The Weekly Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

ft ri1rram 110111 "CM CllAKl.B8TI, a- 1 ernor of MrtA-Vaw your telegram announcing the ratification Constitutional Amendment by the North-Carolina lias licen re- i instructions will I sent to day tJie military commanders in to abstain from the exorcise ot any to close up unfinished business, and not 'Liorfcre in any civil matters unless the ex- ol me iw ftlw iiitilltrtirtktiilM lit til State uowmuieni. The lwilroao appointments hiiuiu ny Worth have lieen annulled. ED. R. S.

CANBY, Maj. Gen. Commanding. For the Standard. Believing the following communication two rebel sheets, the nilbboro1 IWorder and the 2aZy Sentinel, I sk permission to let it appear your vaiu paper.

Messrs. Editors: Permit me to give to too, ami r- i gCCnunt of a scene that occurred at the County Court held in May last, in Ti.r ir.i9 a suit brought ajiainst A. C. Mur- dock for the purchase of a house and lot bought 01 m. tj.ij"u, uu.u X.

W. Heagepeui, mu. wood appeared for the plaintiff. Court was called ami the gentlemen (who it had been agreed upon by the counsel,) N. Hall, lilirvey Hughes and J.

C. Turrentine, Chairman composing the Court, had taken their -wits. The case was called and no writ hav- been served upon Mr. Alurdnck tbc Court thereupon ordered him to be called, he be- inir absent Mr. Murdock's note fell due a few days before Court and he was notified ot Mr.

Norwood that unless it was paid im- t. I. HT 1.1 mediately mat no, -air. iiutu, wouiu move bclbre the Court. That a summary judgment be allowed to ic tuicen against thedefendtint and execution issued forth with.

Mr. JN. was reading a portion 01 a certain set wlncn nesaici applied to tne case and wiis requested by Mr. Turrentine, the of the Court to read the entire act so thai the Court might determine whether or not it applied to this case. When Jlr.

a. remarKea to Mr. 1. tlmt it he was a blood relative ot MurdocK's, lie was incompetent to sit upon this case, Mr. T.

nulied that lie was related to MuruocK no more man ilr. uouw v. laniwlio was sitting in the bar, said to Mr. that no gentlemen would sit upon a case where he was not wanted, whereupon, the Chairman left the bench, and another magis trate was called aud Mr. N.

got a judgment, from which the defendant prayed an appeal. On the following morning Mr. hnding that Ins judgment was illegal, proposed to lit the defendant withdraw bis pleas, but the case was carried op. Jlr. T.

Webb accused the Chairman of pronouncing the judgment of the Court without consulting all its members. The Chairman replied. Mr. Webb makes this statement knowing it to be false and called jpon he (the Chairman) the members of the Jourt v. Do sustained mm in wnat ne said.

Still no apology was offered to Mr. by Webb or Kirkland, and they justly deserved to have been imprisoned for contempt of urt, and why was all this Because Mr. Turrentine was a Union man and in favor of the ratification of the Constitution. And in conclusion, Messrs. Editors, there ere only three Republicans who stood np for B.I1U vnuauiuuuiiuii miiowiu, uui vi'uuijr at, (and thet gentlemen will pardon me for thfcir names,) J.

M. Turrentine, itev. S. Pearce and J. C.

also, mr esteemed friends H. B. Guthrie. C. Warren, John Shields and Wni.

Walker. REPUBLICAN. RF.BFX DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION III NEW-YORK. This animated mass of corruption is to meet in New-York city on the 4th of this mouth. being the 92Z ymr of American liuleijendence where and when they are to save the country from the rule of Radicals and military despotism." I lie following names are some of the liberty-loving patriots who are expected to be at that assemblage T.

L. Clinginan, former member of TJ. 8. Senate from North-Carolina, and subsequent ly a lleliel Ueneral H. H.

Uill, Senator in the Rebel Congress; John B. Gordon, Gcn- ml in the Rebel army Thomas L. Price, Ueneral iu the Rebel army Z. B. Vance, llebel Governor during the war; Wade Hampton, General in the Rebel army N.

B. Forrest, General in the Rebel army; Robert omcer in the Rebel nriny J. G. Bar-itt. Rebel spy during the war.

Besides ihese and others of the same stripe, Valan- igiiam, vonrnees, iitz John Porter, (the issraced Union General.) and the like will dsn be there, to say nothing ot those riot- us -vagabonds of New York who murdered nnocent men, women and children in July 1803, and burned school-houses in their nuitic resistance to the draft these same nen will be in sympathy with thein if not jthere. Neuibern Republican. jCold Blooded Murder in Arkansas A Summary way of Settling a Debt. Yesterdav Mr. George Bethel), nenhew of plr.

P. C. Bethcll, of this city, nccompained i woi. unncan H. McKae, W.

B. Grcen- W. T. Dean, went on a fishing to tne Ten-mile bayou, beyond Ilopefield, on the Arkansas side of the river, 'he day was passing pleasantly, until about clock in the afternoon, when a Mr. Uarence Collier, whose father's nlanUtion that nf vannir Tl.tlioll'a imU noui- 1 u.i.u, I lie liaVOIl nrmo.l urttk olit ...,1 ui.u null oillb-gUllj UU tn the party, and Bethell handed him a wliu Collier read and then remarking tln.f AiA nn uju IIIKUU DCb- ne any such claim, or something of the sort.

Utholl nso (Jiamoililtpfl nnrl annwi urnrila Passed lietwefin IP 111 in ujltinlt nrara "scoundrel." Collier, holding his gun to his hip, walk-C'l toward Bethell, who also advanced' to "eet him. balding h.nri "Ihct said to Bethell, "You dare not draw pistol; you are too big a coward to anybody;" and keeping his gun to urea at him. The whole load uuckshot entered the left breast just above heart, and en "stantly killed, however and, supporting on Ins ellmw, said, Boys, you all i did not draw a pistol Mlicr. seeinorthot oii.i.i tl iti nna lliflf Bkllll.ll, r'M'petl up close to him and firl the second "'iinm i.i i anil fc-ir iuijj mi, ma urains Killing him instantly. He then coolly wed around and loaded" his eun airain.

and way I settle '1 n'mted his horse and rode off lUUfMllnr. TT I. in, B' on IIH ierson, lieside the itan, a novo i n. i i. uno a iiowie-Knnc.

MclJnp ioilo i wiiupunioiis nan lie placed in a box and brought it on the tr-iin tr "1IU "rougnt ic on mc and thence to this city l3t evening Wres Iast evening, had not been Kill a fnrce is aftw 'im which r. m. "ecure luni. Memphit V'" ft" iu well as "anC Ir-'8- Mn wider another lfcw not a 'legal Lcgislatarft of NortlCaroli SENATE. Svtuhday, July 4th, 1868.

The Senate met according to adjournment. Praver by Rev. G. W. Welker.

Senator from Guilford. Mr. Winstead, chairman of the investiga ting committee reported favorably upon the credentials of the following Senators J. W. Purdie, Joshua Barnes, W.

B. Richardson, Peter A. Wilson, W. M. Moore and W.

L. Love. The report was received and adopted, and the Senators sworn in iy Chief Justice Pearson and took their scats. The President announced the passage of the Constitutional amendment by both Houses of the General Assembly, and its ratilication by the President of A message was received from the llouie of Representatives concurring in the Senate resolution appointing a committee to wait on the Governor and inform him that the Legislature was ready to hear his proposed address, and appointing Messrs. Ash worth, Argo and Cherry as House branch of that committee.

'V" A message was received from the House of Representatives transmitting House Bill No. 2, in relation to the bond of the Public Treat- er. Mr. Cook moved to lay the bill on the ta ble and print. Mr.

Lossiter moved tojreier to the com mittee ot code commissioners. The President decided that the Senate could not refer matter to other parties than Senators. Mr. Xassiter withdrew his motion to refer. The motion of Mr.

Cook did not prevail. Mr. Robbins moved that the investigating committee be required to ask the opinion of the Judges of. the Supreme Court of North- Carolina upon the following questions, to wit: 1. Whether the amendment to the federal constitution, entitled Article 14 has any va lidity yet as a part of that constitution, or has any force or effect in this State at this time.

2. Whether the 3d section of the Omnibus Bill, so-called, is binding upon this State in so far as it declares who are or are not eligible to office in North-Carolina; and that the committee be instructed to include that opinion in their report. Mr. Rich moved the following amendment which was adopted "Are any ot tne reconstruction acts as passed by Congress binding upon this State in so far as they declare who are or are not eligible to omce in North-Carolina." Mr. Smith from the committee to wait upon the Governor, reported that the Governor would deliver his inaugural address before both Houses, and requested the Senate to proceed to the stand.

The Senate took a recess and after hear ing the address of the Governor, re-assem bled in the senate Chamber. Pending the motion of Mr. Robbins, the Senate adjourned to 10 o'clock Monday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Satttoday, July 4, 1808.

The House was called to order at 10 o'clock by the Speaker. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Wirrick. The reading of the Journal was dispensed with.

Mr. Sinclair offered the following resolution: Whbrras, Public rumor charges a gentleman occupying a high judicial position on the bench of the Superior Court of this State with conduct in the public streets of this City and other places, Which is deemed highly offensive to good morals and degrading to the ermine of the benclij Therefore Retained-, That a committee consisting of five memlers, be appointed X. investigate the truth of these rumois and report thereon at an early day, in order that such action may be had in the premises as may comport withr the dignity of the body and the time-honored purity of the bench ot the State." Mr. Bowman moved that the resolution be laid upon the table. Mr.

Sinclair culled for the yeas and nays, which call being sustained, the House refused to lay upon the table yeas 10 nays 64. Mr. Harris, ot Wake, was opposed to the solution in its present form, and thought it beneath the dignity of the House to proceed in a matter of such grave importance on mere street rumor. He was willing, however, to investigate, if the matter was properly brought before the body. Mr.

Sinclair urged the adoption of the resolution. Mr. Estes rose to a point of order. The gentleman referred to in the resolution had not qualified as a Judge he, therefore, held that he resolution was out of order. The Speaker sustained the point taken by Mr.

Estes Mr. Abbott in the Chair. The resolution was withdrawn and again renewed by Mr. Sinclair, he having learned that the gentleman had qualified, Mr. Seymour moved that the resolution be postponed until Monday next.

Carried. Mr. Ash worth, on the part of the committee of arrangements, reported, recommending that the two Houses adjourn to the platform in the Capitol Square, to hear the Inaugural Address of Gov. Holden that the principal officers of the two Houses escort the Governor thereto, and that the doorkeepers act as Marshals on the occasion. On motion of Mr.

Seymour, the House adjourned until Monday morning, 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mosday, July 6th, 1 868. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, the Speaker in the chair. Prayer by the ReY.

Mr. Branson. Journal of Friday and Saturday were read and approved. Mr. B.

D. Morrill, representative from Brunswick, appeared, and, after qualifying, took his seat Mr. Estes presented a memorial from Cooper Hutcbins in reference to taxes paid in the County Of Duplin. Ordered to be referred to the Committee on Claims, when such Committee shall have been appointed. By Mr.

Gunter, a resolution requesting the Governor to furnish each mem Iter of the House with a copy of the Constitution and also of the ordinances of the lute Convention. Adopted. By Mr. Hodgin, a resolution allowing and requesting the Committee, authorized by the Convention to prepare a code of practice and to codify the laws, to address the House in committee of the whole. Adopted.

By Mr. a resolution postponing until November next the collection of taxes in Randolph County. Mr. Hodnett moved to amend by adding Caswell County. After some discussion, the resolution was withdrawn.

By Mr. Abbott, a resolution authorizing and requesting the Governor to appoint a committee of three whose duty it shall be to examine into the management of the literary fund since 1860, and what disposition has been made of the funds thereof. Mr. Durham opposed the resolution owing to the expense which its passage would entail upon the State. The committee on Education could furnish the information desired.

Mr. Abbott modified his resolution, so as to appoint a committee of three by the House, in which form the resolution. Passed. By Mr. Sinclair, a bill entitled an act to change the method of electing judges of the several Superior Courts.

Provides for the election of the Keyeral judges by the electors of the districts in which they reside, instead of by the voters of the State at large. TJ ii Kafftn rA nvarl a law AIA UDIIVV Uhia.S 11'Sf USV IVU iu the bill on the table. Mr. Sinclair called for the ayes and nays, resulting in the refusal of the House to lay upon the table. Ayes 46 nays 50.

Mr. Abbott moved to refer the bill to the Judiciary committee hereafter to be Mr. Abbott called np his hill appointing a sjiecial term, of the Superior Court in Caldwell county. The bill passed its second and third readings, and was ordered to be engrossed, and transmitted to the Senate. By Mr.

White, a bill providing for the relief of Sheriffs and their sureties. Allows until January, 1869, for the collection of arrearages of taxes The bill passed its second reading, and was ordered to lay over until to-morrow. By Mr. Kinney; a bill amending the charter of the Davidson Copper Mining Company. The bill passed its second and third readings.

Ordered to be engrossed and transmitted to the Senate. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Mr. Sinclair's resolution to appoint a commtttee to investigate rumors in reference to one of the Judges, was taken up. The Chair suggested that the party be designated in deference to the other eleven Judges.

Mr. Sinclair supplied the name ot Judge E. W.Jones. Mr. Seymour said that there were reasons why the resolution should not be acted npon to-day, and moved that it be postponed and made the special order for Thursday next.

Adopted. Mr. Abbott, from the committee on rules, said that the committee would report during the afternoon xession and moved that when the body adjourned, it do so to 4 o'clock, P. M. Accordingly, the House so adjourned on motion of Mr.

Downing. In this City, on the 6th of July, of Consumption, Mrs. Susan A. R. Matthiws, aged 40 years and 4 days.

The deceased bad been a member of the Baptist Church for 20 Tears, aud requested her friends to meet her In heaven. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING! THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Atlantic North-Carolina Railroad Company will take place on Thursday, the 23rd instant, at Morehead City. ED. K. STANLY.



R. THOMAS, Directors. July 7, 1868. 153-td. STRAYED OR STOLEN, T7R0M THE tNDERSIGNED, ON THE 29th June, IStiS, from May on Camp, three miles below Carthage, one MARK MULE; light bar small scar ou one of her bind legs, below the hock; a black streak on her back, from her mane toner tail; small size mule, well made; shod before about seven rears old.

I will pay Ten Dollars for the delivery of said Mule. Any inl'ormaiion will be thankfully received. My address is Carter's MiUo, Moore JN. (J. ADAM.

UAKHKK. July 0,1868. 153 2t. Sealed Proposals, IN DUPLICATE, EACH ENDORSED WITH terms ot Bidders, and date, will be received at tniB umce, at tue uarruon Hllltarv rout, Goldsboro', N. C.

or through the mail, directed to the undersigned, until 13 o'clock, the 13th day of July, instant, for supplying this Military Poet with WOOD for one year from the 13 til day ot July, lnst. The Wood to be supplied to be Merchantable HurJ Oak or Ash. cleft, and to be cut Four (4) feet long; to be delivered at the Garrison, Goldsboro', N. in snch quantities as may be re quired, not exceeding Two hundred (200) Cords in any one month. The contractor to receive Government Vouchers from Post Quartermaster in payment tor number or Uords accepted in each month.

Proposals will be opened at thU Office ou the 15th day of Julv. at noon. Bidders are invited to be present at the time of opening tneir respective proposals. By order livt. Brie.

Gen. Ttlsb. U. S. Chi.

Qnnrtermaetr 3d Mil. Dis't, jr. n. HATHA WAX, 2d Lieut. 40th Bvt Capt A.

A. Q. M.f U. 8. A.

July 7, 1868. 143-td. Win ImM, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, OPPOSITR NATIONAL BANK, Xt.Alelsl3. 33- KEEPS CONSTANTLY OH BAUD A LARGE STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD WORKS, JUseeUaneoiig Bosks, Stadtiary, Faiuy Articles, Ac, Together with every article usually kept In their line of business, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mar 23, 1863.

133-Sm July, 1868. AS THE 8EA80N HAS CONSIDERABLY advanced, and money is scarce, Bargains may be hod flora our large Stock of DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, Trunks, fcc. Now Is the time for piece or package' purchases, and country Merchants. W.II.&R.S. Raleigh, July 7, 1868.


Will publish, August 1st, for free distribution, a Catalogue of Lands for sale in North and South Carolina. 8eud in a description and price of lands. No charge unless a sule Is effected. July 7, 1868. 152-ly.

Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Bnunrlits Ereiywheie. xiviri3vr. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Raleigh Gaston Railroad have declared a dividend of per cent, on the capital stock of the Company, payable at thu office of the Company on and alter July 16, 1868. vV.

W. Office RaL Gaston R. R. Raleigh, June 27. W8 148 tjnly31.

WANTED AGENTS $175 per month to Sell the RATION ALFAMT1.TBRWING MACHINE. This Machine is equal to the standard machines in every respect aud is sold at the low price ot $30. Address national sbwimo machine Pittsburgh, Pa. 145 lm. NOON DISPATClIES-MONLiAY.

From New York. 1 Niw-Tokk, July 6, M. The police arrange ments Were Inadequate, this morning, to keep hack the surgiug crowd which so blocked the way, that the delegatus bad difficulty In entering. At half past ten, the delegates were generally in their seats. The Convention was called to order at a quarter before eleven.

Prayer by the Rev. William Quinn. The read ing of the Journal of Saturday was dispensed with. The delegation from the Working Men's Con vention weie invited to seats. The Committee ou permanent organisation re ported for President Hon.

Horotio Seymour, of New-York. (Great cheering.) Vice President and Secretary from each State were recommend ed. The rules of the "Democratic Convention" ot 1804 were adopted, for the government of the Convention. The committee on resolutions asked permission to sit dueing the session of the Convention. Agreed to The chair appointed Messrs.

Biglcr, of Penn sylvania, and Hampton, of South-Carolina, a committee tc conduct the permanent President to the chair. Gov. Seymour proceeded to the platform amid great cheering, loud, and long He returned thanks and counseled moderation and harmony. He said that the most important questions were forced npon the consideration of this con vention. Some of these were forced upon it by the resolutions of the Chicago convention.

He discussed briefly the Republican platform, and accused that party of violating its own declaration against repudiation and unequal taxation, and their asserted solicitude, for the soldiers aud sailors' widows aud orjiiui4. accused tho now dominant pariy with extravagant ly wasting the public monies, tainting the Na tional credit, obstructing immigration by overburdening labor with taxation, and, breaking down ail constitutional guarantees of Republican liberty. i He. denied the assertion of the Republican Con vention, that the pilnclples of the Declaration of Independence are now sacred on every inch of American soil for In ten States of the Union military power suppressed civil law. markets.

New-York, July 6, M. Cotton firmer 32S3. Turpentine 4344 Gold 1.40. Old bonds 118. New 108.

C. ex-coupons TI); new 763 Vlrgiuir's, new 573 59. Tennessee, ex-con pons, T2 new 71. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. From Washington.

Washington, July 6, P. MHoosa. North-Carolina's adoption of the 14tb article was communicated, and the credentials of the North-Carolina representatives presented. Messrs. French, Deweese and Jones were sworn In.

Adjourned. Sbnatb. After unimportant business, the tax was considered to adjourumeut. New-York. New-York, July 6, P.

M. A large number cf resolutions were offered to-day, and referred without debate. Resolutions endorsing Presideut Johnson and applauding Judge Chase's course on impeach ment, created applause. A resolution urging universal amnesty, without any exception, was adopted. Adjourned to 4 o'clock.

Massachusetts and Rhode Island will vote for Chase on the first ballot. Pendleton's friends claim one hundred and eighty votes on the first ballot. Chase's lettei is published. Alluding to suffrage, and other domestic affairs, alter expressing himself iu favor of according sfirage to all citizens, Chase says "Ou this question I adhere to my old State Rights doctrine. Ia the of pollination and success, I trnst I should act that neither the great party, which makes the nomination, nor the great body of the patriotic citizens, whose co-operation would insure success, would have cause to regret their action.

It is an Intense desire with me to sec the Democratic party meeting the question of tbc day, in tbc spirit of the day, and assuring to itself a long duration of It can do so if It will" Four o'clock, P. JL The Convention reassembled. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention presented an address, expressing no preference tor a candidate, but breathed harmony and CDnfldence in the result. An effort to overthrow the two-thuds rale failed. The convention adjourned to tlx o'clock, without ballot or platform.

From SoatteCaroliaa. Columbia, Jnly 6, P. M. The Legislature was organized by the choice of F. J.

Moses, lor the Spenker of the House, and Maj. O. T. Cor-bln, President pro tern of the Scute. The Lt Governor is sick.

In the House, Wblpper Lortbern, colored nominated a colored man for Speaker, and said that the time would come for the issoe to be made in the party. Therefore, the Republicans denied the black man everything, and showed partiality. Hereafter he would assert his own rights and protect them, too, and the consequence must be with his enemies. He was severe upon the Ignorant white man, who had been elevated to office by the colored voters. He said the thing must stop or the party would go to pieces.

There was considerable excitemeut the speech being revolutionary. Orr was out to-day. Gov. Scott hus arrived. Markets.

Nbw-York, July 6, P. M. Cotton a shade firmer. Sales of 1,600 bales at 31K33. Gold closed at 403.

OFFICIAL. Headqnirtere Secend unitary District, Chabuutox, 8. 0, July 1888. GSM RAL OBCXBS, I No. 128.

The following appointments of directors and proxies for railroads on the part of the State nf North-Carolina, made by his Excellency, Jonathan Worth, late Provisional Governor of North Carolina, on the Jane, nltimo, am hereby disapproved and annulled, as in violation of the spirit ana intent of General Orders Ne. 84, of May 16th, 1868, from these Headquarters Atintio and North-Ca roliha Railroad. Dirtct-or, Lewis C. Desmond, Jobn D. Whitford.

James H. Parrott, John D. Planner. Alonzo T. Jenkins, WUlLun Murdock, John L.

Morehead, Isaac Ramsey; Prary, George W. Dill. WnJCtNOTON and Weldoh Railroad. DirectOTt, Thos. D.

Hogg, John Korfleet, Edward Kidder; Proxy, A. A. McKay. North-Cabolira Railroad. Dineton, O.

G. Parsley, Joeiah Turner, James M. Leach, R. T. Mc-Aklea.

William C. Means, R. B. Haywood, Peter Ad-uu, J. M.

Coflin Proxy, John Berry. Wistzbk Kobtb-Caboliha Railroad. Wrtcton, A. ti. Merrimou.

Andrew J. iowles, G. F. Davidson, F. Shober, A.

Powell Proxy, O. O. Fori. Albrvakli and Chesapeake Cahal. Director, Peyton Henry, D.

D. Ferrebee, Thoaws J. Jarvis; Proxy, Charles Latham. By command of Brt. Mai-Gen.

Ed. E. 8 Casbt LOUIS V. CAZ1A8C, AiMt-Camp, Aetg. Amu.

Adjt. Gtnl. PHOTOGRAPHS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS at WATSON'S GALLERY, FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. HAVING A LARGE STOCK OP FRAMES and Cases on hand, I have determined to reduce my stock by selling frames with pictures complete lor about one-halt the usual price.

Those wishing a Photograph in a fine frame at a very low price, should call at once. 1. W. WATSON. Kaleigh, Jnne 27, 1808.

148 tf. Notices in Bankruptcy NeTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court Of tlWu Ii United 8tte, In Bankruptcy. For the Pamlico District In the matter of William A. Daniel, aBank- NOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the 23d day of Hay, a.

1808, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Pamlico District of North the estate of Wm. A. Dahiel, of the County of Halifax, and 8tate of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery ot any property belonging to such bankrupt to them or for his' use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, willbehcldat aCourtofBmkruptey, to be bohlen at Kaleigh, Wnke County, N. before John T. Decent, Esq Register in Bankruptcy for said District, on the gird day of of July, 1SB8, at 10 o'clock, m.

ANIEL R. GOODLOE, If. 8. Xanhal Moaenger. C.

L. Harris, XT. 8. Deputy Manhal, i June 30, 1808. 149 lawSw.

NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of United Statbs, T0Uirmt. For the Cape Fear District Bankruptcy. of J- In the matter of Edward Fallings, a Bank-- rupt ea. NOTICE 13 HEBEBf GIVEN, THAT ON the 16'ii day of June, A.

1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District 4 ourt ot the United State for the Cape Fear District of North-Carolina, against the estate-of Edwakd Fcludos, of Charlotte, in the Connty of Mecklenburg, and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts, and the dell very of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to bim or for his use, and the trausfei of any property by him are forbidden by law bat a meeting of the creditors of the suid bankrupt, to prove their debt, and to choose one or more assignees of bis estate, will be held Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden- at Charlotte, North-Carolina, before A Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy for said District, on the 10th day of July, A 1868, at 10 o'clock. A. M. VNIEL R. GOODLOE, U.

8. Manhal a Alatenger. E. B. Fulltros, a.

8. Deputy Marshal. June 80, 1808. 149 luwSwpd. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.

District Conrt of the United States, For the Cape Fear District. Bankruptcy. In the matter of Samnel A. Stewart, a Bank- rupt u. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.

THAT ON XI the 22d day of Juue, A. i 1863, a warrant in bankruptcy was issued out of the district court of the united States for the Cape Fear Dis triet of North-Carolina, against the estate of Samuel A. 8TEWAUT, ol Charlotte, in tne county of Mecklenburg, and Slate of North -Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on Ills own petition that the payment of anv debts, and the delivery of any prop erty belonging to such him or for lis use. and the transfer ot any property by bim are forbidden by law and that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy, to txt holden at Charlotte. N.

C. before A W. Shaffer, Register iu Bankruptcy for said District, on the loth day ot July, A 1868, at to o'clock, a. ni. DANIEL K.

GOODLOE, U. 8. Marshal as Messenger. E. B.

Fullinos, U. 8, Deputy Marshal 149 lawSwpd. NOTICE IN BUSEUCrTCY. Ih thk Distwot Coubt ow the United States, For the Cape Fear District of i North-Carolina. In Bankruptcy.

In the matter of D. W. Fronebarger, bankrupt. TTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON 11 the id day ot June, A. loos, a war rant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the Dis.

triet Court of the United States for the Cape Fear District of North-Carolina, against tho estate of L. W. FBOKEBABOER, Ol Hie COUMy Ol Gaston, and State of North-Caroliua, in said said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition that the payment ot any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to suck Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden bv law that a meeting of the credi tors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees oi nis es tutc will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Charlotte North-Carolina, before A W. Shaffer, Register in Bankruptcy for said District, ou the lotu oay oi iuiy, a. 1808, at 8 o'clock, p.

m. D. R. GOODLOE, U. S.

Marshal, as Messenger. E. B. Fclt.inqb, U. S.

Deputy Marshal. Juue 30, 1808. 149 law3w. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the 1 United Suites, J-In Bankruptcy.

For the Cape Fear District. In the matter of Martin Sboflner, a Bankrupt es. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the 87th day of May, A. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Uuited States fir the Cape Fear District of North-Carolina, against the estate of Marti dHorrsEB, of Albemarle, in the connty of Stanly, and State of North-Carolina, who bus Vesu adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law aud that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or mo-e assignees nf his esate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy to bo holden at Fayettcville, N.

before William A Guthrie. Register, on the 7th day ot July, a. 1868, at 10 o'elock, a. m. D.

R. GOO.OLOE, U. 8. Marshal as Messenger. W.

H. Morrow, U. 8. Deputy MarshaL June 25, 1868. 147 law3w.

NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the United States, 1- Bankruptcy. For the Cape Fear District In the matter of Benjamin Rush, a Bankrupt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the 29th day of May, A. 1868, a warrant iu Bankruptcy waj issued out of the District Court of the United States lor the Cape Fear District of North-Carolina, against the estate of Benjamih Rush, of Fayetteville, in the county of Cumberland, and State of North-Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to bim or for his use, and the transfer ot any property by him are forbidden by law and ti'St a meeting oi the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at court of bankruptcy to be holden at Fayetteville, N. before William A.

Guthrie, Register, on the 10th day of July, a. 1868, at 10 o'clock, a m. D. R. GOODLOE, TJ.

8. Marshal as Messenger. W. H. Monsow, U.

8. Depnty Marshal Juue 25, 1808. 147 lawSw. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. district Court of the 1 United States, J-In Bankruptcy.

For the Cape Fear District. In the matter of D. B. Allen, a Bankrupt NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVE.y, THAT OX the 88th day of May, a. 1868, a warrant in Bankauptcy was issued out ot the Court of the United 8tates for the Cape Fear District of North-Carolina, against the estate of D.

B. Allen, of ML Gilead, in the county of Montgomery, and 8tatc of North-Caroliua, who bos been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, ana the transfer of any property by bim are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more sssignees of bis estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to. be holden at Fayetteville, JT. before Wm. A 6utbrie, Register, oo the 7th day of July, A.

1868, at 10 o'clock, a. m. ilR. U.S. Marshal as W.

H. Morrow, V. 8. -fjeputy Marshal. June 35, lm.


CORN per bushel 50? MEAL per ....150 BACON 1920 4- FLOUR 1I013 LAUD per 25 CHEESE per pound 85 COFFEE per S03S 8UGAK crushed. j. ,85 ext 80 best 1X1T brown 15 TEA per pound 8 00S 00 BEEF per pound 10(15 PEAS red, per bushel 9 0t: WK15 60 wane FODDER per hundred onutJKtj per Hundred HAY(meadow) per hundred OATS per hundred POTATOE8 Irish, per 8 A l.T per bushel VNDLES adamantine, per lb. BOAP turpentiue PE A.CHES i APPLES dried, per CHICKENS (Spring) apiece EGOS per dozen HERRINGS per barrel, ....10 OOwiT 00 MOLASSES per gallon (new crop,) 6065 80DA per 1520 BLUE STONE per pound 85 COTTON (yarn) 8 00 COTTON per pound, SHEETING! 4-4. BEESWAX.

24 90 80 40 15 TURPENTINE per iuujl per Notices in Bankruptcy, NOTICE El BASSRFPTCY. Is the District Coubt or tub united States. For the Pamlico District In Bankruptcy. of North-Carolina. In the matter of Henry J.

HeaBincer. a Bankrupt o. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the Stith day of June, a. 1SU8, a warrant iu Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Pamlico uistrictot Aorui-varoiina, against the estate of Hbnbt J. Mbmbimobb, of Newbern.

in the Connty of Craven, and State of North-Carolina, wnuiu saia utstnet, wuo lias ocen adjudged a Bankrupt on bis own petition; that the pay ment or any deDts, and delivery ol any property belonging to such bankrupt, to bim or tor bis use, and the transfer of any property by bim are forbidden by law; aud that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debt-, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy no ue noiuen i newoem, graven uounty, N. C. before P. Lehman. Rcirister iu Bankruptcy for said District, on the 16th day ol July, a.

1868. at 10 o'clock, a m. U. K. UOODLOE, TJ.

8. Marshal as Messenger. R. C. Kkhoe, TJ.

8. Deputy Marshal. July 4, 1868. 151 lawSw. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.

District Court of the United States. In BankruDtcv. For the Pamlico District. In the matter of Daniel W. Hnrtt.

a Bank rupt THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON the 29th day of May. A 1868. a war rant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Pamlico District of North-Carolina, against the estate of Daniel W. Uurtt, of Newbern, in the County oi graven, ana awie oi jNorui-uarouua, within said District, who have been adjudged a bank' rupt upon hiBown petition; that the payment of any aents ana aeiivcry ot any property belonging to such bankrupt, to htm or tor his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law and that an adjourned meeting ol the credltorsot the said Bankrupt, to prove bis debts. and to choose one or more assienees of their estate will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be bolden at Newbern, Craven North-Carolina, belore R.

F. Lehman, Register in Bankruptcy for saia District, on tue 1th day ol July, A. 1808, at iu ciocs, a. ru. 1 DANIEL R.

GOODLOE, U. 8. Marshal as Messenger. R. C.

Kehob, U. 8. Deputy Marshal. July 4, 1868. 151 lawSw.

NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. Disarict 'Jourt of the 1 United States, In Bankruptcy." For the Pamlico In the matter Of Archibald Rose, a Bank rupt u. -XTOttCE i8 HEREBY-GIVEN, HAT-ON 11 the day ot June, a. P. 1H8, a warrant In Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Pamlico District of North-Carolina, against the estate of Akchi bald Rose, oi Joyuers Depot, Wilson and Statu of who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use.

and the transfer of any pronertv bv him are forbidden by law; and that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, aud to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a conrt of bankruptcy to be holden at Jvewbern, Craven county, N. before R. F. Lehman, Register in Bankruptcy for said District, on the 16th day of July, a. 1863, at 10 o'clock, it.

m. DANIEL K. GOODLOE, U. 8. Marshal ae Messenger.

R. C. Kehob, U. B. Deputy Marshal.

June 30, 1868. 149-law8wpd. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the 1 United States, J-In Bankruptcy. For the Pamlico District.

In the matter of W. E. Ferrebee, a Bankrupt NOTICE 18 HEREBY THAT 02T the 18th day of Juue. a. 1868, a warrant in Bankruptcy was hu-ued out of the District Court of the United States for the Pamlico District of ivbrth-Curolina, against the estate of W.

E. Ferrebee, of Bay Kiver, in the County of Craven and Slate ot Jvbrth-Cbrollna, who has been adjudged a bankrupt' on bis own petition that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to bim or for bis use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said baokruptto prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankrupt cy, to be bolden at iVewbern. craven ivortb-Carolina. before R. F.

Lehman, Register in Bankruptcy for said district, on the 13th day of July, A. 1868 at 10 o'cloek, a. m. DAA'IEL GOODLOE, 'r U. 8.

Marshal as Messenger. R. C. KKitOE, TJ. 8.

Deputy Marshal. Jane 80, 1806V 149 law3t NOTICE IN BANKRURTCY. District Court of the United Siates, for the Cape Far VIn Bankruptcy. District of North Carolina. In the matter of William H.

Newburry, a Bankrupt s. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT A PE-tition has been filed in said Conrt by Wm. H. Nbwbubbt, iu said District, duly declared Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof Irom all his debts and other claims provable under said Act; and that the 21st day of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock, a. at the office of W.

A. Guthrie, Register in FayetteTille, Cumberland County, North-Carolina, is assigned lor the hearing ol the same, when all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted and that the second and third meetings will be held; at tbe same time and place. Dated at Wilmington, A. on the lath day of Jupe, A.D., 1868. WILLIAM LAEKTN8, Clerk.

Jnne 87, 1868. NOTICE IN. BANKRUPTCY. IaT THE DlSTHlOT COUBT OI I the TJwtko States, In Bankruptcy. For the District ol Cape Tear.

In the matter of John D. Jackson Cicero P. Bankrupts. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT A Petition has been filed in said Conrt by Joint P. Jackson Cicbho P.

Pbakcb, In said District, duly declared bankrupts, under the Art or Congress of March 2nd, 1867, tor a discharge and certificate thereof from all their debts and other claims provable nnder said Act, and that the S8d day of July, 1808, at 10 o'clock, A. at the office of W. A. Gntbrie, RegVtar In Bankruptcy, in Fayetteville, Cumbetland County, North Carolina, to assigned for the betrinx oi the same, when and where all creditor who have proved their debts, and other persons In Inter, may attend, and show cause, if any tby have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And that the tecoad and Uikd'ljieeV ings will be held at tne same tine aoq.plaee.

Dated at Wiinilngtou, N. on the. 13U, day of June, A. 18CS. i WILUAkt LASE1N8, Cttrk.

June 27, 1808. US-lawSt, i soma oo 1 00(2)1 80 1 00(g! 25 150 1 753 00 1 25 80 8 603 00 125 202)25 wWoao FINANCIAL RALEIGII TAT10NAL BiNK NOBTH.CABOUirA. i i BOARD Of wyJ: R.W.PuuxAii.fWi.,- Geo. W.Swimobv i W.H.Wiuari. J.Hawkim, i.i: A 8.

MbMMOK. 4 ui Cus. Dbwet, Cashier, iota Blaxz, Teller, i DEALS IN IXCHANait, BIGHT DSim, Gold and Silver Colo, and 6ortiMti oUjer Securities. i TTnenrrent Bank Note bourht at blgkest prices. Packages sent by Express will be remit- ted for promptly in currency, or in New York luudsatpar.

i Price Current, Bank of Cape Fibbuabt 81, 18M: 88 SO 4 IT 10 18 10 88 60 00 90 uiiarlotte FayettevUle 1 Lexington (old). (new) 7 Lexington, payable at nonu-varouna Wades boro Washington 4 tt YaneewUle. 17V Commercial Bank of Wilmlnrtaa Si Farmer's Bank of North-Carolina, tT 10 Greensboro Mutual Tnsnnnce 6 I Merchants' Bank of 00 Miners' and Planters' 40 March 81, 1868. g--tf. RALEIQH MONErMARRETS.

'John G. Williams Broken, RALEIGH, N. PBIOB8 OF XORTH-CAHOLIMA BAB It Gold 138 1S8 OM 67 Old Sizes 64 58 i Cape 80 i Lexington 15 84 i '61 Wadesborongh 84 I Thomas 00 Wilmington 87 Commerce 8 i 10 8 i Yanceyville 8 Miners' and Planters'. Bank. 40 V.

Farmers' Bank, GreenBborough 6 Commercial Bank, Wilmington 87 Merchants' Bank, Newbern 80 Greensboroueh Mutual New York Exehange V' SPECIAL NOTICES. Mental Depression. Mental depression 1 a disease of the nervosa system, and, of all the Ills flesh is belr to, Is the ore that excites the least sympathy. It to subject of frequent jests, and to called by various derisive terms; bnt, although it to often laughed at, it to not easy to laugh the patient eat 1 of the belier that bis Ills are all real, for It to reo dtordr the general feature of which are constant anxiety tnd gloom. The external senses, as well as the mental often'' manifest symptoms of derangement, Noise, as of falling and ringing in the ears are complained of, while black speck and Aery parks frequently flit before the vision.

Admonition like these should not be disregarded, a they may, it neglected, terminate In Insanity. The seat of the disease to in the brain and ner-vous system, and to control the malady It to essary to use- a powerful tonle and alterative, which will correct and tone those organs wi thowt inflaming brain. ThU I the (eeret of the success of Hosletter's StOBaack Bitten In cases ot this kind, for which it to the safest as well as the best of restoratives. In Met Kit the only pare and Tellable tonle stimulant known. Many nostrums, purporting to be tonics, are puffed np from time to time in the newspapers, 1-nt the sufferer had better let them alone.

HOSTETTER'S 8T0MACH BITTERS has proven itself, by many years of trial. to be in every respect what it is represented be. Jnne 17, 1868. 84-wlnu WHAT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS. A good, cheap, and reliable liniment article It DR.

TOBIAS' Venitaa Horse i la Pint BettJti at Oae Dtllar. For Lameness, Cuts, Galls, Colic, Sprain, ftc warranted cheaper than any other. It to aeed by all the great horsem*n on Long bland coarse. It will not cure Ring-Bone nor Spavin, a there to no Liniment In existence that will. What it I stated to cure It positively doe.

'Jh emtmef hone will be without oJUr trying bottle. On dose revives and often saves the life of an over heated or driven bore. For Colic and Belly- ache it ha never Jest a lures the aat) rises, just so sure to 4hto valuable Liniment to be the Horse Embrocation of the day. Use It one and all. Depot, No.

58 Cortland Street, New York. Bold by all the DruggiaU and Storekeepers, i June 2, 1868. 127-twAwlm. 1 ERRORS OF YOUTH. 1 A gentleman who suffered lor years from Nerr-ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effort of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of inf fering humanity, send freelo all who need It, the receipt and direction for making the simple remedy by which be was enred, Suflerer wlh- lug to profit by the advertiser' experience, can do so by addressing, In perfeet confidence, JOHN B.

00 DEN, NO. 48 Cedar New York. October 30, 1867. 48-If. i GELLIIIG (OUT NEW YORK COST! --u, i Drj Coods, Ready Made Clothing, Crockery and Hardware.

OWING TO CONTINUED ILL HEALTH, and consequent Inability to give proper attention to my basinets, L. have evaded to offer my entire Stock of -dry; GOODS, a fl i a fl ij, 1 ot i i boots and; scoes Notions and Hoadeiy, AND HAfiDWARE, At Kiw York Cost -to'CdtSi i. All who are In want of good and fMhloaable Good wonld do well lo call at oar before Ue Good are picked over. i uwgh, n. a Jane 26, 1868.

147 lav I u-j. vV: t.3f.

The Weekly Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.