11TH 1939 AT 10 A there will be sold at public auction at the auction rooms of Sloan A Co Inc 715 13th St dining room fur niture living room furniture bedroom fur niture trunks barrels boges personal ef fects etc stored with us in the following names on their account or in which they claim an interest: Mrs Lange Mr or Mrs Griggs Miss Viola reeman Mrs Elizabeth Evans Mr Colii flower The above mentioned goods and chattels will be sold to enforce liens for storage and other charges which have be come due and remain unpaid If for any reason the sale shall not be completed on said date it will be continued on each succeeding Tuesday and riday at the same time and place until all goods are BU1U ADAM A WESCHLEB A SON Auctioneers SALE TWO STORY SEMI DETACHED BRICK DWELLING SEVEN ROOMS AND BATH NO 1211 TAYLOB STREET By virtue of a deed of trust recorded in Liber No 7283 folio 171 et seq one of the land records of the District of Columbia and at the request of party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction in front of premises on MONDAY THE TENTH DAY JULY 1939 AT OUR THIRTY the following described property in the District of Columbia to wit: Lot 66 in Square 3921 of the subdivision made by Middaugh and Shannon Inc of land known igan Avenue as per plat re corded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 76 at folio 156 subject to the building restric tion lines as snown on saia piatTERMS SALE: $100000 of purchase money to be paid in cash ance payable $1000 per $100000 month inrludinr intrpst at 5 rw until paid secured by building associa tion first deed of trust upon property sold or all cash at option of purchaser A deposit of $30000 required of pur chaser at sale Examination of title con veyancing recording revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of purchaser Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of eale otherwise trustees re serve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days advertisem*nt of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington or deposit may be forfeited or without forfeiting deposit trustees may avail themselves of any legal or equitable rights against defaulting purchaser CLARENCE KE AUVER GAY HARRELL WILLIAM POULTON je2629jy3710 Trustees COLORCRETE Tmtit on eolorcrei lot lurfacing old or new houses whether stucco brick concrets or Owns Colorcren permanently waterproofs and beauti fies tn any color at surprisingly low coat or information eafl WIDMAYER STEEL CO Exeluslva aolorcrata distributors A sgslleatara Danrlka Bids NA 7841 CLEMENTS MARY On Thursday June 29 1939 MARY CLEMENTS of 1408 Maryland Ave beloved sister of William Clements Services from the Chambers Southeast funeral home 517 Eleventh St on Monday July 3 1939 at 2 Relatives and friends invited Interment in Cedar Hill Ceme tery THOS OWEN A SON Auctioneers 1431 Eye Street Northwest COLLATERAL AT AUCTION virtue of a certain collateral note Washington November 21 payable sixty days after date "de having occurred under the terms WHITLOCK WILLIAM On Saturday July 1 1939 WILLIAM WHITLOCK the beloved brother of Albert and Dorothy Hennies uneral services from Chambers funeral home 517 Elev enth St on Monday July 3 at 1 0 a Relatives and friends are in vited Interment in Washington Na tional Cemetery RUGS $275 WASHED SCOURED OB SHAMPOOED Capital Carpet Cleaning Co NAt 2985 HELP WANTED Men with permits over 21 years of age to drive for ARROW CAB CO ree instruction Can earn $25 to $85 weekly Apply between 10 12 a or further details 310 St Roofing 108 sq ft per roll Slen Ladders with nafptv treaH steel brace 5 ft $108: 6 ft $128 8 ft $198 MADAME KOVAL 1410 14th St Tel Michigan 3359 Clairvoyant Cryatal Reader Licensed by the District of Colombia Consultation ee $100 White Client! Oitlti 9fjico Boun: 11 A to 9 doted gundavt CHAIR CANEING pllnted CLAY ARMSTRONG 1235 10 th BL Phon ME 2062 Deaths Announcement of Services by Chambers ENJOY THE INEST types of sports and recreation closeExcellent cuisine INNERSPRING MATTRESSES PRIVATE BATHS Rnnninp' Wtp ill ABOUT 60 MILES ROM WASHINGTON Rates for Day Week or Season Director ather Dies at 75 HOLLYWOOD July Leo pold Wyler 75 father of William Wyler motion picture directorwas mourned in death today uneral services will be held to morrow installing maintenance day or AT 622t uneral services for Dr Buckner Magill Randolph 67 professor of medicine at Washington Uhiversity and wartime chief of medical service at Walter Reed Hospital will be held today at 4 at Grace Episcopal Church Casanova Va Dr Randolph died early Saturday at Mt Alto Hos pital where he had been confined with a heart ailment or the past few years Dr Ran dolph resided in Warrenton Va He retired from the Army Medical Corps with the rank of colonel in 1930 because of 111 health Pall bearers at the funeral today will be Dr William Mallory Col William Keller Dr a Clayton Archibald Hoxton Lau rence Miller John Mordecal ur irow Mr xeiiott and Marsteller VACCINE serum prompt delivery service TSCHIELY BROS NA 4106 Eye Hospital pree theater tickets TO LOEW'S PALACE OB CAPITOL Bring this coupon a dipping of any ad you answered in this col umn and a paid receipt of $1 or more within 5 days after It was signed by the advertiser to the Times Herald office and receive ENTIRELY REE a guest ticketyloyCapitolTheaters Airplane Models SALE VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS NO 933 STREET SOUTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No 6067 olio 277 et seq of the land records of the District of Columbia and at the re quest of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction in front of the premises on RIDAY THE OURTEENTH DAY JULY A 1939 AT THREE the following described land and premises situate In the District of Co jumoia ana 38 in John of lots in recorded in Records of of the District known for purposes of assessment and taxation as lot 805 in square 389 Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust' for $275000 overdue further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $25000 required Convey ancing recording etc at cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at discretion of the trustee HORACE STEVENSON July 8681113 Surviving Trustee Mattress Renovated 4Q STEIN BEDDDJG co 1224 12th mb 1315 CANING repairing free est: guar 8 Upholstery 506 12th 8 LI 9154 LET US REUPHOLSTER your old living room suite better than it was when new Pay on easy terms if you like No deposit necessary Call for free estimate MEt 5348 United Utilities 1105 7th St WEISS QO PAINTING Papering Interior Decorating AU white labor only first class work or esUmates call RA 6725 Mechanic at least io yrs' exp CALL PAUL ME 9410 7:308 A Refrigerator serviceman exper all makes Good salary It steady posi tion Good opportunity with Washing Largest Appliance House Atlas718 8t 10 Bids and Proposals PWA PROJECT NO 1018 1 COMMISSIONERS THE DISTRICT COLUMBIA Washington Sepa rate sealed bide for the construction of Superstructure for the East Building etc Administration Group Municipal Center Washington will be received by said Commissioners at Room 509 District Build ing Washington until 2 EST July 27 1939 and then publicly opened and read aloud The in structions to bidders form of bld form of contract plans specifications and forms of bid bond and performance bond may be examined and secured the office of the Chief Clerk Engineer Department Room 427 District Building and copies thereof obtained upon payment of $10000 tor each set Not more than three sets of drawings and specifications etc will be furnished to any one general contractor Upon returning such sets promptly and in good condition said deposits will be re funded The Commissioners reserve the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids Each bidder mutt deposit with his bid security an amount equal to five per centum of the base bld In the form and subject to the condilons provided in the 'nstructione to bidders Attention of bidders is particu larly called to the requirements as to con ditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof THORNETT Secretary Board of Commiaaionara June 28 1939 By dated 1938 fault thereof and at the request of the holder of the same we will sell at public auc tion within our office 1431 EYE Street Northwest on WEDNESDAY THE ITH DAY JULY A 1939 AT ONE O'CLOCK the collateral named therein to wit: One second trust real estate note in the original amount of $250000 which is paid through May 9 1939 with a balance of $164241 being secured on lot 30 in Square 2021 im proved by premises No 5917 Thirty third Street Said second trust note sub ject to a prior first trust for $550000 Terms: All cash AU parties in interest please take notice THOS OWEN SON Auctioneers a june2730july3 THOS OWEN A SON Auctioneers 1431 Eye Street Northwest 51 Apajinents Unfurnished 11TH ST rooms private rent ROO painting average roof $8 House RAA389 Buga and Carpets Cleaned RUG WASHING 9x12 8x10 $250: 1 mo free storage City Rng Cleaners RE 2362 SPECIAL SHAMPOO 9x12 dom $225: Oriental $350 guar Santini CO 0970 WINDOWS and bouses cleaned walls ecraped floors refinished painting reas American SapttatiopJEnyps LL 1094 COLLEGE STUDENTS (2) duration Bum mer months pay above average if quali fied 1427 I Rm 210 Mon 9:30 to 2 COOKS white colored: counterman under 21 Commercial Employment Office 808 5th St ONE DAY SALE Monday July 3rd Only House Paint white and all colors ppr gal $100 Black Asphalt Roof Coating per 5 ral pall $118 Shellac white or orange per gal $120 vc GRUVER GRUVER june23262830July3 Trustees THOS OWEN SON Auctioneers 1431 Eye Street Northwest GKEYSTONE TVV MEALS Monterev Pa Phone: Blue Ridge Summit 21 Mail Address Charmian Pa All fhA pnmfnrt nf vmti beautiful surroundings of the Blue RidgeMountains Vacation in cool clear moun tain air over 1300 feet above sea level Ul CARRIE Hand Laundry Nicely done dried in sun reas 812 DU 1584 CurtAinR 20c strip family laundry dried fo fPP HO 3M3 400 Chapin St sw 918 Clrtfland Am ii Riverdale Md Oil COluftibu on? GKerrMHHl i Services (Continued) Guitars CORYELL JOHN On Sunday July 2 1939 at Sibley Hospital JOHN COR YELL beloved husband of the lateMary Coryell uneral services at his late residence 2501 Que St on Wednesday July 5 at 2 Relatives and friends are invited Interment in Li Cedar Hili rank funeral service 741 Eleventh St On Saturday July 1 1939 LOUISE COSTELLO beloved friend of George Springmann uneral services from Chambers funeral home 517 Eleventh St 8 on Monday July 3 at 11 a Relatives and friends are invited Interment in Con gressional Cemetery COX ELMEREUGENE On Saturday July 1 1939 at his residence Oxon Hill Md ELMER EUGENE COX Sr beloved husbaand of Ethel Owens Cox and father of Elmer Eugene Cox jr uneral services from the rank Murray lunerai nome 741 Eleventh St on Wednesday July 5 at 9:15 a thence to St Ignatius Church Oxon Hill Md where mass will be offered for? the repose of his soul at 10 a Relatives and friends are in vited Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery DICKENSON VIRGINIA On Saturday July 1 1939 VIRGINIA A DICKEN SON wife of the late Harold Dicken "aon sister of Albert Cobb jr Re mains resting at Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin St uneral services and interment Blue tield Va DOUGHERTY On Thursday June 29 1939 GERTRUDE DOUGH ERTY the beloved mother of Josephine incham and George Dougherty? sister of Effie Kenner and Cora Cogan Serv ices from Chambers funeral home 517 Eleventh St on Monday July 3 at 3:30 Relatives and friends in vited Interment Congressional Cemetery RITZ On Saturday July 1 1939 MARIE RITZ the wife of Wal ter ritz uneral services from the Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin St on Tuesday July 4 at 8:30 a Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Sixteenth and Park Rd at 9 a Interment in Washington Memorial Park ULLER RANCES VOn Sunday July 2 1939 RANCES ULLER the wife of the late rederick uller mother of rancis Kenneth A and Alvin uller Isabel Yorro Irene Aquino and Josephine Ulrich stepdaughter of Ross Morrison sis ter of Isabelle Strasburger James Mor rison Irene Beatty and Helen Stone uneral services from her late residence 648 St on Wednesday July 5 at 8:30 a mass in 8t Peter's Church at 9 a Relatives and friends are invited Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery Services by Chambers South east funeral home GOODWIN On Sunday July 2 1939 at her residence 8400 Maple oil ei opriU roiui GOODWIN wife of the late James Goodwin and mother of Mrs Susie Huffman Mrs Elizabeth Crawford Mrs Mary Skinner Mr Edward Goodwin Mrs Margaret Alexander and Mrs Annie Alexander uneral serv ices from the above residence on Wednes day July 0 at 2 Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery Services by Cham bers uneral Directors Ey Hospital 1119 Medical and surgical treatment NO 1046 alse Teeth Repaired ALSJJ TEETH REPAIRED While You Wait Private Waiting Booms Bobt Scott Dental Technician 605 14th at St Boom 902 MEt 1833 EMPLOYMENT 20 ALERT young men over 18 Est les cream routes Jack A Jill 2109 10 ALWAYS positions open: registration fee $3 WASH BUR 226 Bond Bldg Diesel Training School WASHINGTON DIESEL SCHOOL 140 One St Dp 1576 Druggists SEWING We buy all typea repair parts vac clean repr BE 1900 TOOLS equip auto repair shop Rear 1225 12thflt NW ME 6075 eves AT 0236 WE PAY CASH OB DIAMONDS AN TIQUES JEWELRY OLD GOLD PAWN TICKETS LAAYETTE GIT 8H0B 525 14TH ST Drailja (Continued) HARDESTY JOSEPH RICHARD Bud denly on Saturday July 1 1939 at his residence 911 Eye St 8 'JOSEPH RICHARD HARDESTY uneral serv ices at the above residence on Monday July 3 at 2 Relatives and friends are invited to attend Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery rank Murray fnueral service 741 Eleventh St Ambulance Service WM SARDO CO inest" Since 1900 Artificial Eyes (PE Papering Scraping and Painting dQ Special Price on This Week DE 1841 LIv Rooms HOUSE' painting papering wall scraping hauling Crayton AT 1466 PAINTING papering roof Guar Reas Smith 1724 Webster NW RA 7200 19 urnished A ST 626 Bedrm and kit rigid all conveniences adults $30 ANACOSTIA 2 Ige newly turn rms ra dio Electrolux sink everything furn adults AT 7083 ST 2d fl 2 front roome rigidaire modern conveniences $35 KENYON ST Nicely fiirn 2d fl 1 rm kitchen rigid cool clean 10TH ST 2 room apt front also lhk room 11TH ST Wn 1318 3 bath AH suit 8 adults 18 Legal Notices DISTRICT COURT THE UNITED STATES for the District of Columbia Holding Probate In the matter of the Estate' oLAlmira Brown deceased Administration No ORDER OR Application having been made herein' for probate of the last Will and Testament of said Almira Brown deceased and for letters of Administration A on said estate by Isabel Cham pion It is ORDERED this 13th day of June A 1939 that Walter Bentrick and all others concerned appear in said Court on Monday the 24th day of July 1039 at 10 o'clock a to show cause why such application should not be grant ed Let notice hereof be published in The Washington Law Reporter and The Times Herald once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men tioned the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day (Seal) Witness the Honorable AL RED A WHEAT Chief Justice of said Court this 13th day of June A 1939 Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk of Probate Court ERNEST WILLIAMS Attorney DISTRICT COURT THE UNITED STATES for the District of Holding Probate No 55158 Ad ministration This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Pro bate Court of the District of Columbia Letters Testamentary on the estate of Lot tie Taylor also known as Lotlie Taylor late of the District of Columbia deceased Al) persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated to the subscriber on or be fore the 14th day of June A 1940: othewise they may by law be excluded from all benefits of said estate Given un der my hand this 14th day of June 1939 (Seal) SIMON LEISHMAN 1331 St Attest: THODOEE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia Clerk of the Probate Court SIMON LEISHMAN 1331 St Attorney Accredited Beauty School 1 7 Park Rd PREP Eng Language Math Science: indiv mod rates CO 1536rW eves" WAPEYNNT beauty college VV 1j I IVIN 101g vt Are DI 1762 Permanents $1 up Services 10c 15c 25c Steinway Upright mahogany apt size: sell cheap 635 Irving 8t RERIGERATORS brand new 50 off? terms Atlas 713 St DL 3737 RERIGERATOR 6 cu ft Grunow per feet cond Bargain LI 2276 RERIGERATORS 3 to 6 cu ft in ex cellent condition 55950 up Cameo mture Co 727 9th RUGS CARPETS At lowest prices complete assortment tionally advertised brands also remnant in all sizes: open evenings: free parking Woodridge Rug A Carpet CoM inc Rhode leland Ave DUpont 8930 SADDLERY rucks luggage fitted cares: repairing Kmg jrM 611 llh St 8TENOTYPE machine almost new: full course stand reas GE 0227 after 7 pm STUDIO COUCH radio chairs tables misft pieces Very cheap LT 2244 TYPEWRITER CLEARANCE Amer lean company: portables and standards an ideal graduation gift Open eves 1431 East Capitol St Lincoln 0082 USED GAS RANGES $3d5O up delivered: also built in tubs and late type radiation at lowest prices Brenner A Son 2525 St RE 2042 LOOKING OB WORK? Your chances of getting work are naturally better when you tell the largest number ef employers that you need a job The Times Herald reaches THE LARGEST circulation in Washington and gives you 24 hour eoverage morning noon and night A 2 line ad costs only 28c a day (cash) Bring your ad to 1317 St 21 Men Women POSmONS OPEN Washington Agency BMg RE 1712 22 ALWAYS better positions Register cow Nat 1 Personnel Woodward Bldg ALWAYS positions open registration fee $3 WASH BUR 226 Bond Bldg irst cMes colored $60: stay nights Ladies Exchange NA 4381 39 BOSTON 7 wks pedigreed nt9 welUmarked 3613 14th St BOSTON TERRIER" TOY females 4 old reg good markings DE 2 0 7 0 CAIRN TERRIER OWNERS Grooming hand stripping my specialty Mrs Jere Mackie NO 4337 CANARIES BOARDED AND CARE LEE BANKS formerly of Hartz Mt Ca 1407 I Ave MI 2199 mo on farm best carol Ml 3014 after 6 del service PERSIAN Kittens white 8 wks pedigree? stock $750 $10 NOrth 6459 SCOTTIE A Beauties champing atonia 1 Xf ozli cnK A BEAUTY SHOP RENT 1508 St Good BARGAIN NO 7282 BEER RENT or Past line next to ball park REASON ABLE owner has other interest HI 0853 BETTER Health Studio Elec cab bath infra red Lie 929 Eye NW DI 6708 CHATTEL NOTES BOB HOLLANDER 907 Tower Bldg Me 4814 DELICATESSEN groc fountain: off sale beer etc bargain 5530 Ga Ave Light lunch 130135th St Owner Sacrifice for quick sale inest BAK A BESTAURANT in nearby Md On A oft ale LIQUOR Mint be SOLD at ONCE Exclusive location or information LL 4906 after 7:30 pm MEATS apt above Owner BARGAIN for cash LI 6295 GROCERY STORE Meat Market 3438 14th NW GOOD POSSIBILITIES OR BIGHT PARTY Owner will SACRIICE LIQUOR STORE good location $10000 cash including stock: last net profit $7500 Box 30 Times Herald MILLINERY SHOP "Abbey "1025 15tb St at Attractively furntehed Reas BESTAURANT rathskeller beer license: living quarters 2' mi from Balto Blvd SACRIICE GR 3664 bet 12 4 RESTAURANT opposite new bldg Nicely equip doing $560 per week Owner hag other interest CO 4692 ROOMING HOUSE 7 rms 2 baths double garage $5750 rent Capitol BilL SAC RI1CE LL 3143 ROOMING and boarding house: 35 regular monthly boarders large income low rent 2132 Eye St ROOMING HOUSE for sale reas Retiring Call owner DI 1292 ROOMING HOUSE 7 house keeping unite income $185 month price and rent reasonable Line 7243 SPACE and office lor rent in metal shop can be used for any kind of business 1327 8 Capitol St LL 10316 TO BUY OR SELL A BOOMING HOUSE HAMMOND 4 CO 911 13 ST RE 0911 VALET SHOP going business owner has other inter CO 9078 WILL EXCHANGE rooming bouse for acreage or i arm va nx izui YOU stand a better chance of selling your business when you reach THE LARGEST circulation in TOWN The Times Herald reaches more people than any other Washington newspaper New low rates now in effect Call REnublic 1234 59 LAMONT ST fl rms bath amL: Ist clas cond $477 GE 7746 DI 9127 65 Almost new 6 rm brick: nil heat fireplace tiled bath roomy kitchen lOc bus: $6750 $350 down balance like rr? Pin 11 Waterfnftit Bent Sale LONG BEACH Beautiful wooded lots on easy terms: cottages or book let write Rockhill St Leonard Md SOUTH RIVER near Annapolis um house 10 rms 2 baths modern conveni ences: or furn apts 5 rms bath An napolis 5234 14 BEAUTIUL parlors for meetings bridge parties etc District 4020 or inquire at desk Grafton Hotel 1139 Conn BEAUTY Colored trained operators scalp facial care feet HO 6468 BY APPT ONLY Refined massage scalp treatment Colored graduate AD 0440 "asthma piles hernia PERMANENT RELIE DIST 6409 DR BILEY 615 Woodward Bldg Consult "The Little White Mother" Grace Gray DeLong Helpful One" Celebrated Clairvoyante Consultant SOURS 11 A TO 8 EE $3 Satisfaction Positively Guaranteed At Psychic Council Hovse (Estab) 1898) 1100 TWELTH ST Cor Private Parking Phone MEt StSi No Racial Discrimination MADAME LANE palmist and medium Advises in business love health and mat riage Tells names of whom and when marry makes up quarrels and family troubles Tells what business and country luckiest for you If yon are having bad luck or trouble of any kind consult Mme Lane: she can help you on all affairs in life Readings $1: hrs 9 9 1002 7th St NW cor NY Av (Other Lost Ads on Page ThreeK Bring or report deserted strayed or lost animals to the Animal Protective Asaocia tion 3900 Wheeler Rd AT 7142 irOB LOST or wanted' animals Animal Rescue League 71 St NW NO 5730 nin with 2 initials 1 to identify DI 5467 In jifcLLES yellow gold wrist watch on back Rew DU 6055 KITTEN black with tiger' re ward Betum to 1800 19th St WRIST Gold in or nr Lana rew MI 8751 WRIST WATCH Elgin cord band REWARD AD 5647 WRIST Diamond Platinum at 14th and Sts Thurs a REWARD LI 3144 after 6 WRIST WATCH Elgin yellow gold in or near Press Bldg: reward ME 3477 17 SPECIAL ELECTION for business repre tentative! Thursday July 6 1930 from Workers Local Union No 5 at 6th and Sts City at 8 Order of Election Board NEWLY reduced Classified rates 24 hour coverage LARGEST circulation in town Times Herald Want Ads RD 1214 5 uneral Directon LOANS 28 ON diamonds watches jewelry silverware etc no adv arrangement nee Lowest rates ROSSLYN LOAN CO Rosalyn Va 29 Money to Loan Autos Get $10 to $500 on any 1933 1939 ear STATE INANCE CO 10th and Sts RRp 0246 Stone Work STONE WALLS a flagstone walks garages Ernest imiani 416 St AT 3735 36 Miscellaneous for Safe ASBESTOS roof coating 5 gal $119 Pyus Adams 1119 9th NA 2402 DENTAL CHAIB irst claas condition bargain DI 4141 DIVAN excellent condition Reaa Will consider trade DU 3471 ELECTRIC RANGE Westinghouse 3 units oven like new 205 Cleveland St Arlington ELECTRIC range porcelain A rh oven broiler 4 units $2250 AT 5852 ELEC Refrigerators All sizes makes Low as $20 Guar 1318 14th ENAMELED SINK good used 18x24 roll rim with back Only $249 Big bargain for homes cottages etc Hecbipger Co RIGIDAIRE 5 cu Lux Ap pliance Co 708 9th ME 7988 GAS Reconditioned $5 up Serv ice on all makes Also new Detroit Jewel and Hardwick ranges Bray Scarff 1524 St RE 1 1 55 6 GAS range white ircelain right oven almost new reas $12 MI 5572 HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcvcle Must sac rifice $25 Sun bet 6 7 519 4th 8 HOBART ELEC MEAT GRINDER' Gris wald elec grill almost new good cond Sacrifice 506 INLAID linoleum reg $165 sq? yd 99g Penn Linoleum 734 9th DL 5674 LARGE desk combination for typewriting machine fine condition 1112 Euclid St LIVING rm set pc overstaffed excel cond reas 2106 Apt 304 OICE URN surplus Desks chairs files tables etc Low prices Baum Son 616 NA 9136 PIANO Mahogany case isher make only $20 also Venetian blind 4x8 DI 4141 Latest mode! full 88 note small apartment upright almost like new $149 New piano guarantee Very easy term NAt 4730 1330 Street GENERATORS and armatures exchanged Radio ignition road eervice red Hart Camera Bargains 'VACATION SPECIALS Kodak Recomar 9x12 era $3950 Rollflex Teaser 3 8: Zeiss Tesscr $3850 Wirgen 2x3 4 5 $1450 Kodak Recomar 6x9 cm Kalart Range inder $4350 Dollina 35 mtn Coupled Range inder 29 $3850 CAMERA EXCHANGE 1410 New York Ave Open Evenings Sunday Camera Repairing CAMERA REPAIRING ULLER 4 INC NA4712 815 IQlh St NW Cement Work OR RENT A ST 8 Bedrm kit cont hwi sink everythihg furn $26 adults AT BUREAU STANDARDS gentleman newfe ly furn rm hower uni phone $25 continental biWk if desired WO 2924 AT CONN (1712NSt Wi Nfca home large rm aemi bath $1750 ea BST NE Nr Navy Yd Lge com4 rm 5 windows: 2 gentlemen $3 ea BELMONT RD Large rmZ screened porch every comfort reas BRIGHTWOOD 422 Nicholson St Masts rm private bath reas GE 0942 CALVERT ST 2d II single rm running water newly deco $20 CALVERT Master rm prifa shower conv cars bus reas WO 8550 CHANNING Nicely furn front 1 or 2 gentlemen Reas DU 7669 CHEVY CHASE 11 East Irving St Large corner room bath ea ployed lady Wise 3094 CHEVY CHASE 3631 Jenifer ront room private bath also large room 6 windows semt bath both $20 single double $25 EM 1336 CLEVELAND PARK Large cool 2ndfl front room 3 windows large closet call shade parking $20 Gentlemen WO 1525 a cl*tON Double rmM 3 windows $28 mo large single 2 win dows $4 wk new furn best beds gen tlemen cl*tON ST NW Nicely furn single rm 2nd fl board opl'l COL RD Large front rm 4 windows grill priv next bath reas COLUMBIA RD $3 wkM clean oute side rms 4 baths chw men AD 10213 CONGRESS 440 Apt 4 Cool rm next bath hw inner spring mattress $4 wk AT 4314 CONN and Dupont Cir vic Beautiful front rm priv bath: Igedoeet unlim Pb: priv family: ref NO 0542 CONN AVE Cool attractive rm dressing rm 4 windows: overlook ing Conn Ave cont Reasonable DECATUR ST jingle front room nicely furn $15 mo GE 2139 DE SALES Real home d'town cool restful dependable serv phone DOWNTOWN 1116 9th Sgle dble rms quiet home men $230 up DTOWN 19il st NTwTCoo! rm twin beds: every com! gentlemen Reas DOWNTOWN 1208 St' New management quiet cool com very reas 1813 St Apt Larga apt 2 adults ge comf rm DI 8222 DOWNTOWN 1444 8t Largs rm twin beds unlimited phone: $20 DOWNTOWNrf15 St WLge coo rm 3 boys $250 ea nice rm with kit reas DOWNTOWN 1403 St Larg comf rm $4 dinner opfl gentleman 1332 19th Large 2d front 5 windows nr bath reas DUPONT CIRCLE 2014 Cool housed front dble atudio rm shower reas DUPONT Quiet studio rm bsb elor $18 Janitor 1606 20th DUPONT CIR 2208 Que reshly decor lge rm 4 windows MI 5218 ST Nice rms $4 to By day $1 rms suitable lhk MEU 5612 EUCLID 1343 Large rms single beds Wk $250 $300 each CO 10422 EUCLID ST WM Gentleman tohare beautiful largo front rm next bath twin beds radio in rm: nnl phono lovely home Must see to appreciate STN 1364 Nice priv home dblau front rm board LL 7412 TXIRIDA AVE blks off Conn: corner single rm 3 $450 wk: double studio rm $28 mo HST ront rmsM suitable 1 or more: also rooms $3 up? HOBART St7N Sgle frt rm faf AD 2 941 (Continued on Next Pago) RIDING HORSE well trained jumps 4 ft or over knows trick: bright bay art at ort Washington Md lorence Green Sergeam it i A gplt 41 Miscellaneous Wanted AU kinds cash sale ME 1846 at bring in Book Shop 420 10th CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY for Used fU niture Prompt service AD 7266 DRUMS complete set Ludwig or Leedy GOOD CONDITION DESIRED GE 8264 'ARTIICIAL EYES shell and Mrt gegmap 1 8 Auto Repairs Parts Service AUSTIN'S GARAGE Check your car here for inspection 916 St DE 5503 PAUL'S GARAGE Expert mechanics guaranteed work Rear 1824 ME 9410 GENERAL AUTO REPAIR Northeast Body Works rear 1341 St EL Enter Atlas Theater LL 9570 ADDISON CHEVROLET CO Will put your car in tip top shape reaon ablylT Irving St Beauty Shops Roux Shampoo Tint $250 Permanent Waves $250 up METROPOLITAN BEAUTY SHOP 617 7th St ME 6874 COMPLETE permanents $250 ME 4404 Shingle Beauty Shop 502 13th St 40 Live Stock Baby Chicks CHICKS Reda Barred Rock White Leghorns $750 per 100 all blood tested starting feed and poultry supplies Wm James A Song 619 St ME 0088 Jersey bk fresh lcalf milking 3 gal Bt blood tested SP 0108 3 low price 5 1g work horseel mares iga mula 110 8 BL AT 2731 Quiet gentle: will drive: 11 hand N' Hartman Suitland Md SP 0344 YOU etand a better chance of selling your merchandise when you reach THE LARG EST circulation in Town The Times Herald reaches' more people than any other Washington newspaper New low rates now being offered Call REpubila 1234 37 CHRIS CRAT double cabin cruiser '37 ft fully equip sleeps 6 DE 0234 JOHNSON outboard motors MeenebanA 2010 14 th St NO 8032 KAYAK 15 ft seats 2: sturdy construe tion Bargain Oxford 0187 MOTOR 24 ft day cruiser Extra sturdy construction New cond through out CO 6233 NASH MARINE SUPPLIES 900 Maine Ave DI 4010 SAIJOAT 22x8 $75: located on lol 8PAgftock Cr Cli Rd RA 0399 38 ALASKA HUNAGEL Coal Co NA 5880 JACKSON THOMAS On Saturday July 1 1939 THOMAS JACKSON the beloved husband of Minnie Jackson and father of Earl ranklyn and Ruth Jackson Kathryn Houser Mildred ried richs and stepfather of Robert and Gil bert Jones uneral services from his late residence 472 St on Wednesday July 5 at 10 a Rela tives and friends are invited to attend Interment in Mount View Cemetery Sharpsburg Md Hagerstown papers please copy ROYCE MARY On Thursday June 29 1939 at Emergency Hospital MARY LILLIAN ROYCE wife of Wil fred Royce mother of Wilfred Margaret and rancis Royce Prayers from the Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin St on Monday July 3 1939 at 9:30 a thence to St David's Chapel 4961 Conduit Rd for services at 10 a Relatives and friends invited Interment in Glenwood Cemetery MONEYMAKER MARY On Sat urday July 1 1938 her home near Great alls Md MARY ELLA MONEY MAKER beloved wife of the late James Moneymaker uneral services Mon day July 3 from funeral home of Wm Reuben Pumphrey 7005 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda Md at 9:30 a thence to vuaea oreinren unuren siaunton va Tuesday July 4 at 11 a Interment Pleasant View Cemetery MORRISEY GEORGE On Monday June 26 1939 at Glendale Calif GEORGE MORRISEY son of Mrs Edward Morrisey uneral services from the Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin St on Monday July 3 at 8:30 a mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 a Interment in Mt Olivet Cemetery NOM SING On riday June 30 1939 SING LEE NOM beloved husband of Marion Sing Lea Nom father of Mrs King Quan Lieut Lee Marion Harrison James Madison and Evelyn Lee Services at Chambers 517 Eleventh 8t E' on Monday July 3 at 12:30 Relatives and friends are invited Inter meet in ort Lincoln Cemetery PERRYGO CHARLES LEROY Jr On Saturday July 1 1939 at Johns Hop kins Hospital Baltimore Md CHARLES LEROY PERRYGO Jr beloved son of Charles Leroy Perrygo ar and Mary (Rita) Leibold Perrygo uneral services from the rank Murray funeral home 741 Eleventh St on Tuesday July 4 at 1:15 Services at St Barnabas Church Oxon Hill Md at 2 Relatives and friends are invited Interment in church cemetery SHAPIRO PAUL SAMUEISuddenly on Sunday July 2 1939 PAUL SAMUEL SHAPIRO aged 33 years beloved son of Abraham and Sarah Shapiro He 7 is also survived by four sisters Mrs Samuel Goldstein Mrs George Klumach of Washington Mrs John Os Muu aijsduc viiy ana Mrs Edward Silverman of Chillicothe Ohio and three brothers Sidney Jack and Morris Shapiro uneral services from the Bernard Danzansky Son funeral home 3501 ourteenth St on Monday July 3 at 2 TILTON WILLIAM On Saturday July 1 1939 WILLIAM TILTON beloved husband of Lydie Tilton and father of Edna and Albert Tilton and Mrs Evelyn Carter Remains resting at the Chambers Southeast funeral home 517 Eleventh St Interment at Tren ton VAN DE KOLLWYK KATHRYN On riday June 30 1939 at Sibley Hos pital KATHRYN VAN DE KOLL WVIT rf 1AOO TTnwrw4 a XT WT loved Wife of Harry Van de Koilwyk and mother of Mrs Hilda Myer Harry jr Theodore and Kathryn Van de Koll wyk uneral services at the Hines Co funeral home 2901 14th St on Monday July 3 at 8:30 a thence to Sacred Heart Church 16th St and Park Rd where mass will be offered at 9 a PAPERING Booms paper $5 up Gore GE 0468 Painting and Papering PAPERING and PAINTING rooms $4 up No job too small AT 9376 Day or job nothing too small work guar Gibson AT 1694 PAINTING papering roof repairs: rooms papered $3 up John Wright ME 6746 MID SUMMER SPECIALS just beginning in painting and carpenter work Good work done reas and guaranteed Jones Douglas SH 3254 PAPER furnished and bung painting I do it myself Lee Gentry CO 1421 REGISTERED PLUMBER New or remod gjLng Jtlay pr jpb AT 7624 Popular Records 50000 slightly used RECORDS swing vo cals 12 for $1: hillbilly 20 for $1 Qual A636 7th Open until midnight 8 lorists GUDE BROS CO uneral Designs 1212 St NAt 4276 Personals DENTAL PUTS8 BEPAXBEli whll TOO wait Modern Dental Laboratory 602 Weatory Bldg lth and MW NA 0773 tR BEEKMAN ORTHODONTIST (straightening teeth) 1420 New York Ave Phone MEtropolltan 5862 ALSE TEETH REPAIRED While You Wait Private Waiting Roorgs Scottv Dental Technician 605 14th at St Room 90'2 MEt 1833 HEMORRHOIDS eradicated by my own method results effective for a lifetime or money back Write for booklet DR SOMMERWERCK 1365 Columbia Rd EeaRN Beauty Culture Best paying fast est growing business Summer Classes WARLYNN beauty college lol8 Vt Avei DL 1762 MANICURING A By only 9 to Refined ADams 9407 MARCIA dear please forgive: Conn will give us baby if you are home Mother ill due to your absence She will help Cal) her at once "BERNIE" MARJORIE WEBSTER CAMP DAY AND BOARDING ROCK CREEK PARK ESTATE op girls and boys enter now 10 a play ground swimming: all sports handicraft etc GEorgia 1700 Restful treatment for pain and aches Dl 9071 SINGING HAMMOND ORGANIST wishes own organ ATI 5840 SOCIAL INTRODUCTION BUREAU Martha Taylor Hughes DUpont 3249 SPEAK AND WRITE COR JtgCTLY: PRIVATE LESSONS ME 5864 COUNTER GIRL white exp part time Phone AD 3291 EARN MONEY BY LEARNING Be a secretary stenographer bookkeeper comptometer operator or van accountant: day and evening session: new clashes now forming Inquire SCHOOL (Est 20 years 1333 St NAt 2338 MAID colored for ghw plain cook live in ref 1661 Hobart 8t MARKERS A sorters Apply Morningside Laundry 8250 Ga Ave Silver Spring NEW PLANS for women who wish to earn money in their spare time Coronet Co 803 Penna Ave OICE SALES drug store nurses' post tions Personnel Service' 1311 St VL TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Uni phone magazine exp helpful store co operation comm bonus Box 57 Times Herald WAITRESSES EXP NICHOLAS OOD SHOP 1733 ST WAITRESSES 3 white: cook colored Various restaurant positions Commercial Pjpypient Office 808 5th St Saleamea Agents MEN AND WOMEN make $10 day selling an article that sells on sight: big comm 315 No: ytly gt ArLt Va Z4 ALL AROUND CHE 17 yrs' exp steady work rm and bd wife and self more for good home than wages steady relia ble trustworthy Call or write Jemison 510 5th St AVAILABLE ood specialty salesman salary and commission Box 28 Timcs MAN with light delivery truck wants ME it 50 00 26 Situations Women GIRL colored part time 2408 Eye St JJI 6240 GENTLEMEN Appt only: scalp trts manicure 50c 1363 Conn NO 9131 ZIR COOLED SPECIAL $500 Permanent $395 2520 14th St CO1 10136 Batteries Eecharged Radio Service EXPERT RADIO SERVICE Guaranteed Call 1 213 2nd 8 AT 0020 BADIO SERVICE SOc GUARANTEED ANTWHEBB IB AT 7800 RADIO TRnTTBTE7 Tne et 11 work guar 3 mo: fair deal honest prices 8 shops to serve you 9 Refrigeration Service is i emale tan gray head: BLIND IN 1 EYE REWARD WI 2609 GLASSES Lost iu Yellow Cab: reward Elf 2308 1 18 Basinew Opportunities BAsem*nT 13th St 1114 (Down town) Sleeping or any kind of business 20 COLLEGE students (2) for summer mos only able to meet customers about 120 wk 1 427 I NW Rm 210 9:30 to 3 MAN who needs to supplement family income in spare time no canvassing Real Silk Hosiery Mills 1427 I YOUNG "MEN Sol fistab ice cream routes goaa earnings Apply smiies xooo 22 Women A XTfTEPHONE SWITCHBOARD £OMeLOUBSE $lQ 228 BOND BLDG EARN MONEY BY LEARNING Be a secretary stenographer bookkeeper comptometer operator or an accountant day and evening session new classes now forming Inquire BOYD'S SCHOOL (Est 2G years 1333 St NW NAt 2338 OICE SALES drug store nurses posi tions Personnel Service 1311 St 34 Instructions MABELLE HONOUR BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL 1340 AVE ME 7778 Painting and Papering PAPERHANGING Rooms $4 up: work guaranteed Jones 811 23d St REpublic 0387 36 Miscellaneous for Sale VULCAN BROILER Good cond: reas 42 cl*tON Lge rm win dows new furs newly papered and paint ed best beds gentlemen $28 ST WM 1728 nr Mayflower Newly furn and dec rms $4 wk up 13TH 1114 Newly furnished and dec rms $350 wk up BOOM Refined man or woman no other roomers 2 baths parking AT 8752 Newly decorated room: modern near teansportotiqn gear batik PUO916 45 Housekeeping Rooms ST nicely furn cool rms screened porch adults $3050 i ST 907 Large front rm and kit neatly furn elec and gas furn refrigerator $3250 mo ST 716 1 turn room for lhk next bath $550 wk 14TH to 3 rms gas elec tricity rigidaires $20 to $50 CO 10407 46 MD AVE 326 Cool front 3 win Cooking $30 AT 5235 MOTORS A and Ct new and used repaired exchanged Carty 1608 14th NW Moving and Hauling ORIGINAL Snowden Transfer Vans exclu sively 818 14th St Line 1073 LOCAL and long distance hauling A Wansfer Co 1342 NO 1094 Oil Burner Service OIL BURNERS Installed: Minneapolis Honeywell controls $165 up: one year fur naces vacuum cleaned $250 up one year free service or estimates ph AT 3419 LOOR WORK sanding and finishing Prices reasonable Work guar Deaion GEorgia 8459 LOORS done "The Wright Way" laying scraping finishing1 call us loor Service 6401 Sth GE 2119 LOORS 8ANDED and refinisbed by expert Spec rates ffm Mullen GE 8339 LOOR sanding and refinishing done by loy rjgtey LL 0624 Home Improvement ALL carpenter painting and cement work low rates Harold SH 5947 CARPENTRY Cedar closets shelving screens tonne Neleon RE 1400 KRRNCTT Instructions Native teacher Reas rates WI 7136 zi: MODERN School of Beauty Culture xuvvxuui 1317 St NW ME 9820 fle diamonds watches RANC 627 SEVENTH STatG.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.