The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)

36-- THE BRIDGEPORT POST, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1976 1 Help Wanted CHOOSE ONE OF THE BEST ll you're Interested In resldentlol real es- tale soles In Trumbuil area, VP Realty, Inc. has a lot 1o oiler. One of the top volume rim In the orvo, we have 3 of- llces and we hove many out-of-lown buyers. A member of 3 MLS and Notion- wide referral service and offers home buyers a new one year worronly. Brokers license preferred, but slrong training pro- gron provided.

For confldenlrol interview REAL ESTATE-- Trumbuil ofllce has opening for soles agent. Liberal door time, full training program, member of MLS, corporate referral network, unique advertising-marketing program. REAL ESTATE, 6WI TrtimtwH, REAL ESTATE AGENTS wonted to handle our expanding rental business. Draw with excellent commissions. Ask for Mr.

Jet Real Estate, 334-0136. new expansion program needs talented professionals to reap the benefits from a dynamic operation. You can double or trlp'e your present Income with our compensation package. Call ELMER or JOHN CANNUNE at 261-3656 lor a person 1 Interview. Trumbuil parlieulorlv Osired.

i. ROOFERS Aluminum slders gut- cr men, PXP only. Must hove your own tools COH 579-77)7, Man. ihru 8:30 11 6 p.m. RUBBER MOLDERS ON ST.

RATE S4.B1 BASE INCEH- VE -r BENEFITS. FEE PO. THE HELPERS INC. 11 RIVER ST IMS MAIN ST. M'LFORD HK UU 344-2222 REAL ES1ATE AOEN1S Established Agency seeks experienced, aggressive, ambitious, and bright sales people to work In new office opening ri the TRUMBULL SHUPPING MALL.

Fantastic exposure 8. working conditions. Ws II see more prospective buytrs in week than most offices see In 1 year. II you're interested In lucrative annual income, or you are unhaepy In your present tuotlon call BOB CSOM. lor a evidential Interview.

STOLLMAM ft CSOM REALTORS, RESTAURANT MANAGER, mm 3 vrs. recent CXD as Mar. preferably tor fast food chain, roold advancement. $14,300 TO a Fee Paid. Coll Sandy Kohorv, SMELLING SNELLING, 333-4146.

RN'S LPN'S Staff Relief and Private Duty Assignments 25M585 MeOical Personnel Pool REAL ESTATE-- Full time, active cc- Iion office, eiceflent potential! Bpt. Val ey Boards M.L.S., training pr vlded. AtK REAL ESTATE, 261-6441, 372-0750. REAL ESTATE-VP REALTY INC MONROE OFFICE ho? on opening ONF evDcricnce-d soles oqcnt. Contact Bm Golvin inr rraifidential interview, 263-5609, REAL ESTATE AGENT WANTED.

Over $14,000,000. In prop-rly sales recorded in Shclton In 4 month period In 1976! We need H-E-L-P. Sell where the action is. Full time preferred. All replies condden- 1 ol Heyse Real Estate, 729-S35B.

-TIC Experience not necessary. Apply In person only. S. Silver, Conn. Post Cenler, Iford.

SALESPERSON Retail operation, Nov 15 lo end of guaranteed S250 a vccie or commission. Call 5-9 P.m. 375- OJ13. A FOR low office, expcti- SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE it you arc management oriented: If you ere a thinker, a resnonslble non-conlorm- besides being friendly energetic, it vou con bt trained to manage people, you may qualify for a training program Jo learn sales monaqemenl from the around UP. you'd like to know the top incmaaement Held, 1 wont to heor from you.

Call Janis Fcrese 2S5-5929, Inveslors versified Services. SECRETARY Alert experienced qeoerai secretory- Must be an excellent iyp st lo handle genei-al correspondence reports for staff engineers, Good storting sa ary 35 hour week. Excc-ll. fringe bene- i working apply 9 to 11 o.m. at Columbia Records.

91 Woodman! jv.i ford An Equal Opportunity Employer. SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FULL TIME Immediate for hintilv mon- voted candidate to assume responsibly tor nstal ing, inspecting, cleaning, repairing ond overhauling all models compa- Servlce trainlna provided in the service Position requires mechanical opWude and gsod human relations skills. Salary com company paid benefits. For cnnfidenUn Interview call Mr. Luchette, 2S5 QJ91, Monday, or MONARCH MARKING SYSTEMS, INC.

AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SECURITY OFFICERS PART TIME WEEKENDS Perrnancn positions available in ihe Bpt S. Milford arecs Ind 3rd shifts. Good A SECURITY AGENCY, )U2 d. Bridgeport. SECURITY GUARDS benefits.

Must have clean Police Record, cor, and own telephone. Apply 7 Knowlton Monday Ihru Friday, 9 uTr. SUPERMARKET grocery people capable of tok opportuf ly, oood salary benefits. Co! Earn S175 to S3W sellma in our rcta showrooms. Experience.

Call 355-1654. SALES REPRESENTATIVE ing business ichool. Send resume 1 Cann Business Institute 605 Broad a C-0 E. Pallant. fractive, reliable, willing to assume snonsibi ty for soles in lorne retail cha ore.

Exceptional opportunity for qua field app 363-1E5J for Interview. Help Wanted STAFF ACCOUNTANT Corporate Staff opportunity lor ambitious individual, with accounting degree and 2 to 4 year's experience. Either private or public accounting experience is acceptable. Send resume with salary requirements to Box 9060 Post-Telegram ftn Ewal Opportunity Enplojet 1 Help Wanted plastic, handle retail Muit under- stand simple moth. Call Mr.

Wood, 3M- 6244. SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Due to our expansion program, ifl. nollon- ai coi'iuanv needs reliable mature ind vldual pleasing manner. Sales exg. helpful, but not necessary.

WI 1 excel, company benefits for the right person. a necessary. oerwnot call AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Port-time, ovolloble, i dovs for a lotal ol ubout 2i hrs. weekly, lncludlna'8 hrs. on iaturdav S.

Sunday doys. No 3rd ihltt. Earn $250 to WOO per week selling in one of Conn's most successful retell chains. Call 3S8-1854. SALESMAN: Windows, Doors and Millwork coll on will consider person wrt-tlmt who has related lines.

Contact Box 326. SENIOR INSPECTOR 4 yrs. experience covering Inspection of electronic components ana printed clrcull boards. Apply Wlttek Inc, Glover Norwolk. BS3-7400.

SHEET METAL MECHANIC --Ability work from Engineering drawings and sketches. Layout and produce ports for short production run. Also built templates and do prototype work. Apply Wlllck SMILING WOMAN, MS, 2 hours doily. 5 days per week.

Select day or evening lours. Sales ond inanaacment position. Coll Mr. Radin, 334-4540, 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. SUPERVISOR We arc rapidly expanding firm, located Stamford.

We ore looking tor a sharp, aggressive Individual to supervise our production line ol 13 people. This position 1 Involve some paperwork, and mechanical atlllty. Knowleqe of tne Spanish or French language helpful, bul noi necessary. We offer good starling salary, and company paid medical, denla and life Insurance plan. Please call Mr.

Babln, at 357-1414, ext. 2W SHAMPOO t-erson, part lime. Excei- 3eauty. 334-4532, days or evenings. SALES MANAGER-- Metropolitan Life.

Greenwich. Established unit, salary, rlnges, high vlsoblllly. and excellent ooporlunity. Coll Mr. Klrchsteln, 1-661- B203.

SECRETARY LEGAL. Real estate or mag card helpful. Good benefits. S155, Fee Paid. Call Jans Miller, Snelling and Snetllng, 333-ilW.

3i7-llM SALES CLERK Applications now being accepted tor Christmas season. Apply In person Carolina Factory Outlet, 2li Warren Bpt. SECRETARY-- Work with everyone In company get things done. Musr hove good secretarial skills. If qualified, call SECURITY GUARDS Full-Time Weekends! Accepting applications from dependable! people who have car.

phone clean police record. Coll GLEASON PLANT FCUR1TY. 346-9364 al machines, IVodlne, Globe, drill resscs). Day shift niaht shift, aood Inge benefits, steady work. Bpt.

Fittings Lordship exit 30, Conn. STANDARDS ENGINEER, E. electro ech exper Ideal to S32.500. Fee Paid, all Bill Flckcn, Snelling and Snelling, THIS COULD be the best part time Job au ever had! We are looktna for part Ime demonstralors lo work In local area ir maior manufacturer, demonstrating ppliances In retail store. Must be per- onattle.

experience preferred, references, a 1 334-7E52 for appointment between 10 nd 3. An Eaual Ooportunitv Employer. M-F. TECHNICIAN-Glass manulaclurlrg. chool Grad, to produce special glass materials.

Lab experience helpful ond must be mechanically inclined Fast rowing small company, paid benefits, oary Open. Evans. iNNOTcCH, arvalk, 844-2041. TYPIST CLERK sponslbte, agaresslve individual who is Interested In working tor a rapidly expanding firm. This position will Involve sales figures and typing monu- a Our tirm Is located In Stamford, i a aood starting and a nsurance program.

If you have worked th a calculator and hove cf 50 wprn, please contact our Personnel TRACTOR Trailer drivers needed lo drive tankers, Must be experienced hove aood driving record, steady year round work. Terminal In New Haven. Ca 1 1-239-2589. Rrot Class, experience In progressive dies, too salary, oil benefits, including profit sharing ond travel allowance. Co WS-7761.

M.E.C. INC. 1 TECHNICIANS Persons needed with good manual dexterity and mechanical skills 16 work on with close tolerance work and asset. Company offers excellent salary ana" benefits. Convenient Stamford location.



ABOUT PER YR. GOOD BENEFITS, FEE PD. THE HELPERS INC. 22 RIVER ST 1225 MAIN ST. MILFORD BRIDGEPORT 877-1218 3B4-2222 Drapery hardware Installation.

Must bt position. Must have mechanical ability no tear of height. Benefits include ue Cross, CMS St paid vacallon Coll lor laop't. for interview 336-3362. Turnpike Cleaners, 2D3? Black Rock Fi Ask for Mr.

Rosensteln. lure exp person Interested In pcrmoncn position. Informal atmosphere Must liave Etcef figure know-how and secrefnrfa skills. Background In bookkeeping, secur lies, taxes real eslote transactions plus Rcolles confidential Write 476, Soulhporl, 06J90. 1 1 neip wantea NIC Application a A position willi opporlunily for gooJ growth polpntiai open for a CLSlomer-onenled ruar.hmc tool with an technical sales background.

As work closely wi Tfu: portion hn sr Thib tb wilh Hi lion Klear, arrl thr? ahitt Please send your resume requirements to: 1 David Radile, dealers and customers in BNiirjf.porl, ConnectiLul. i oot'lionl oppulunily for lu (ipplica- i salisfy tlir: mrr 5 rorris in conficfoncc including 1 i crsonncl Heli) Milieu sscntlol. Newspopcr typcselllng experl- ncc a definite plus. Call Mrs. Million, 16-6311.

etp vhls lor frozen looo planl boK- ry in Monroe. Apply In person. Red oods, 183 Main Monroe, across from ing alley between WANTED-bxperlenced roofers, 1 ex- erienced autterman, 1 gultcr InHollotlon elpcr. 36MI14. WANTED An experienced Cook ft Iso in experienced Cook's Asjlstont.

Village, J13 Broodoridge Bpt.i WORK AT HOME on phone servicing ur customers In vour spare lime. Over WIRING SOLDERING-- To do wiring so dtrlng on small electronic assei.b- es. Some previous experience desirable, Equal Opportunity employer. Harre WIG STYLIST wanted. Experlenceo.

3 arl lime only. Coll 334-7667, or alter 4 p.m. prior experience nol mandatory, nanual dexterity necessary. For inter- lew wr te: Post-Telegram, Box 318. erlenccd.

Apply In oerson ol Andros ncr. WANTED-- Reliable, dependable worn- r. Apply In person LENNY'S DRIVE-IN, WA TRESS-Wallcr part time, apply In erson. Muriel's Restaurant, 356 Post East, Wcstoort. XMAS HELP Mature person who hrs day, 5 days week.

Sales man- ncmcnt uosition. For Interview call 2 Employment Information ALL FEE PAID business positions ocnlly eostern S. loll co*k-gories). Send resumes to Boa (or vaiuafkin-nlacement. -AS I BA LfeY EMPLOYMt-NT SERVICE BO Greenwich Greonv.lch.

Conn. 7 Situations Wanted AN AGGRESSIVE srs small" misY 1C55CS on a parl-tlme basis. Please call 33-970 or 373-1378. A-l EXPERIENCED STORE DETECTIVE NVESriGATOR: looking for retail or snvate work. Coll 366-6631.

A I Parents Will give your hi TLC In my home at upper Wood Bpt Excellent references. Call 363163. BABYSITTING In my home days, St. L'-S nosollal area. Coll 335-6644, BOOKKEEPER, Full charge, cxpcri- nccd In oil phases thru -slatemenis.

Prefer to worfc part time. Tel. 372-4679. CARPENTER-- 15 yrs. experience aval 1 remodeling, repairs, etc.

Reasonable, coll 259-0261 DRESSMAKER-Why pay more for othlng? Call between 7 P.M., DESIGNING, QETAILIN'; PATENT DRAWING. Expertly done at 3 reasonable price 336-3250 anytime. EXPERIENCED Nursery school, teatn- in Stfd will care for your child. In my lome. Full or part time.

377-J770. ENGINEER w-BSME 8, 12 yrs. exp. os wiahts 2 yrs. test 1 vr.

DOS I on 374-1686, ENERGETIC thorough cleaning qir 3ay work. Excellent references. Own ronsportotlon. Please call after six. 366618.

FUEL OIL Driver seeks Wlnler worK. enced on all petroleum products. ass 1 license, 36S-3Q9S HOUS6CLEANER Wants lob. Has own ransoortation references Hard worker. 37B-J385 m.

to 12 D.m. HOUSEWORK got you down? Call 877110. Domestlcare. Professional Mouse Windows, upholstery, floors, vails. Carpels steam cleaned.

Insured. 1 WILL BABYSIT In my home ctays. INTELLIGENT, energetic college du- ated, mlddle-aaed woman Is looking for ntcreslinq job; -has, been InvoNCd tor icllvi tics, "enjoys dc-allna with people and willing to be trained. Wrlle Post-Tele- MAN 29, former manager of hoa store metaphysical book stare. Teacner of acupressure, polarity massage therapy, seeks employment In reloled Philip PAINTING 25 vrs.

n- terlor exterior, very reasonable. Ca 372-7532 anytime. QUALIFIED Female tjartender DOS 1 on in lounae, will do weddlnos and RELIABLE Mother will baby sit my lome. Thomas Hooker school area. Lail 374-5330 onvlime.

TRACTOR Trailer driver, 15 years coast to coast, or east coast. Call 268-4330 atler 9:30. WILL CARE for elderly person days, experienced. Call 374-7950. or II rake lawns, no iob to biq, no ioti loo small.

Coll 377-3083. Franklin School area, Slid. Coll 377-3CB3. 10 Schools instructions AT BPT'S TUTORING CENTFR nd vldualized Instruction by certified leacMcr- "73 Clinton Ave 333 2611. A CAREER IN ARCHITECTURAL or ENGINEERING DRAFTING DESIGN if this is vour aoal, superb tralnina 9 English, etc Only practical projects emu echnoloqv It's like beinq on the rather than going to school.

For complete nformotion, ahone or wnfe Mr. CHESTER I I rOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION P.O. BOX 36J a Ct. C6497 Phone 375-4U63 CHILD DAY CARE al the Magic King- Area. Phone 261-0130.

i Tu'onnn Service, ind "rial iQff A sur.jecls GIRLS-WOMEN TRAIN FOR Switchboard PB( Operator-- Pnone COUNTY SCHOOLS. 374-61B7 MOTEL-RESTAURANT A A MENT TRAINING Will not interfere vour oresenl iob Phcne County Schoo PIANO LESSONS given in your home Accepllng children from age B. Coll 368- S.A.T. Preparation. TutoHni-- ail sul ITU Conn Tutorino 8.

Counsr'ina, N.H i 555-6473. Auto Drivincj LEARN TO DRIVE-Teen adu Bourses. MADISON DRIVING SCHOOL 79-OS5Q LEARN TO DRIVE COUNTY DRIVING SCHOOL, 374-6137 UNIVERSITY DRIVING SCHOOL 2W -6622 SerV nB Help Wanted ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN CALL: MR. KANET Kirwalk 866-2005 or 853-7080 HEAT TREAT FURNACEMAN ing the heat Ircatment ol slrrp 5 Mainles-v 5lcel with a solid mclal- i lurgicisl background. Top pay 4 benetit*.

Relocation i be paid. WntC L.ROiMI UFI Razor Blades 527 W. 34 York, M.Y. 10001 Or Announcements 12 Lost Found Asylum St. Impounded: Mixed mole br.

(662) Mixed mole tr-color (664) Mixed female (665) Mixed male (666) These dogj may redeemed iminwl ately or purchased utter 7 davs. Small mixed reddish br. These dogs may be redeemed Immediately or purchased alter 7 davs. 25V-5I52. Pompous Bull Restaurant.

Call 576-1293. Leave name phone No. WesMleld i Modlson Bpt. male, gray, jtrlped-tlger kitten, 6-8 old, wearing white flea collar. Will neuter and give snots If given good home.

372-33BO. ock w-very long fur. Vlcln ty of Reel Fatrfletd Answers to "Shebo Reward. Call 259-W3 Of 259-7843, osk for Lori, LOST Female blk. wh te Husky, German, answers to name of S25 reward for the return.

576-1530. color cat, white (lea collar, vicinity How- cy Lane, Himtington SI d. Reward 377-37JB. LOST Vicinity Charles SI. late Sat, ger cat, white paws, nose under neck, dec owed, can't defend liself.

Answers lo Reward 336-2270. 366-4035. LOST IN EASTON Burroughs ft Retriever. Answers to Reward 26B-671d, 259-401 4. iocr w-four white paws 5.

wri 1e b. Bootee) Vicinity of Norlh Ave. Norman Frl. Oct. IS, needs medication.

Reward Call 33J-7446. James Staples 8. Co. Finder please return bank at 189 Stale street, Bridgeport, Conn. 11 "LOST; Time Deposit Book No.

1214. James Staples 8, CO. Finder pease return to bonk at 1B9 Slate street, Bridgeport, Conn." LOST On Oct. 2ist In Reads parking ot, Trum. pair of prescription sunglasses.

LOST-Slfd. Vicinity, Hards corner, short haired calico cat wcorlna bell, an- Ewcrs to" -Pumpkin. Reward. 377-1639, WILL THE 2 People who phoned me, Re- mv iroy mole cat White chin- white underneath call me. I think you saw rtiy cat, but 1 didn't recognize the de- scrintion.

576-6589. A BAND for weddings, ann versarlcs, banquets, testimonials, parties, somo openings left In November. Now booking Xmos parties. Coll 579-0321. ALTERATIONS on women's, men's or ch Idrcn's clothes, also custom made ATTENTION LADIES.

Bargains galoro at Factory Store. FALL AND WINTER COATS and ALL WEATHER COATS tor sses and women. Lots of FABRIC for sa too REMNANTS. Call US On thft phone 335-8115. Dally to 4:30 p.m., Satur.



SAUNA LOUNGE Mllford's Newest Steam Sauna Lounge Featuring Swedish Massage. Located al E. Sroadway, Milford. 1111. B77.1106.

CONTROL HUNGER and lose ivelflhl Waler Pills. At Woman Drua. DATES GALORE! Meet new ngles ocaily. Free Into. Call DATELINE tol free: (800) 451-3245.

DIET PROPERLY with Mloland Aquavan "water pills." In Bridfjcport: Woman'n Drug, Schlne's Pharmacy, Lupe's Drua Store No. 2, Golden Pharmacy, Altlcrl Beardslev Pharmacy, Brldaeoort Pharmacy and Blake Drug In DOLLS WANTED, 30 years or older, by private collector. Fair prices paid. 377- YOUR CAR SERVICE Rent Driver Anywhere: Alrpo't, Piers. FEET HURT? Come see Evelyn 01 Lennon Moulded Shoe Inc, 425 Knowllon 447D.

Free Forking. HAVING' TROUBLE with your garage floors? Coll us for reoalrs or new doors. Overhead Door 334-0377 375-9359 Free Estimates. your life? Overeaters Anonymous con Tues. 8:00 p.m.

Call 261-3064. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DEIDRA'S HEALTH SALON. FA RFIELD 2551118 255-3610 us send out to you 1 of our trained people for a massaae day or night. Co I World of Beauty, iU-47-18. RETIRED.

wanted to core for excellent neighborhood. 375-4002. us send out to you 1 of our rained peo- olo for a massaoe day or niqht. Call SCULPTOR WANTS to rent studio soace for part-time use. Wood and stone carving on smoll scale After 7 p.m.

76S5. SISTER BETTY PHRENOLOGY Reader And Advisor never fails to help you solve your problems, consul! this reader who can and will help vou. ODen daily Sun. 9-9 Tel. 933-9613 TV SERVICE, S9.95.

Service call. Any- color or Master Charge accepted. 261-3778. VACUUM CLEANERS repo red. Experi and sewing machines.

Coll Stratford Sewing Center, S67 flarnum Ave. Cut-off, 3772011. or girl vocalist for funky, bluesy- early sty swing band. Be ready to worl hard for the future or forget It. 2-4 nigh weekly riahf now at scale.

Belter thing to come. 366-OJ26. vVILL CROCHET Afghan 10 your colo size. Call at 576-OOM, after 5 p.m. 13A Rummage Siles Church, Stratford, Oct.

26, ID a.m.-4 p.m. Parish Hall, 2000 Main St. RUMMAGE Sale. 55 Prospect Milford Friday, Oct. 29.

9 o.m. to 1 p.m. ST ANDREWS Churcli-- Devon. Thurs Oct. 28, 6 p.m.

to 9 p.m., Ocl. 29. ST. PAULS Episcopal Church 661 Post Rd FOirlield Thurs. Oct 28, 10- p.m.

Clothes, toys, books, hauseho! Services and Repairs 15 Business Services AAA-- CLEANING service, bosem*nts 3 ANN'S office, home ond oor cleonin service Reasonable rates. Ca 1 anytime 372-2943. AJM LIGHT Trucking, lign moving (Cellars, allies, yards cleaned. 1 ATTICS, BAsem*nTS, ccl ars, go "o-j-s, sJores cleaned. Soccla! rates so vo'gc Chain sa" work.

334-3317. Clcsn upS, repairs, light moving 1 re-no CHI anytime, 259-0621, Er-sii. days. 333-S7i? evei. Cor 1 4 3 O'-PiBLE PEL ABLE-Co i c' for moving Ob electric Tj'ls-i.

iiprCG Hones John's 1SHOP, 1SSS Barnum AAA f. Cl.F scrv I rar.K Mi. 15 Business Services ATTICS, Cellars and garages cleaned tor salvage, or minimal charge. Call 25P-II79. cleored Paul' Lentlne, 26S-7I01.

LOADER bockhoe, i- ars dufl, trenching, land clearing Sewers. BEKEZA HOME Improvements oddi- ons doimers gutters leaderi root- ng aluminum vinyl s'J o- yrs experience. DELIVERY SAND 4 GRAVEL tree stumps removed, ClW hooked-up repaired. Backhoe for hire. 372-B39S.

DON'S ODD JOBS 377-6022 Trcc work, yords, ottlcs ccllari cleaned. Landscaping excavation. by factory trained technicians. Dov, nite and weekends. Reasonable.

ong step van for hire for hauling and or GENERAL REPAIRS REMODELING. Tree Work Roofing. GLAZIER wilt come to home or bus. ness to replace gloss and roues In win GRANT'S TREE SERV. CALL 579.07B6 TREE CUTTING REMOVAL 8, FREE JIMMY'S Home and Office Cleaning Specializing In General Cleaning, Moors, walls, woodwork, shampooing, 374-SJ36.

BACKHOE LANDSCAPING WORK CALL 372-7864 ODD JOB SERV'CE Att'cs, collars, arcQes clcane''. nips to dump, chain aw work. Col! anytime, 334-3317. PROFESSIONAL- Floor sandtnn ond nlshlng. Reasonable rales.

Coll 333-1700, nytlme. Ig. no lob too small. Free estimales nytlme. Call L.C.M., 259-3194.

ROOFING, LEADERS Gutters, carpentry work. Reasonable prices. Free STRATFORD Rssidcntlal Service Corp. ate model auto for hire. Quality home epairs.

Reasonabfe. 378-Pi35. SHEET ROCK AND TAPING ervlce and quality at low prices. All ork guar Gary, 378-MB6. J5A Carpentry-Masonry Roofing Plumbing ADD-REMODEL ony room, porches, losem*nts, kitchens All types of addl- ons.

rcmodclino, repairs. Quality work. all for free estimate. 375-6052. AAA BRICK, block, storw, concrete replaces, expertly 20 years ex- erlence, 378-8827.

AAA ALL Types of Masonry, BrlcK, lock, concrete, fireplace, stone. Pandora 375-9734. A REASONABLE ROOFING penalizing In repair, leaders, gutters, nd all types of roofing, Call 268-6643. ANAMASI PLUMBING Compete athr- -m Misc. repairs, iewer drr-ln cleaning service.

types nt ot water AAA SPECIALIZING In slonrj retaining natlo, steps S- porches, -jtonc brick olntlng. Waterproofing cellars. 57H540. A GOOD Baihroom remodeler. dive ood prices.

Complete remodeling Includ- ng plv-ptiing, ctramlc sheet rock nafnt- ng 366-6855. ALL TYPES of Masonry Work cement, fireplaces specialty, no too A BETTER Carpentry iob. Reasonable ates. Additions, remodeling, sheet rock, lock celling, paneling, 374-1920. BEST estimates on screened- pjrches, garages, additions Also ron' ng siding.

Call 261-3275. BUILDING, caroenTrv, remofJellnp. CARPENTER Professional workmanship, fully guaranteed, fully Insured. lew work or remodeling. Lou Couture, 9W-6W1.

COMPLETE RcmodeMng Commer- lal and Residential. PanHlnp and i rimming. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Insured, 75-3945. mall.

Reasonable rates Free estimates, all 378-6070 or 372-7MO. CHIMNEY uuiLT, S35. Repair sis hlmnoy cleaned, roof repaired. Chimney reproofed Gutter; pclnted DeLUCA REMODELING bath- 367-5669. DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS and a 1 types of concrete work, 15 vrs expe'l- ence DR-R Construction, 335 7336.

ypes masonry, brick, stone. Fast service. Free estimates. Call 366-6855. lormica, floor ond ceramic tile Call 363- PLUMBING ft HEATING SERV- CE.


Will plumbing, heating remodeling. PLUMBING HEATING cooling, new homes, remodeling repairs. 3744106 or 333-0111, unit 636. Smoll )obs and remodeling work. 24-hour mergency serwke.

Licensed and Insured. Call Don Still, 374-5190. 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE RADIO DISPATCH TRUCKS "EMERGENCY SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY" 374-2121 Siding --Leaders Gutters 3Sa Knowlton street, Bridgeport 15C Landscaping a Gardening mowed, leaves raked. Liminq g.

fertilizing. Brush tree removal. Need worn, olease call 261-2037. 8, LANDSCAPING rail clean-up, liming fertlizing, tree LAWN Maintenance, lawn and hedge culling. Loaf removal.

Odd lobs, tree estl- nates. Coll 333-2912, 259-3C09. Choice evergreens, flowering shrubs Drganic fertilizer. Free' estimates io 3ff soundvlew In Hunfington, 929 NEED YOUR Lown cul, leaves raked or hedges trimmed? Inexpensive. Free estlmolcs.

Coll 375-7575. 15D Carpet Cleaning APPROVED Nationwide protO'Blona w-w carpet cleanlno. Free estimales Cal Mr. Lobs ot ScrvkemoiJcr. 333-2173.

CARPET CLEANING SERVICE MEMC Sloan-cleaning on location Call today for free cslimate. 374-PJJ3 ed. Reosonablo Coll 377-4815 7910 15F Electrical Servioes Is the best YOU can gel. New or old hnuss. Work guaranteed.

No job too small. Free estimates. Call 377-0233, ce-. tit Its best. All work guaranteed New or old.

No lob too small Free cMI males, 333-6223. SHOCKED BY ELECTRICAL ESTI MATES! Show me vour lowest nrkc I'll try save you money. Call J68-09Q7 17 Paintina Decoratinr ACE PAINTERS-- Speclollze in Inlcrio ond exterior painting. Roof repairs, au tors, and small carpentry work. a MS9.

ANGSLO Banner Dutch Boy Paints. 1 family, S27S, 2 lam A BIG SAVINGS-Palnt wnllpan-r now -ot lowest prices ever! Fst. over 3D fully 374-3304. HOWIE'S PAINTING SERVICE ATT- Comm. Bus, Home Owners sign up now to have your Int.

polnllnp done th winter. Spray or brush. Neat, dea wilh excel ref. Free estimates. Folly 'n AAA A PAINTERS-SDeriol antes lor Foil Mv prices Start iXW for Bnnchoi 8, Colonials.

work for gutter, shlnqie or clu! rv 7 Painting Decorating olnllnu. Fully Inwred. All work ouaran- CCd, Please call 878-7551. We will paint any average sUe rm. (or 21.50.

Also reasonably priced exteriors. General Home Improvements, HEAT COMPLETE PAPERHANG- NG painting. Done at once. Call 376- PAPER HANGING PAINTING Professional quality, neat, clean work. Fret stimales decorating Ideas.

Call 364-2952. PAINTING 25 vrs. experience. In- erlor exterior. Very reasonable.

Coll 72-7522 anytime. PAINTING, Interior exterior. Carte. Free estimates, reasonable prices. Georae S.

Bennlna, DENNIS J. CHATTEM 373-9730 PROFESSIONAL painting. Inferior and xteriot, paper hanging, over 20 yeort 18 Detective Agencies A 1 types confidential matters handled. Over 19 yrs. continuous exp.

ABLE NVEST1GATION, Westport 1-237-1100. 20 Trucking Storage ouse. Fair rates. Insurance prompt ervices. 374-6394.

A.A. ABALON cleans cellars, attics, ga- ogw, etc. Courteous bondable service. MONARCH moves furniture, appliances pianos at low rates. Licensed, Insured.

CaM Trumbuil, 261-4744. PROFESSIONAL movers ou ol work. VIII move piece or whole house at a to -Jtlsfy. OU hbs also. Coll 3783193 or 579-0717 day or night.

Financial 24 Business Opportunities A PIZZA REST w-full liquor permit. We 1 known place. A good going business. Cal for Information. Asking $45,000.

CARL GUASTELLA. REALTOR 4045 Main Bpt. 374-5566 A BARGAIN 60x100 building highway 7, Yulee, Florida, Induslrlal wilh RR sld- ng, 3 acres. 116,000. Lease in oplion.

Owner 335-8025 days 374-2394 evenings. A FULL PERMIT Restaurant, newly remodeled, terms. Bob DelBuono, Main- ancf R.E. 377-513D after '6, 255-2438. A FULL PERMIT bar.

and reslauront near downtown Bpt. Terms available. Broker 372-3507. BAR 8. GRILL, East Side, full liquor over 40 yrs.

room Apt. Owner ret r- Reasonable: Piroh R.E. 375-5828. BEAUTY SALON-- Established Unl-Sex haircJtting Salon for sale In best Madison lays, 374-4186 evenings. BE YOUR OWN" BOSS investment bock In 2 area! potential.

Well esf. aundromate, $20,000. 384-8124 Or 576-0397. A BAR plus two 6 Rm. Opts, lor so e.

Broad Bpt. Well priced, good crms. Coll Ted Hoyt, CASELLI REALTORS, 377-4BW, 377-7510. FABRIC BUSINESS Outstanding uburban shopping Center location. What potential! This unique fabric business also otters top brand sewing machine sales.


FIRST TIME OFFERED-- ESTABLISH ED BUSINESS. Sports store women- casual wear. Near Fairway Rest. $175,000 ncludcs bldg. stock.

Gross sales ap prox. DOROTHY MERZ REALTORS 26B-8606 GUILFORD-- Year 'round restaurant on 3A acres, 50 yrs. In business. 3 Din ng rooms seat 225 people. Owner has other Interests.

S375.000. GORBACH, REAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT Excellent 'ocatlon In Fnlrfleld Shopp no Center sealing tar 100 plus good take-out bus ness. Reasonable oilers considered. PHYLLIS JANE MARSH AGENCY "The Homefinder" 366-1 S28 tourant. Heat B.

air good location plus dollar for dollar for stock. Oldfleld Road. COO. Well established over 30 yrs. In Bpl Owner wants to retire.

Call Bob or Ben, LIQUOR STORE Grossing SI vcry low overhead. Call Jet Really, 334 LIQUOR STORE, good volume, goo location, near by town. Price LIQUOR STORE lor sale by owner Southport-Foirfield areo, $52,000 oiu stock. Principals only. Write.

Post-Tele STORE Downtown Bpl uood volume plus stock. Musi sel Owner. or 335-4065, M1DTOWN ctuto wash for sale, contac R. Vazzano. 378-WB1, mornlnqs, 374-W9 afternoons.

MOBILE Vendlnq Truck-- Fully equip ari 1 fryolotor etc. Exc. Lie. Musi see MILFORD Restaurants for sale Reasonable. Call Arnold for details.

ARNOLD PECK, REALTORS 877-1M NEWSPAPER ROUTE for sale in Ffld 259-9556. GUARANTEED Investmen strib proven product Itne for Nat'l Ct Ho selling rea'd. Min. Invest $4995. Ca Mr.

Small 355-352J. OWN YOUR Own book store, esfabl si cd store, inventory-fixtures key. Write P.O. Box 265, Stratford. OWN YOUR Own laundromat, beS section-established, $9,800.

Does it ol Write P.O. Box 265, Stratford. oca ted Shelton, grossing lOOK-f, exc lease, 1-7M-3409. ROOMING HOUSE. Licensed.

Excellen location condition. Income SUMMER DAY CAMP Active established summer day camp deal facilities, Includino swlmmlnq nools lake, larae recreation area. Great onpor tunlty for ambiliom school teacher several partners to Invest In noble Rea Fstate end secure a lucrative annua summer job For further info, call Bob RAYMOND STOLLMAN AGENCY REAL TORS, 374-9276. SPECIALTY DRY cleaning Business. In established.

Must sell complelel equipped. 377-8131. Universal Realty Corp. 25 Mortqages Loans A 2ND MORTGAGE "Our Speciality" Do business with the oldest am) Inrqes mortqoqe firm in the. area, Woodrow Gorbach, Inc We show you how to sav money Ask vour bank about us.

Call 367 7727 anytime. WOODROW W. GORBACH, REALTORS A 2nd mortgage lo fit vour needs, fost confidential, courteous, no pre-ooymcn pcnoUy PIZONE REALTORS 336-3321. AA-A 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS. An amount.

Fast, courteous, conf dent serv ire. Rc-fmonce vour home. Combine von Schulman. 335-4432. EvCE.

255-6561. 10 Schools Instructions TRACTOR TRAILER coll 374-6 17 NATIONAL 3787 Moln Bpt. BARTENDING For Free Brochure Phone' 374-6187 COUNTY SCHOOL 37(17 M.lin 51 25 Mortgages Loans A OR 10 VR. SECOND Mortgage (500 to 1150,000, Lowest payments. Borrower's option to pay anfy frie Infercsf Service.

LINK, "ASK YOUR BANK ABOUT US" SB COND MORTGAGES 8pt. 333-317) Milford 878350' -2ND MORTGAGE LOANS- t'l a good Idea to do business In a Company you know you can depend on Homeowners Mortgage Service, a wholly owned subsidiary ol Genera Electric CredJt Corporation. -NO HIDDEN CHARGES-- PENALTIES" Call: R.P. ASTRIAB T7-4S61 4695 Main Sf. Commerce Park, Bpt.

2ND MORTGAGE LOANS attract ve rates 1 merest only, term points negotiable. Same day service. Call yiSELLI REAL ESTATE, SttOOMlfiSoO FAST, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE THE LCP. INVESTMENT TRUST Merthndiie 28 MisccHsncous For Sells A-l ABOUT SOIL Products. Stone ond, III, oam etc.

Small amounts Del. C.O.D. Roger's Haullno, 263-5700. sold, traded. THINGS Unlimited, Pembroke St.


A BIG CLOSE-OUT SALE. Aluminum replacement windows, fireproof -hardware, medicine cabinets. Imper al 2050 Bornum Strotlord 1-377-BSOO or J77-BS02. ALUMINUM RAILINGS, IRON, room dividers, ornamental columns, door hoods, we ding repairs. Advanced Metalcratt.

100 Loaan 335-9554. BALED HAY for mulch -or bedding Rd. Slratlord. 375 7893. BONDABLE or cash, wants to make S250 a week.

How Is the money Secure? Post-Telegram, Box MO. COMPLETE kitchen w-cablnets, nk range, wall-oven, counter top. All exc S300. 333-4321. COW MANURE or humus loam, al ages, best quality- By -the baa or load Snow's Farm, 550 Sport Hill Easton Phone 341-1020, 268-7218, 261-4797 or 268 P057.

ENCYCLOPEDIAS REPOSSESSED-- 20 volumes. Latest edition. 4DO sets for 1100. Budget terms orranrjed. FUEL OIL, 40.4 per 300 cats up, 150 qals.

41.4 per C.Q,D. 336-5282, 6-8 p.m.. Price subject to change. FOR SALE 1973 International Cub tractor. Plus dirt plow, disc harrow, 6 ft.

snowplow. Less than 150 hrs. on. tractor. Can be seen at BarW Electric, 56 Bridgeport Devon 876-4629.

GAS STOVE 4 burners, 2 lp. walnut conference tables, 1 Ig. bed, 1. cherry dng rrn set 3 stone steps, 7 ft. long 2 ft.

wide, 2 In thick. 929-6109, after 6 p.m. ock top, 1 year old. J125. 259-9521.

IRON RAILINGS, Columns, aluminum ndiws, and doors, awnings. Ashor Iron Craft 825 Barnum Ave. Cutoff, Stratford. 378-4116 across from Grand Union thooplng area. LOAM SCREENED FOR TOP DRESSING.

S10 per yard. 10 yards or more smaller quantities, sllqhtly C.O.D Prompt delivery. Call 378-9625. LOCKERS-- Steel, full half size From St. Vincent's Hospital.

Slamlord OIL STORAGE 10,000 gallons each, three, above ground, easy jccess Cal 1.J53-J302. 9 a.m.-d:30 p.m., Mon day-Friday. PLASTIC GARBAGE bans 3Qx37xlVJ mil 250-corton 515.00 Waste basket bags 15x9x33x1 mil 500-carton Slv.50 Free Delivery. 261-2153. PRIME ANGUVBE6F from the f-orm on pure ground corn and spring fresh eating tor vour health and saiisfac Hon.

Side, fully packaged and marked tor your freezer. 19 Ib. Average side we ghs 250-300 ibs. We deliver. Come visit us.

Perhaps you'd like to raise your Doef In your own back yard. We'll show you how. THE FARM, Skyl ne RMge Brldgewater, Ct. 1-355-1220, ate. Close out $299.

At Namco Wholes til- er. Southern New England exclus ve Brunswick Distributor, now open to the Public. Namco. Call Mr, Thomas, Bruns wick Refjlonal Manager, 1-795-5295. new 1976 obove the ground swlmm ng pools In original factory cartons Includ ng liner, filter, deck and fence.

S849 com pelely Installed. Terms arranged. Mus clear our warehouse. Call Tony direct 224-3031. 1ST QUALITY a boll at harn.

VI. 1-126-5457, 1-426-MBO. SIZES, HOME OFFICE, CTLG WRITE OR CALL COLLECT (212) 2261969. EMPIRE SAFE, 137 GRAND ST. 36" SELF-PROPELLED Lawn Sweeper Co 1 between and 6, all dav 26S 9391.

ina bralslna oan. frver', Hobar? Vlshe cooxer, stainless steel hood with fire eau lament, stainless steel counters, upright freezer, 4 walk-In boxes and bak ng oven, Vulcan gas ovens, 3 steam kettles men's lockers, 2 reach-in stainless stee boxes, low counter refrigerator, A doon Hobart dishwasher and counter units, caf eteria serving line and eguiment, 2 ce machines, assorted dishes and varlou other equipment. Call after '2, 3354202. SWIMMING POOLS Guaranteed luxury above ground POOlS Must SACRIFICE! 19' 31' O.O., cam eie with filter, liner, ladder, pump, sun deck, fencing and stairs. Completely in stallecf for only K47.

Financing available Tony collect 413-737-3158. 9 a.m. 9 SHIRTS, SWEAT SHIRTS, BAN NERS, etc printed to order w-your logo design or message. Perfect fund raiser Walking odvertlsem*nt. Coil 36B-4949.

At Discount Prices No union card necessary Firestone, Mlchellns, Dunlop tree mounting, free free stems DISCOUNT TIRE 683 Brewster Bpt. 334-4457 TOP QUALITY FARM LOAM MIXED WITH COMPOSTED MA A I PHOSPHOROUS POTASSfUM --ALL RATED HIGH. WO ME NEEDED. THE BEST YOU CAN BUY FOR LAWNS AND GARDENS. YARD LOAD-- W5.

CALL SILVERMAN'S FARM 161-3306 AFTER 7 P.M. CALL 2683981. 10 Schools Instructions MEN Learn to Drive TRACTOR TRAILERS Train on the Road Full or Part Time No tipirlence No need to eivo present Job training. Comb. Correi.

Rai. Training. Res. Train- Ing In Accredited Member UHSC, Approved for the training ot VETERANS Call Now, 24 Hours 336-3505 or send rnrnc, add'nss and oho ia number to Norlh Amencnfi Training Academy, '20 Main Si Bridgopoit. Cnnn 06604 Home Oflrce NewBfh.Dc.

19M3 28 Miscellaneous For Sale grating, ars mesh for concrete. WINNICK AAA-l loam, sund, stone, gravel 8. clean 1 1. 367-5033, or 335-S760. I TRADE 6 complete tresli wgter oouarlums with stands, light, pumps, pic for 1 lorge salt water aquarium romolete.

Chris. 333-8400. XMAS TREES, wholesale, flalsorn. Scotch Pine, Wrealni 357-1227, Stamford. i 'ton ANY TOYS TRAINS Before 1942 marbles.

Alto holiday DOM DELICATESSEN type'i eleclrJc slicing nochlnc. Call 36MII29, p.m. i WILL BUY ujed poeer back hard cover books. Call 377-71)6. LIONEL, IVE5, American Flyer tra ns accessories, anv condition.

Repairs oi 29 Tag Sales ANTIQUE MIRRORS, table, maple bed, living rm. set 8. more! 101 Twlich Grass Trumlsull, 261-3737. BEAT INFATION, bring a Mg and come see us. Hundreds of Hems, from several families at low, low prices.

Tuesc Wed. trom )V5, rain or shine DT BJ Delaware Drive, Stratford, Hunilngton aware. CONTINUOUS TAG SALE, Oct. 27th hrough 30th. 48 Benedict Monroe oil Elm St.

753 FA1RVIEW AVE. Bpt. Bargains, small oppllonces, fools, toys, clotties, flee misc. Daily 10 a.m. 4 LET US run your tag sale, speclollz ng In home tag sales estate liquidations Call ODDS ENDS.

377-4391, or 261-3545. SPREADS, SATIN COLORIZER. Dlscon tlnued colors, Impcrloi Point Store, 5050 Barnum 377-BSOO. THE LITTLE LOOK SHOP -1844 Eost Main Street Look and you may even find fog screen. Open dolly, l-i.

TAG SALE-- All week. Beautiful clothes for babies, grownups, children, for n- ter summer, 2992 Main Bpt. 30 Household Goods ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Hotel bankruptcies, con ract overruns: All mattresses Sleer iotas for Vj price! BEDDING SHACK 46 Glenwood Bpt. MB- 1854 Daily 9-9, Sat. Sun.

9-5 Also at Stratford Town Fair furniture. 3 rooms complete. iv Ing room, kitchen sets, tables, lamps This lowely new furniture can be vours on easy payment. Katz Quality Furn tore 2251 Main St. Call Ron, 335-71B7.

A GAS double oven stove. 1 Yrs. old Will sacrifice for J200. 368 Heavy duty adjustable bed frames regu larly $27, now $13.50, BEDDING SHACK 46 Glen wood Bpi. BEST BUTs Window shades, closeouts In over-runs hundreds of colors styles.

Prices sian Ing from SI .59 each. 2490 Main St. (Cor. Capital) 1116 Eost Mam si. COLONIAL Pine bdrm set S6SO, nette set J20, sm.

bureau S8, TV stand $10 metal cabinet 110, 374-8040 eyes. COLOR TV RCA Console 21" exec lent condition, S160. Call 576-1992. EXCELLENT Condition-- New relrlg G.E., $180, stove Wcsllnghousa. 5535.

Ca 366-5770. FOR SALE-- 3 rooms of used furniture kitchen, bedroom, living rm, coll Mr Morelll, at 372-1541, between (9 5). FANTASTIC VALUE? FOR DISCRIMINATING BARGAIN HUNTERSIt Lg. clearance sales of guaranteed recono Honed washers, refrigerators, block ana ricks TV and Appliance Warehouse, 211, "FIRST COME, FIRST 'SERVED!" Boston Bpt. 366 428 1.

PRIGIDA1RE sell cleaning oven (cop pertone) 30 in. Excel, cond. 929-1213. crifer refused. Call 3734735 LEAF LOADER, 8 HP, w-all attach ments.

Can be mounted on truck or tral er. $400- Call 374-1533. place fixtures and accessories. Lawn urnlture, wrought Iron Hems, wal decors, tooie bases, etc. Display on Premises.

ASHOR, IRONCRAFT, 825 Barnum Ave Cutoff, Strotlord. across from the Grand Union Shopping area. 378-4116. paint refrigerator, excellent cond. $75 368-1827.

SEE PRUDENTIAL'S E-Z CREDIT PLAN NO banks or loan companies. WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS. No chorae for layaway up to 12 Prudential wcl comes people on welfare pensions, soca Security, newlyweds, civil service employ ees and union members. Call Sam fi credit approval 366-2-100. iNEW MICROWAVE OVEN.

Top of line Mnglc-Chef. fully warranty Index manuc recipes Instructions S2W, (approx below cost.) 333-3179. Like 'new. 2 end tobies, 2 occasiana chalrt 372-5726. SOFA BED Over (125 sofa beds that seat 4, sleep 1 reg.

J179.95, now S7B, BEDDING SHACK 46 Glepwood Bpf. 368-1854. TRADITIONAL Queen Size Sofa and Love Seat. Striped velour fabric. year WAREHOUSE SALE: Cheapest buvt In town lor aopllonccs and furniture Rova Furniture.

1488 Barnum Ave. Wanted ADAMS BUYS Bedrooms, gos stoves dinina hunk beds, liv no 368-2627, eve. B7B-0997. A GENTLEMAN surs refrigerators ning convertibles, pianos, on tlques, eslotes, complete homes. Anythln( Ouck, courteous, confidential service.

Sid Rose, 326-0416. Eves, 929-3352. INSTANT CASH paid on new used Confidential service. Frank. 334-3852.

15 Business Services ASPliAlT Screened Loam Fill- Sand -Gravel Bank Run Gravel 375-8019 I--- 1 LOOK! ASPHALT 1 PAVING Ft. EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION A HUG ASPHALT PAVING Parking Lot, Tennis Courts AH Jobs Guaranteed 5 Years 268-9643 333.1 fi 30 Household Goods Wanted CASH PAID lor oil Antlquw, ccllccl- Wll UJKl furnllgre, ORIENTAL wllhes to purchcnt older orlentol rugs. Furnllurc, old btdrm drm- trs, kllclun lets dor service, 334-1M9. "iSLb DOLLS, doll Koujts, miniarerts. other old price coll 5052.



AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR JOHNSON MOTORS OMC AND MERC. CRUISER OUTDRIVES CALL FOR INFORMATION HOUSATONIC WAR1NA INC SNIFFENS LANE, STRATFORD 375-1840 CAL 27, 1971, full gear, 5 sails, new 15 HP electric start Evlnrude, newly upho stored 2 Omni compasses, Danforth depfhsounder, bow-stern pulpits, oouo llelnes, documents, cradle, winter cover winter storage, cared for with love 513,500. Coll 503-366-7321. 'FT. PENNYAN, 1967, Fiberglass, inboard, outboard.

155 HP. 372-2053. 36 FT. EX-Coostquord Llghtnouse en Muit sell this week, best offer. 366-7026.

20' FIBERGLASS Boat with tral or brand new molor, 165 HP. CB radio, ol accessories. 259-0345. Asking $3.500. 32' FIBERGLASS Sea Rover cru ser houseboat 1970, trl hull, gas electric re frig stove wtlh oven, pressure not colt waler shower, 270 Merc.

1.0. he new. Owner will finance. 959-3029. 21 FT.

PENNANT Sloop, wooden, fiber glass deck, fixed sleegs 25 FT. 1966 PACEMAKER Sport Fisherman, flybrldge, radio, depth finder, ap- prox. 50-Hr's on completely rebuilt cn- ne 8. tranmlsslon. S4.000.

255-0030. 17 FT. FIBERGLASS Canoe, new. Cal 335-1101, 8-5 Tom. tcr storqge.

Work perform-d bv 4 factory trained technicians. Guaranteed perform once. Sales, Service Parts. Call At Per nold or Tony for'estlmate. OLSEN MARINE INC.

76 Ferry Blvd. Strottorfl, Conn. Sales-Scrvlce-Parts Wlnterlie-Tune up by factory trained technicians. Coll Al. Fernold Or TOnv for estimate.

Olscn Marine Inc. 76 Ferry Blvd. Stratford, Conn. 375-5941 WESTPORT MARINE FALL SPECIALS Boats less than 20' brought to your yard S25. Call far estimates on moving boots up to 10,000 and; our wlnterliat on rates.

259-7M9 33 Cameras Supplies USED SPECIALS-- 4 lens Bronlca oulf M5D, Nikon Body J225, Lelco M3 S2W F250 cxp. with molor drive "$450, Nikon 2 S125, Minolta motor SRM with 2 lens S375, Mamlyor C220, wilh 105 lens S200 Yeshlca 24, 560. Rome Prism, J98. Many more. Len's Camera Supplies, 307 Folr field Ave.

335-3940. 34 Coal. Wood', Oil CORD Wood for sale, $60 a cord. Cal 3M-4825. trunk-load unit, Cannel Coal M.25, 40 bag, stove coal 50 Ib.

boq $4.00, fireplace coal 25 Ib. baa S3. 00, Am trl con Made Cast Iron Wood and Coal Burning oves and Franklin Fireplaces. Glenwood turn ber 66 Glcnwaod Sfff. 36 Macliinery''Tools compressors.

Industrial supplies. Save American. 200 Cogswell St. 335-1153. Rand, 5 HP, Also rebuilt all zes savings.

Sales-Service. Habekost Enql AIR COMPRESSORS --1 New rebuil sa es service savings of-- Liner Bars. A I Saws-- Sales Service Sharpening-Homellte Stlhl, H.C Lave Hardware Equipment Co.i 2419 Main FOR SALE One 60 HP. Cleaver Brooks boiler. Call 368-1649.

SURPLUS ELECTRIC Molars, pr ced to sell, 1-5 HP, 220-4-10 3 phase, call 333 0067. SURPLUS METAL fabricating equlo ment bader belt, abrasive mochTncs grant neumotic riveters, Barker milling machines, 3.5 cubic ft. Tumbling barrel Call 333-0067. 15 Business Services FIREPLACES For Old and New Homes Call 375-5349 SCREENED LOAM BACKHOE WORK SEASONED FIREWOOD Call: Ed Charles 375-6768 All IYPE5 OF ROOFING A Gutters Leaders Kftfe Repairs Waterproofing Quality Work At Reasonable Prices Insured 1 Tree Estimates ROOFING INC BURNS CONSTc Ui i- r.i.^^^^^^^^ A Name Synonymous With Paving for Nearly A Century Asphalt Paving Concrete Work Free 'Estimates Phone 375-1383 300 Sperry Slid..

The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.