Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

PAGE TWENTY-THREE MORNING EDITION THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE: THURSDAY MAY 12 1932 ALTOS fcOR SALE. FOR MFK Hotel and Aliailmfili KOK KK.NT BUICK OWNERS ATTENTION! We Have 15 Used Buicks Which We Must Sell and Have Reduced Them Far Below the Market for Cars of Similar Quality. For 10 Days We Offer the Following. Come Get Yours. ALTOS FOR SALE HOLT MOTOR CO.

Buy No Car Until You Have Seen These Fine Quality Used Cars at These Bargain Prices. CHRYSLERS NOW $937 $590 $547 51 8 Sedan 3077 Sedan '3066 Sedan '2975 Sedan Trade In Your Present 70 Redan '20 65 R. S. Coupe $14512872 Sedan $367 '2862 Sedan $237 FiAKR KKSOKT l'KOFEKTy Ika Shora Froperty for Sala ACRES Burntiide lake. Bt.

Lona Cn I2j'i small dn. easy, tood anorellrie. mix'-d tin.ber, Kisl cabin M'e IJHr; Hlon farmi Cri 837 Lle it RV'ifr-r. ONE ACRB LOTS, eacn 110 loot shora on Idyllic "Five Island lake" ltasr county, for aa.e cheap bv owner. Write HI31J Tribune.

LAKE aiiore lots, acres. coHaire. aale or r'nt Gull lakc-Brainerd Retion. Vv'rlle M. Baker.

N'. Mlr.n. 1351-40 10 acre woodfd trar rSo exce Lent lske. 3' hr drive: dandy cabin free. Write YS353 Tribune FARMS FOR SALR ft BTOCKED AND EQUIPPED.

20 A. field, 40 A. cleared, bal. pasture and timber. 6-rm.

house and basem*nt, bin roof basem*nt barn. 2 chicken houses. 4 cows. team, machinery, mile to town and high school. 75 miles cities.

44 100. 41.000 cash. WA. 14S9 eve. SPRING REALTY.

INC. 200 Plrm. Bidg AT. 5222 Minnesota ACRES. ITAROA ro.

4571. iia e.h bal. easy: rich soil, mixed timber, near marten on road Pant Region Farmi Co. Met. Life AfTOS FOR SAFE.

SELECT YOUR CAR FROM OUR CLEAN GUARANTEED STOCK. ALL THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED. Whlnoet 4 Cnuoe 95 Whippet 4 Landau Whipoet 4 Coach WTilnpet 4 Sedan 14S 135 161 175 wn ppet 4 Coach 4 Dlx. Sedan Whippet 4 Sedan 210 235 130 Whippet 8 Coach Whippet a Sedan ..25 Whin. Hi ton truck 295 wuiya sedan Jos Will 8 Dix.

Sedan 581 Wl iva I rnuix 4J5 Willys I Sedan 450 Willvs extrai 5M) Willy I Victoria Willys a Dlx. Sedan W. K. 8 Sedan Willys-Knltht 8 Coach ....875 US 191 231 .225 1 95 3fi5 421 01 175 145 Wiiivs Knleht 8 Brian Willlys-Knieht 8 Coupe Wiilys-Knliiht 58 Coach 6fiA Heaan Wvs -Kn irht 70B Coactl Wys. -Knight 70B Sedan Overland Sit Dlx, Sedan Chrysler Coach, dandy Pontisx Ciarh 27 Chevrolet Touring 45 Dodge coupe 4 38 Dodge Sedan OldsmobUe Coupe 95 121 24 Auburn ion 28 Dodge Coupe 11 195 28 Falcon Knight Coarh 1 24 Btudebaxer vict.

coupe 28 Ponttao Coach 29 Dnrant Six Coupe Dursnt 6 Sedan 29 Essex Sedan 29 Esmx Chahenger Sedan 291 US 191 210 198 295 Hudnon Coach 345 315 475 29 tstuae. Diet, isenan 30 Do Soto I Sedan HAL'ETtfiQJJ MOTORS. INC. 1319 Nicollet ir. AT.

3682. Every Day Is Bargain Day Jit Pomercy Co. 21 Bulck atd coupe JW" 31 Chevrolet sot. cne. like new -in uttn miri 3U cnev.

aenan ma 29 Olds coach 4325:29 Chev. coune 4225 30 Ford coach 4250 28 Chev. coach ii va.h mnt D7i 5y Chev. sedan 8: 31 Ford coach 4100 27 Chev. coune 75 lis; 30 DeSoto 8 se.

3 Chev. coach oa Kiiirit ed 1300128 Chev. coune South EirtHT-ROOM lo-atd home 'ir-roiinled by tje-s and feiiiuohery. H'r water bent Reasonable, taxea. Terms Cka be ewsilv hendlr't hy vnu.

CO.NFLii isltOH INC. Qp-n everlnts. 29 1 AV Very Hire on corner. All newly drcorated, 1 biork to car. 2 blocks blrn aciiool.

't at forecloriire price of 250. 1 1 riO down, an rro. eTev next door north. Owier. MA.

7S44 week flaya only. BUIl.DK'R will sacrifice new rm. alone aiucco ounraiow, line iu. as part down payment. I)t7.

South Central SHENHNDOAH TERRACE 15.500. lartfe rirtnetinn it will von tn art ov auicklv. Fireplace, oak flnlh. Sfl-foot lot rorm lor 3 more rooma nnstalra. down.

Call Nlckela. CO. 4134 eves, or MA 3431. At BMITH. PHOFVTX BLDO.

4840 UTH AV S. New str. lie. bedrmt colord tile bath. 2nd floor, lxe.

din rm tile lnk nook beautiful well built home on 5fl-ft. Int. 2-eer tar. LO 800. ELLIOT Modern 6 room buntalow and Karate In toon condition, tint location.

11.910 takes It 4100 cash. Hal, mo Incl. all Int. Shown by appoint-ment only Qner. KK 1117.

5513 13TH A V. 8. New larte hlth clasa 5 rm. bunt amuse acr. porch, to be Fold at coat.

Open Sun. At evea RK. 3180. OPEN TILL 9 M. 8 Ar 4 rm stucco buntalow, every convenience.

44 950 to terms. 837 to 5S57 Pleasant av, tic, wi. oi'KN 'til I n. 2 new. H.

W. heat, ft rm. plastic me bath Ac link. 14.850. 148 Park, 8205 Portland, rooms Ik bath, new decorations thru- out, uarnte, eoua ioia av o.

ai. jiot. Key at 3809 EkLL VERY cheap, or rent, S-rm. bunia- lnw. 44 fart, uu.

mm. BRAND new 6-ri rm. 44,950 worth tf. aOO loot IIV. tar Rifi 2254 WAI.ICTNO Alst.

Washhtirn hlvh and rade achooL I new ountaiowa. u. nmjcxEs for safe- North -ROOM tood ennd well located. Mortan av at ir n. aso.

reas. terms. VtKIER At Emeraon N. CH. 4232.

Eves. CH. 319S. Sooth Central ROOM duplex, all modern. Dear school.

Oil I BELL or trade to'Ml duplex. Father Cleary i oarian. GK. 8152, RE 1085. APT.

BUILDINfiS FOR SALE 500 ATTRACTIVE four-family modern Bat Duildint. 3304 Humooidt avenue south. Each flat hat five rooms, separate hot water heatlnt r)ants. In very beat repair, ATlantie 3307. LOTS FOR SALE BARGAIN.

1900, torth 4.1.500 Beautiful W. River blvd lot 50x258. north of Lake Wooded RE 5241. Lafte 1800. CUT price.

Dandy 80 ft. lot. Wash burn 3flth. All imp WA. 84W.

1195. 45 MONTHLY, takes large lot west of UM wokomls. uu. 30SB. North RESIDENTIAL lots on Sheridan bet.

th and 10'h avs size 1011128. owner in town for few days. Will sacrifice for 11 000. Call CH. 4330 or HY.

455L McNAIR MANOR 45 ft. east front treat bargain, im. 493B. Northeast U.vwa 0T ftJW nea, aftth. ML arrvK 14 PF 40 54 27 28 28 2 29 30 27 it 29 30 30 31 31 32 31 31 28 27 27 27 28 2 29 29 25 24 27 27 29 29 Was Now! iisl '27 Std.

Coach '2(5 Std. Sodan '27 Mast. Sedan '27 Mast. Coach '27 Mast Brom 28 Std. Sedan 28 Mast Sedan '29 Mast Sedan '29 Sport Coupe '30 Mast.

Brom $375 $295 $475 $445 $795 $795 '31-8 Sedan, Mod. 67 These Cars Are All Raconditioned and Sold With the Reliable O'DONNELL GUARANTY We Won't Be Undersold on Used Cars 1404 Herittepin. KE. 3220 OPEN AIR STORE 1222 Hennepin. KE.

0305 MCTIAC CHEF GF YALUES '30 Ford Coach, 6 w.w.... '28 Oakland Sport Coupe. '28 Oakland Coach '28 Ford Coach 275 275 165 '30 Oakland 8 Coupe 395 '31 Essex Coupe 395 '31 Oakland Sedan, new 50 '31 Marmon Sedan 850 '31 Essex Sedan 395 '30 Nash Coupe 425 '30 Whippet Sedan 250 '20 Ford Roadster 35 '30 Ford Coach 275 '28 Pontiac Coach 165 '27 Pontiac Landau Sedan 165 325 '30 Austin Coupe, new '29 Pontiac Coupe '29 Nash Sedan '29 Nash Cabriolet '29 Pontiac Sedan 325 425 375 325 '29 Ford Coach 10 oi''7 riiou- ro.i, 60 $145 fi '2770 Sedan $227 '2770 Brog $187 '2760 Coach $187 '2670 Sedan $167 PLYM0UTIIS '32 Sedan $527 '32 Coach $497 '31 Roadster $397 31 R. S. Coupe $397 '30 Del.

Sedan $327 '29 Coupe $247 OTHER MAKES '29 Buick 58 Coupe '29 Buick Sedan $197 '25 Buick Sp. $97 '26 Cadillac 7 p. 167 '27 Chandler Sedan '30 Chevrolet Coupe 28 Chevrolet Sedan '27 Chevrolet Coupe $97 '27 Chevrolet 4-Dr $117 '30 DeSoto 8 Sedan '29 DeSoto Sp. Coupe '29 Dodge Coupe $277 '26 Dodge Sedan $77 '28 Durant Coach $167 '31 Essex Coach $467 '30 Essex Coach $297 '27 Essex Speedster '26 Essex Coach $6 '31 Ford Coach $327 '30 Ford Coupe '29 Ford Rd. (Sp.) $167 '29 Ford Coach $187 '29 Ford Coach $187 '26 Ford Coach $57 '26 Ford Coupe $57 ALTOS FOR SALE Chew.

lea. ed J7 Pontlas er 4'11 2is Wblnoet cn a 3 1 Ford coach tiii B'srainn 4 ito 1127 Henn MA 74 Motor TruciUs, Trailcra 4 Tractora 27 CHFV 30 Ford 1 panel 28 Chew, plrk-uo 4145 ion sim jo Ford Plrk-'jp s.a 3D Chev, 1'7 ton merh hoist GROSSMAN CHEVROLET CO. 13r.4 l.n DR. 0473. TRUCK BODIES AND EQUIPMENT POR SALE AT WTir.t.p-SAI.R PRlrE3.

TRUCK EQUIPMKNT 401 3D fTT NKW trailers for any purpose, price) reasonable. 3240 4Pfh av S. IRAil.LR lor hauling Doat or camping outfit Fine condition Bovrt Transfer Co 5-TON 1S29 highway wittTvar I body for sale cheap. MA. FORD TRUCK 30.

$135. Excellent shape, tlfiO down. 712 Univ. av NE. '27 DODGE li-ton.

steel stake body, tood condition. CO. 3207. Tires, Ratterlea and Equipment SPECIAL 13 25 New 13 Pla'e Battery with A Guar, that counts, $3.25 At old Batt. Same Loc.

34 yrs. Open Bun. Eve. Henry Bardin Motor Mkt. 815 8 Itth at.

NEW 13-olate bat. wholesale direct to you. $3 tuar. 9 mos. Extra heavy 13-rjiate bat guar.

18 mos 44 ex 1111 Lake st. KE. 3130. Qnen eve, ft Sun. Aulo Parts AUTO carta at savings.

Mall orders Oiled. Am. Auto Parts. 200 Plym. MA 1913.

SAVE 50 to used carta. Mall order. Auto Salvage 909 7th st N. HY. 2395.

Autos Wanted TP yotl have a ear rn ten call nt We nan casn. No notes Henry Bardin Moror Market 815 a tin st. OE. 4704. Est.


418 3RD ST S. WILL trade $410 clear lot ft 1926 Chev. sedan lor 1H31 light 6 sedan. Magnu-aon. 5000 34th av S.

Will buy your cap. for cash, also BUT YOUK EQUITY AND PAY Orf NOTES LOOT8 KRONTCK 1411 HUNN 40-A. SCHOOL land, near Sandstone east iraae lor truck or car. GE. 1833.

WILL trade radio and cash for used auto. AT. GOOD PIANOFOR USED CAR. TIT 2772. Wn.L nay $100 cash for used car from orl vate party, no Junk, MA.

9733. Motorcycles Bicycles. REMOVAL sale Btutx. Tierce tnd rebuilt bikea. tricycles trade In your old Bike, Repairing.

Hall Supply, 253 3rd av s. LIVESTOCK NEW government harness made of the best harness leather for sale at $29 50 per let. Used harness from 19 per set, up. Also saddlery, horse collars, horse Blankets etc BARRETT Ac ZIMMERMAN. Midtvay Horse Market.

St. Paul. 30 HEAD horses, mares, age 4-10, wt. 1.100 to 1,700. $30 up.

some wen maicneo. teams 175 up. 15 sets harness; wagon chean. 827 Central av, Mnls. 200 8ETS of new sample harness at less tnan taetcry cost while tnev last.

Mia-wav Harness 1953 Univ. St. Paul. Catalogue free. GRAY team, wt.

2,700. 470; black team. $95; mare, $20: hore. $20. Harness, Fuel office.

2225 31st Mpls. FRESH from the country 40 head of good larm horses, orire au norset guar. 2nd av N. GENTLE farm team. 2.750.

$110i mare, 1.300. 441. 2519 3tn 8. BIG work horse, cheap. 52nd and 6th It ob.

Columbia last piace out. CASH lor old At disabled horses. We nick them uo. DUnont 6147. $65 BUYS' good work team! $25.

tingle horse. 1313 Portland. 185 BUYS chunky marei, $40, large work norse. nun a titn st. Dogs, Birds A Pets DOHTONH lnvplv female nuns.

Seal rwrfert markings. 411 2746 Sheridan N. IRISH water snanlel. 9 wks real hunting stock; will take trade, RE. 4333.

FINANCIAL 1ST ft SD mortgages ft contract! made or bought. Deaver. 926 Plymouth Bid. OS. 2727 Auto Loan 'AUTO LOAN HIGHEST LOAN VALUES LOW RATES Refinance Your Car We will pay oft the present balance due and advance more money uo lo the lull market value of your car.

Ten Minute Service No fus no delay. Ererythlnt fl itnctlv confidential. We do not notify your employer, relativei or Irlenda. Easy Payment Plan We can cut your present ntvmenti In half or if vou are msklnt a new loan the pavments can be trranied to suit your Income. Drop In and let us explain our new Finance Plan.

Our service Is polite and courteous. You will find plenty of parking space lor your car. REGAL FINANCE COMPANY 120 SO. TENTH ST. OENEVA $25 TO $500 APPROXIMATE LOAN VALUES.

PERSONAL LOANS, YOU liEED nOHEY FCR TAXES SEE US Salaried ladle and gentlemen venay horrow on their plain notes without lndorers. No salary alignment ay security of any kind. WHAT rr COSTS: Borrow $10 00. pay bacg TS Borrow tl.ino. pay back $16 00 Borrow $25.00.

pay back $26.2.1 Borrow $30 00. pay back $31.10 Borrow tin on. oav bark 452 50 NO OTHER CHARGES. FURNITURE OR AT7TO LOANS. $10 and no at greatly reduced rateg with ONE YEAR to pay.

Call or Dhone OEneva 7910 or AT. 3600 and our eon. Udential agent WO. call at your home. Private offices, oolite and confidential service.

We save yott money. Your credit tood at either our DOWNTOWN or UPTOWN office. Ull the one most convenient, or both. TERRELL COHPAKY UPTOWN OFFICE: 360-282 Kresge 2nd FL Entrance 628 Nicollet. DOWNTOWN OFFICE-108-09-10-11-12 Phoenix Bld.

4th st at Marouette ar. Across from Tribune. ST. PAUL OFFICE: 308 New York Bldg. Minnesota.

ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY NO ENDORSERS NO FEES NO FINES NO RED TAPE Our rates are the lowest in th city. You are charged only for the exact time you keep the money. Furniture and car loans on request. Ladies See Miss Redmore. STATE L0AM CO.

E. B. Delaney. Met. 335-9 Andrus Bldg.

AT. 2374-5 TAX HONE OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE Get the cash today on your signature only. Your promise to pa is all we ask. No Indorsors. No Red Tape.

Loans also made on autos, furniture and pianos. Low rate and most generous terms the city. QreitG. i 402 ROANOKE BLDG. 7th Marquette MA.

3591 SALARY OR FURNITURE No endorsers No delay No deductions or fines 12 months to repay. Pay only for time yon keep the money. special department for Ladies. TEACHERS Retardlesi of when you teieh, writ as for details about our tsiclal vacation loan plan. 234 Mcknight bldg.

5th and 2nd Ave. So. GE. 2111 QUICK LOA Loans made on salary, plain not. No Co-maken required.

Immediate Service. Loans also made on furniture, pianos and autos. -Strictly Confidential Low Rates Eaiy Termi Payments as low as Jl per week. Private Offices for all CITY UAH CO. 201 Northwestern Bldtr.

322 Hennepin Av. AT. 4431 mm money? ft will cost vou nothing to have ai explain our proposition. Our 62 vein in business Is our guarantee of service and good faith. Ro laquiiiesHs) Eaflcrsers TEACHERS Anvwhere in the N.

writ er see us for details about oar special vacation loin plan. LOAMS Ll'3l Graham Sedan $467 27 Bulck coach 4141" 25 Oakland cch. 0 rr 29 Essex cp. 8165: 27 Oakland sed. 475'26 Chev.

Touring Tlnrtreo ('jinn. nh zoo it. on naves, it. oeeo. ir he car vou want is rot listed eil ail, or In parcels.

50x300 ff at HOOl" ule 50 We have a larfje selection of dependable used cars ranging in price from $35 up. Bdden-Snyder 1416 Hennepin AT. 7114 REGARDLESS OF PRICE EVERY CAR flUST GO BUICKS Reduced Was. To 31 8-54 Sport roadster 31 8-56 sport coupe 30 47-8 6 cylinder sed 29 47 sedan excellent 28 48 four-pass, coupe 28 47 sedan 27 47 sedan 27 27 Standard sedan 26 27 Standard sedan 28 47 Master sedan 25 27 Standard sedan .4375 $175 1745 4505 $475 $245 4375 1195 $135 4175 1150 $150 492.1 475 4645 4475 550 4410 4345 4275 4275 $250 CADILLACS LA SALLES 28 Csdlllae town led. w.

New tlrea 1.075 28 Labaile 7-Dass. eedan $650 PACKARD3. 27 Packard Club eedan 24 Packard Club ledan $645 $395 $295 1165 50 OTHER FINE CARS. Prices cut everv day until every car 14 sold. We mutt reduce our stock.

Bee them today. Make trs an offer. SO-DAY GUARANTEE VERY LIBERAL TERMS. STEPHENS BUICK CO. .1016 Hennepin.

MA. 9117 Ika Rpnts are loss, Mpls' bet Apts. IS W. 2'Znd St 2216 Cartirld 100 W. Franklin 1R01 2nd Ave So.

Midway I MOD. mi. Frit tar. Janitor serv. Bt.

Mark! parish, 3122 Carton av. 1 fare North ATTR. htd. 4 A I rm. A ntJ.

425, 130 3S. Newly bulltln features. Jncl. rariRe. retrlg etc.

I-octited 210 Broadway. Bee Hvmin Realty. 316 "dw v- CH or minor I Apt. 3 3 RM. km.

private bath, oil hut. garage HY ana; (iltraoixl. $15TOILKT. cat. elect runty, near MA.

7958 heatid ant H. W. range Rtrlg $28. 110 HumboMt a N. HY.

8792. Sooth l-HM. flat In 4-nlex, 3101 3lst av 8. Frlt-Idalre Janitor service. Rent starts June dp.

inn Son MINNEHAHA 5 3 B. built- IPs, tc. porch, garate, newly dec. Bamain. Mob.

6 rm. ant W. beat, cheap, rent starts June Int. 3807 g. Lake st.

CH, 6084 PLEA8ANT 8 room lower 4 nlrx. all modem H27 2lat B. DR B1S7. $-3 RMS. in new 4-plex.

sun tile B. Near river dr 3227 2.1th at Kouth Onfral THE WINDSOR. Both furnhhed and unfurnished narimenii now available Lara rooms and well trraniied. Lmht. airy and beautifully decorated.

With or without fiotci service. Charming lounge, location. elevators, excellent 1011 THIRD AY B. Look I Mpls' best furn. or rot.

Gas, Frigidaire and Light inclufl. 1801 2nd Av S. 1912 Clinton REDUCED RENT, living room, dinini. (iicnen. Dearoom nn patn.

rTmaaire. nodern. furniahrd. 110. linlurnithed til.

lanltor. 29 iMti ft Ant. $25, was $30, dandy 5r. upper In 4-ple. H.

W. heat. Porch. Vc loth. lto 4th B.

Apt. 2 or AT, "7 fn 4TH AV 8 -Co 4 upner, lower. hetAi, 312J 4ih 8. Coiy 4-r. H.

w. it vis BTKIO'lLV rood, heated I rm, leadmx from private ha'L 160 1)23 Chico See Janitor 1.1 rm din. rm. lre warm heat, tar, 3721 lith av 6 front or rear. M2 UP.

3i-37l PARK. AV-Cholce 4 rm. un- pufc'or 4 flat, elec, relrl IM, VUll PARK Sublet 1 R. att. ant.

bif concea. Bun, evee. A nt. lo8. E-.

6 37 1 4 RM. neii dec. atrirtlv mod. hl- edRea SfcAUTlfUL oil heated triuldaue at la. 34 BlalcdeTl kt WW AT IMa l4lVi41l NICOLLET.

ttrc, newlf fur unfurn t-rrn o' draaaio wall bd, up. mtKPritrfKtHt ft tftntni. vour re Beat 4-nlei. I bdr Mur bed. In tr, M2 Garfield Cig 6771 Eve, PI ,1013.

Siar 1 I rm kit. rms 127 SO 130. Pre lit. Jan. rear.

280 Id il t) MONTH -room heated apt. Ktwlr derorated. fW i'MS well loraird. iust rebuilt, mod. flat, 1524 tn at 51737 BLAISDPLL 2-1-4 rm.

PU. htl frl Near car, fine reaa. RE. 23M. 3EAITT Ire" rrn hid, or uubtd.

Low rent, Anrtervn Mfdvav 4W lt HfcA I KU S-rm move now. par for Juiif: other cone. rx. 4107 eve Southeast tiooer or lower, ur.furn cloi to Univ. find 622 furn.

or nh KK VERY fine S-rm new KREE eiec. refr. 2i06 Como. Fumlhd Apirtmentii. HAVBPHII.L COURT APARTMENTS.

I4tb and Hrmon place 131 to 139 to fJ-n. Another reduction in rent Oaa, Fiec and flee ref. furn 2 1 and 4 rm. pt. Pr'trwrlr mngpd wa kin dit.

Call Mr. Arnewm. OB. 7t2. CHASE INV, CO.

T34 McKplTbt. AT. I WW NOHWOOO PAHKVltW II tb av a I I II nt New furniture, l-room At wait clean, furn. como incl. rifw Pitt.

VTIee very rea nnft I A BIRABLK ONK. TWO AN IHHtZ RrxiM n.ErTP10 HE PBIOERAtlON 20 GUOV.lANr AV. HlAWAl HA-NORTH- Rl IJ2 IA BAI.1.K AV Kr.jl i fthv ATr-RArfivit two am threr ROOM APAHTMFMT8 TTlEPMfNK Kit VICE r.XfXTRIO Re P. IOr.uA-TION KE'EENAW, IKi WEST 2TTH HT JvE 5460 lay 2-Rm. 10 Wk.

Toe tat, Ke. lirveri. TH INOtr.KrDE 114 OAK PROVE ST ONK and two rrow neair fjrnithe4 neailv dtvoraled apt llrhta. tai. frlaid furni'tied WaJklnt ditance.

I3J HO. $41 OK, WIT 21S 1 Ith Vteaiinlul ftirniahed 2 At 3 rma klteh- tnet bedrooma. ahower. ti ed bath pT.tld. Wa'lcir.

d.tnce. 102 lgth it 193S FREMONT BeautlfuUr furn. 2 and 3 rm. In etudtne Miirnn Rnt verv reawtiab'e. bed.

Frmdalre. lanltor. Lahchmont. mm vii pi krv Ma 6104 ATTRACTIVE AFARTMtNTB BT ViEI-ft Oft MONTH FRIGID AIRE. Tf.Lfc.PHON fitHVlCIT feUAw ri (urn ntd anta.

On Irk pltaa environment Man- aaer an premlea. 70 8 151b near Mc- niist. next to iwta Ciiimrr'T fiimohed larre 1 rm apt lake or two cultured women to ahare ertH-ive MA. cava; lu. uaov evenlnaa BKHIRABLi lb H.

titractiv lr furn. dresalnt irn. aresaint iriaiu vi mo r.M nftiee 1415 Portland MA 571 Triaa 1TW rnl'OT af.i AV 8 IJFSIR ABLE TWO AND THRFEJiOOM APARTMrNTS FPTOTnAIRE Y.T tAKe.SBURT. 137 W. 1225.

dresslnt i.akr rm tiled bath. Boec. featuren and criCF Br'AUT J. J. At fm.

apt. New fine bldtr w' dial. HtaJ. l4l Aldrleh sr. ei iw i MoffT dealr I I ros DU- fit.

bath. net, area rm- iara ii fihint. offlcF. 1400 Portland. AtL vvwdv i a mti rma.

modern dee erlvaU bath. Oloat In, GE HIM 14 Hlthland plare H. Art 4 uivvitu in npnt'ra PLAO Downtown toli. Ideal 1-rm. D.

int furn 140 OI SZflT" ISO. ALL Ac aunn Tu mod. ft rma, Near Lkt Hatrltt, Adufta. 2M 44th, ft. WA.

187 iTTHAC. 1 2 rm, aota. Incl, I at. lee At ohont ratei, Verr rea. 127 K.

14th at, Thy McKlnleT: 424 3 private bain, trquno. u. ioS John in at NI DI 43H OSCAR M. KELSON 33U rremoni B. Tht finest at new nrirea rui.

ae.r. atuff. lurn i. aie hu phone, ta alt. 2030 Clinton 127 LAKE LIT.

rm. 12v25 dreaalnt rm tueo pain, itit spec, features At price turn w.iu, Is ft la. I RMS. turnlahed. lltht and heat, newly nernratFd.

510 K. 24th t. ii anla heat. I as, elec. H28 14th av 8.

MA eon anurt TV at anta newlf furnUhed. 729 lfth ft. MA. IW04, t2 MO. 2-room furn.

free aiecUlcltf ana par-Kin. iouo 1-RM. kltchenet Ar bath, lleht. pnona, tea furn. DR.

5879. 2509 SMhaTH. 4i 1, 1 1 rma nrlv hath. elFC. sis H. gar. i-tu. I40-H5, rURN. or Prltld.

2709 Blalsdell coir 3 bath, T419 STH ST Attr. loc. Furn. or unf. B'e.

3 K. jan 29 MO. Newly furn. decorated apt. OIOCKB VJ iiwh.

tola 3RO AV 8 Llvlnt K. A bed' furnished, aummer rate4, 1727 LA SALLE, like new, flreoroof. Frit toon nic tc i mum, Strictly heated i rm. AM heated I rma K. 170S 4tb av See janitor or can tin.

la 40 2-RM. anartineuti 43 50. 1-rm. lur nlaheri 1415 Clinton, liEWLYWEbS-Adorable front 3-rm. ahower.

Frit. 3300 8, CO. 0M7, BRIGHT FURN. MTU BT fSTHEHVYOlt.1 18M 8tevjn. 140-IU Km rm.

K. apts. furn. ana unfurn, bent. Frit S44 Frank 118 jTrmT 3 rn MS" mod htd.

iiit. Inc. aaa Ar elec 3835' 432.50. .28 ChlCKtO. MA din -ess ITofcli and ApartmMitB tttip.

rTTOTlS HOTEL TBI UORTHWESTB ORKATK8T BOTH Apirtrnentt with bath ana kltehtn. aompletelT on rmanaivl tar from 111. til 111. D1 III per wee a. Taianhona Maem Cltrk.

ATliatta .1144 Tenth it, to 4th avi. VEItY BESTAT REASONABLE OOB RESIDENTIAL AND TRANSaNT. OAK OROVB. An. Unlal In I Ha If.

W. MA Oak Orovi (17th nt) MAW 1741, RUSSELL HOTEL) 4th kaari tTann A Nlrolltl ROOffll with orlvati bath, wlhput i bath it. week JRejueed rnonthiy ratet, wini.ri Hrvmrt. LOW RATES, evert modern. eonTinlenei, fre phone aervice Mnka thii your Home, 110 8 th t.

AT. 1371 Hotel, 1032 2nd av Pa-, inn. Maid nerr. tll.9..wk. IaRGE.

AIRY ACCOM. 4, 12 DAT. 11-115 wx elec, ai. ice, linen, rjisnea. lieonic urove.

titin tlinlliv Hotel. Ilth At Henn. K. At 1000 FOR $05 See IN Belmont Apartment Hotel the Corr.for's of Home Franxiin Colfax. CiU KB.

8800 FOR RF.NT MISCELIN'FOl'S Uitslnem Property for Rent KHOP and light oif: tpace to W-U lighted. htd fireproof tullding. Bee wertnes. sig fith MPU A ttore Dart Mt complete Hit In city Thorpe Rentals. AT.

31 J. STOriKK. warehouses, factory space ror leaae. II Bchanfeld Co, Nat i Hi (in 0 a races for Rnt J4TH BT Rep garage and office. no 2413 bin av 8 room for 14 can oofl lor rrnair or Murage.

$15. OK. 1,21. jDKHN tarate. room lor 20 UucU lirae 7172, 4th at.

GE. Stores for Rent 1202 MAROUETTE. COR. 12TH 6T. 97 Bouth 12th t.

Brodwv, cor. 2nd1 Loran. Hvman Real'y. 24 Bdwr. CH.

2506. BDWY. Perm, store 32x44. or will dl- id, bid live loc. 2 car linn, a cor- nera.

GL. 3301. Offlra and Ix-gli Room for Rent Offices Trlbuna Annex 4th 4 Marquette If you desire a location convenient to Banks, Courthouse, Federal Buildings, Retail and Wholesale District, In the Loop, and at reasonable rates, APPLY BLDG. SUPT. 614 TRIBUNE ANNEX DKKIIRABLK private or aeml-prlvate office hoace.

rsteno acrvice. ub ub. a.Ti. UXiK-lNO tor oftlM auacer our aervice ii uabie. Thome Mara, r.

xijj. DKHIRABLK drslt loace. Phone. Mr. Chate.

1204 Harmon piace. DK8IRABL offic and anop oce. Bntat location, wuinao uiai. -na mcoiiet. HOUSES FOR 8AIJE Thorp! SBns FIRST" TDE8T BELJiCIlON AS6UREU VALUES Tateil feature In thl Endlih home with huee llln room: librarv: unroom; brexiat room: niir xnnerj wnh HtfMivr BtD-RrX)M HAS FIREPLACE BATH.

4 other bedrma. Ai 3 additional hatha. Am. room. Htd.

tarate. Bin lot J-in nn'rv chid location. 'L'jw i aat.t Coniider amaU trade. CaU WA. (494.

T. B. it aka fttt.irirF A enmforf able 3 bedroom boma with giaeetl porch; hot atr-r beat; sarare. i.onvemrni i- cation. near 31 in si.

Jamer tiearr a THOkl'E 61 Marouett AT. 2133. Uae our 47 rear anftrtuig OPEN TONIGHT. 1:30 TO I. 2915 Benton 1 bedrm.


423 JViCOliet av. Wa erva. eh rail niraen houae. lou of tround. near Lyndaie LO 0110.

Insurance aea.nit nUeanam, TTn.E INHUP.ANCB CO. OP. MINN. ILL build bouae to tuit tale your nr house, oart nav't. I.O.

ft'J3 ROOM MODERN HOME. CLEAR. I7M i o.w 500 ALL modern 4-room buuralow near nark way Chaa Tarbox. AT. in'y uu housea.

bunt compiet a low aa 42 9W1. Frederick. DR. Brrn Jrlawr th new BROWNIE LAFK rvecxion Ir.f 3-bedroom borne with double arat, can be nouum riant I-ke TOUR "NOW. BUT" HEADQUARTERS. a erriinuo. k. Innlte our reor. tentativet will Be outsme to orw-noe Utter and make appointments to show. 3804 DREW AVENUE 80TTTH I English "lem" near Minuikar.da larger then most 4 bedroom homes Master's chamber 11x21, 3 other bit oedrooms.

French doors from specious livini room lo porcn ana traen. e-fast room between big dinmt room, and A k.teLn. H.rdwOfWI I not ed amusem*nt room. Luxurious bath wnh vanity and ahower. Hea'ed double garage Wiiaiiiy iraturei inc.uuv walla and ce.ilnta aoecial fixturea.

marble tills in kitchen, casem*nt windows, everything. And priced only 600. Bjy auict. iQts Dnrr-W AVSrWTTSf atOTTTft 4 bedrooms. 2 baths In this luxurious Immaculate "like new" Engiian home in one of Lynnburn oesi oiocgs extra big master's chamber.

Available 3rd floor miid I room and 3rd bath. Features of French windows, eunroom. break fast bar. o. E.

reiriterator. coior mnn. and double taraee Here II beauty and value at only 816,000. WHITE INV. CO.

"Headnmrters" AT 1301 627 lurouna nior i nn This eve. 1 than. May 1J. at 4627 Wrmworth Here Is a smart 8-rm. mdrn.

stucco with real home atmosphere, built without restriction to Quality or expense. Inspection telll the story, erltleire It if you can, I bd-rmx, un. with tile bath, also lavatory In basmt W. heat, built-in features, sunparlor. large attle, dble aea.ed Insulated tarate.

nice tot. all clear, bo aasmts immediate possession. Reajtonenle terms Owner tolnt to Texas Have a look, you will like It. MI. 3301.

Balrd Auctioneer of Rea) Estate, RM. leml-btlw. with tar. Larte wooc.ed lot paved alley. Priced to sen CO 801 ANDRUS SIX.

GE. 4315. Ivenlntt KE. 1941. DO.

3633. $1,400 DISCOUNT on new 3 bdrm. home Otllll -unaer auprrviaion oi sieimti private owner who has met with financial 1 eve reel open evei for Insoectlon. 1419 Lakevlew gv. BR.

3687, BRAND hew. i bedroom! ioinlsh house a cedar DAV lake, luhetantfally below tost. VXD I 0. BELL INV, 111 2nd ar B. MA 1381.

7.C0O 4629 LYNDALE AV Desirable baml, I oeorooms: garage; iieruun oorch: hot water heat. MeKenile. Reynolds. AT. 0204.

1050 Plym. Bldt HAPRIET bargain, owen today At every oay inis weet ior your inspection, emm-dld bungalow. 5218 Knox. 4853 Ewlng. 5232 Drew.

Owner, DR, 3611 1353 SWING AV 6 Small house on rear of ery fine lot. f850 all. $35 Sown. $10 mo. owner, ki, ian.

North 4206 BEARD AV 1 blocks from Memor ial drive, very nne 4-year-oia. completely modern 6-room bungalow. 3 50 ft. lots. 3-car tarage, fireplace, long living room.

Beautiful floors. A marvelous baratain going at foreclosure mice of $4,650. $150 ca4h. ba). $40 mo Incl.

all Int. Owner. MA. 7548 week days only. NO DOWN PAYMENT.

We have over 30 homes to select from. You pay this year's taxei and get full credit on the purchase crlce. Balance same It rent. Houses acquired bv fore-closurea. MUST BE SOLD.

Ulberth. J30 Walker Bldt. at. d.iu COZY 4-rm. Sungalow, 3 B.

full base- ment, Mv A. neat, a nice norcm-s nr.i; decorated Ac painted. Inside At out. small payment down. $35 mo Low tax.

Price cut way down. CH. 3068; SACRIFICE 3-BKDRM. HOME. $4,200.

Bt. Anne I parisu. an newty ore, glazed norch. tar. only $400 cash and I3fl a month including interest.

DI. 0908. iTsbo VERY easy terms, nice 5-room bun galow, nrwiy oecoraiea, sstBsn. iiue location. GE.

3373; eves, DR. 1701, BRYANT 6223 See. this new modern buntalow, exceptional oargain, land Lbr. Co. AT.

3271. eves. EM. 61197. GOOD 3 mom bungalow 4519 Upton north, Call WAlnut 5344 evenings.

ALL MODERN 5-room bungalow. garage. $2,500. Bin Thomas av rc. $15 MONTHLY.

$25 down. rooms, toilet. gas, electricity, ma. iv. ttobblnsAale -lain MA inn AV A herirma 9 hatha.

Com pletely modern ana exceptionally wen punt rrrica ana etvu nunic. rnciMn.c. Built-in refrigerator. Floors Ind In oak throughout downstairs. 60-ft lot.

A real house going It foreclojure price of $5 950, $250 casn. nal. 149 mo. inei. Int.

Key next door south. Owner. Henry. MAin 5310, South 58.38 42ND AV 3 bedroom colonial type.

nnnr. Basem*nt ftarage. fore closure price of $3,810 takes It. 1150 cash. Bal.

$37 mo. incl. Int. No mtg. Owner, MAln 7641 except Sunday.

No agents. NEAT, all modern bungalow, 4 fine rooms and (I. Excellent condition, beautiful lot, fine location, near Mhaha Falls It reward In achooL Reduced to only 12.950 Easy terms. Owner. GE.

$151. KE. 7860. 3 BEDROOM modern itucco home, built 7 like new. Must sell quick, $3,600.

938 40th IV. AT. 6738. 5309 43RD AV S. 4) room with sun porch, attractively BUllti Hot air fur-nare.

gar. Bargain. Apnomtmt, MI. 9542, NEW 6-rm. un-to-tt ate.

low nrlce. unen eves, o-q aotn av ci, liu. 3in. FOUR room4 bath, fully modern. 1621 J7th ar at.

3264. 42li6 4304 8IX 2010 10 110 1 1 "IBARNES BARRY '30 Hudson 4-Dr. '29 Hupp. 8 Sedan '29 Hupp 6 Sedan $447 '28 Marmon Victoria '25 Max Sedan $77 '29 Nash Cabriolet $297 '29 Nash Coach $297 '27 Nash Stl. Sedan '28 Oakland L.

Sedan '27 Oakland L. Sedan '28 Olds Coach $227 '27 Pierce Brog $167 '26 Tackard Sedan $167 '28 Paige Brog $177 '27 Paige 7 p. Sedan. '28 Star Cabriolet $127 '30 Stude. D.

8 Sedan '29 Stude. Pres 8 Sedan. $447 '28 Stude. Victoria $227 '27 Stude. Sedan $127 '30 Whippet Sedan $297 '30 Whippet Coach $277 '29 Whippet Sedan $187 '29 Whippet Coupe '29 Whippet Coupe '30 Willys 6 Coupe $297 '30 W.

K. Sp. Cabr $587 HOLT MOTOR CO. HARMON AT 13TH HENNEPIN AT 10TH Nicollet at 17th (Lot) Open Eves. Till 10 P.

M. '30 Olds DeLuxe Coach, 6 w. w.f 465 '29 Olds Sedan 845 29 Willys-Knight 70 B. Coach 345 '31 Stude. Free Wheeling Sedan 595 A.

T. JiANSORD CO. Dodge Plymouth Distributor! 1210 Hennepin. GE. 2863 Olds '29 deluxe rumble seated coupe.

6 W. W. This car ii per fect in every detail, fully sruar. 1465 corner remont et Lake KE. 7566 OLDS eoich, 1931: thli ear has ipoeir- of new ier and priced way below marxei; special it oniy si8 GROSSMAN CHEVROL LET CO 1304 Lake, DR 0873.

OLDS, 1931 coune, black duco finish. wire wheels, hot water heater. Car has low mileage, out of work, must tell at once. Ats. bHtia.

Mr. Jensen. OLDS 1931 de luxe coach, run 6.000 miles, pargain. terms, uau mi. gaua.

OLDS, coach, 1931, run 1.000 miles. $700 tor quick sale. Call OL, 7113. bet, 11 ft 3 OAKLAND. '29 land.

beaut cond. Sac, trade, terms. 201 ear. perf Drew OAKLAND coupe. all-Am.

28. A-l shape, nm. iai Morgan tn eiag. OAKLAND '30, I sedan, H. W.

heater Tetma or trade. Call evenints. CO. 1116 OAKLAND '30 BitnAN. 440.1.

ANDERSON MOTOR 1301 LAKE. OAKLAND All-Amertcan ledan. Bal. due 4327.50, 165 down, 3841 cedar Res, PACKARD, late 27 5-oass. sed excen ior quick iiiiv nutm ale.

leu Hennepin. PoNTTAn 30 coach. New tlrea. motor A- 8325. Midland Finance.

34 12Nlc PONTIAC. 1927 landau sedan, exceptional cond 1146 335 Lake, PONTIAC '29 coach. Looka and runa per feet, 4245. Midland Finance. 3412 NIC.

PONTIAC. $259 credit. Sell for $130. tood on any new model AT. 1994 ev venlnts PLYMOUTH '31 Cch.

Excellent mech. con dltlon. Looks like new. H. heater, $335.

Midland Finance. 3412 flic 8TUDE. sedan, lite '31 model 64, Free wheeling. Juet like new. Driven only 6.000 miles.

Will be sold for unpaid Midland Finance. 3412 Nlc VIKING 8-cyl, '30 De Luxe 6 w. $490. Good cond Dr. Ames.

6211 Wish-burn 8. WA. 0690, WHIPPET 4Pt. rdstr. '29-8.

I wire wheels, snotlltht. Motor perfect. A steal for $145. Midland Finance, S41J Nic WHIPPET '38 "4." Can't beat for price. $126.

Midland Finance, 3412 NIC. late 30 Ior unpaid pat. Fin. 815 8 6th St.

WILLYS-KNIGHT 28. Nicest one In city, 8200, 2818 Olrard av REAL VALUES. Auburn '31 snort nnaeton EH Olds '31 de luxe coach fa Chryl. '30 TJ ledan. a ft.L....

MAIR ft MAIR AUTO. 1401 nennenin av. 51 rhev. cne 1371 28 Durant 30 Chev. coach 4285: nere, bsk lur iu mi nmsca uu models at comparative prices.

Pomtrcy OLtinkt H4 Kenncpln. nk.SU2 Across From Lcrisf Park PLAY SAFE Tiis Buyer Is the Winner at Kennedy CHeYrciet C3o 1931 Chevrolet Coach $39.) 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 285 1930 Ford Coupe, late 250 1929 Chevrolet Coach 240 1928 Ford 4-door Sedan 195 1927 Chevrolet Coach 192fl Chevrolet Coupe 50 Nineteen Cars From $23 to $75 Kennedy Chevrolet Co. 600 So. 7th St. Open Eves.

Our Lot Is Full of Wonderful Bargains. Good Used Cars to Choose From Bert Bastes. Co. Hennepin. 601 West Lake St.

'31 Chev Coupe, late $350 '31 Cher. Coach, late 39 30 Chev. Coach, trunk, new tires 295 '30 Ford Tudor, late 265 All Our Cars Are Lower Priced GMAC Terms We Trade AUBURN sot. coupe. Wonderful condition throughout.

Bargain at $285. Your terms GROSSMAN CHEVROLET CO. 1304 East Lake DR. 0873. BUICK '29 ltd.

coach and ledan. The finish, upholstery and tires are exceptional. Mechanically perfect sand carry Dew tar Terms arrinted to suit you. See these Buicks before you buy, at 1124 Hennepin av. BUICK 1929 Master eedan in beautiful black duco.

Excellent mech. condition. Double eatle tlrei. 1445 SWANBERO 8CHEFFE, 14 tTnlv. ev NE and 713 Broadway.

BUICK. 31 ant, 8-54. rumble seat, low mileage, 30-day written guar. $185 Stephen's Bulck 1016 Henn. MA.

9117 BUICK tedan. late 30. Just like new. loaded with extras, a beauty, $650, Must sell. private, 3.101 mn av BUICK sedan.

47. '27, looks new, I25U. Roy Moore, 1114 Henn. av, 38 BUICK etandard ledan, veryline coud. Must sacrifice.

$225. WA. 6124. CHEVROLET de luxe ohaeton, 1931, 6 wire whee.s, leather upholstering, nnitn-ed In green duco. Green wheels, $465.

xour terms nnnsHvrtN rrmr itrolet co. 1304 East Lake DR. 0673. CHEVROLET de luxe int. roadster, 1931 wire wheels, looks and runs like bew $435.

Your terms. GROSSMAN CHEVROLET CO. 1304 East Lake. DR. 0673.

CHEV. coupe, late 1931 sport model, per fect running order, like new, lots of extras. Must be sold this week. Call 323 Hennenln CHFV a-dnnr aedan. earlv 30.

trunk, ne tires, original finish Ac perfect, $225. private. 2501 12th lis. CHEV. coune, 1930.

motor overhauled, new tires, take cheaper Chev. trade. Bar- tires gain 2909 lotn av b. CHEV. '30 sed Repossessed, low mileage.

New ear appearance. Trunk. Your own term Midland 3412 Nlc 19U0 CHEV. COACH, $265 Katen Mvrold Motor Co 1120 Lake it niRV 3n roach renoKMessed. perfect con dition.

Priced for murk sale, leimi Midland 3412 Nicollet. CHEV. coach, late 27, $75. Trade. $35 down.

$12.50 per mo. 3641 Cedar Res CHEV. late 29, perfect. Bal. due 4185.

too down. 3641 kcs. nutm rniru -1) l- I A I 1 1 J. At R. AUTO 810 take.

KE. 1194 CHEV. '29 sed. Thoroughly lecond. New tires.

S221. Midland inance, jsh mc CHEV. '28 cne. Good running car. $45, '32 lie, Mid'ani rin ma wic.

CHEV. late '27. 4 door sedan, like new Must sacrtnre. rriv, zbh tjouax n. CHEV DeLtixe 31 lnr unpaid Daij Finance oarere, nm a om at.

CHEV. coupe. 1928, nice shape, $146; tire store. 400 8 7tn st. CADILLAC town sedan, 4 wire wheels, new niv tires, mis nne oig car naa had very little use, Is In excellent and we have honestly reduced It from 41.050 to $650 STEPHENS BUICK 1018 Hennenln MA 9117, CHRYSLER '30, 77 De Luxe, gedan, 6 brand new tires, truly in A-l conuition throughout.

Spec, sale price, $736. PARKER-REESE CHEV. CO. 38th iv at Lake st. CHRYSLER DeLtixe sedan, lute 31.

$695. trnde. $195 down 3841 Cedar Res, CHRYSLER '30. 70 Royal aed like new, $100 dn trade. 1620 Harmon.

GE, P351, CHRYSLER sedan, late 193L like new. siian. Take car in. 17 mn st. DODGE '28 4-dr.

sedan, paint like, bew, good 4lres, 30 aay ma, lenna. "rev Motor 805 Broadway, DODGE de luxe sedan, 1927, 4-door. good ccn. iwiiixit each. City water, near school A mar- telou4 bargain.

Owner. CO, 4180. SUBURBAN PKOrEnTI For Sala E8TATB BEING SETTLED Will tell 11 acres ebeul I to I acres wooded, balance rich peat mile to Sup. blvd. 8 miles from city.

Price 413S per acre. Terms H00 down. 115 pet mo. Write Vi2f)0 Tribune. 375 THIS fine tract about one acre close to Rttbblneaele, clear, ready to raise a valuable croo thia teaaon.

On tood road in tnlendld community 125 down. Mr. Hanson. HY. 8ttB2.

HAYKS rr NE New. near 4tMh. I1. acres with 200 ft. on Hayes.

300 ft. deeo. Wlil sell all. or in parcels. 80x300 at 4100 each.

City water, near school. A marvelous bargain. Owner. CO 4180, 41,3101 LEVEL acre, good 4-rm. bouse.

chicken house, close to Hunenor blvo Some irn it tree. Can be nold on easy termi. Mr. Clancy. AT.

0201 or DR. 1310 eves, BARGAIN. 14 acres stock and machlner rv. 5-room house, basem*nt barn, best soil. 2 miles north Mound.

Price 43 000. 1 1O0 fash PI 2T40 MUST HAVE CASH AT CNCE MAKE OFFER on urn 2-rm. cottate on beautiful acre on highway. Close In. Elec.

OHrnarrj B121-K i740 LOGAN AV N. 4 acres, level iround, modern 4-room bouse, chicken bouse, 44.500. easy terms, GE. 2727. NEW 4-rm.

bungalow, hen house, acre lend, near Oxboro. $3,150 4100 dovm. Olson At Berdan. Security Bldg. AT.

2932. 11.500 3Vt ACRES. FRONT BLVD. $1,500 4S acres, car llEe, bid. B.

HAOEN. Honkin4 WA. 0266. $3,750. WEI.L lmnroved 40 acre farm, stocked and equlotd.

20 miles north of Mola. Wm. Anderson. Palace Bldg. $5.000 10 AC, 6 ml.

from city limit, near pavement, terms. GE. 719V COZY modern bungalow Ar south of Harriet. $2,750. $27.50 monthly.

WA. 6010 For Rent ACRES, excellent land. 5-rm. bungalow, miles out. 1200 year.

GE. 2727. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE COUNTRY ESTATE. EXCELSIOR. to ex- change for tood home in town 1 acre beautifully landscaped.

8 bed-rm. home, Hazed porches, flrrnlace. billiard oil heat. 3-car tarate. Exceptional In every way.

Live it the lake the year round. SPRINO REALTY, 300 Pl.vm, Bldt. AT. 52Z2. chante on nearly new home In good loca tion up 10 eis.wu.

aar. lounsreo, ns THAYTO A SMITH REALTORS. 42Q7 Nicollet av. Open evet. LO.

027. DUPLEXES or lane houses to exchange for small houses. If you hive a substantial eaulty In rour small home will ac cept It ai down cavment on duplex or larte home. 220 Plymouth Bldt. oe.

2611 WHAT WILL YOU EXCHANGE FOR CHOICE 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL NORTH BID HOME- BATSON. Baker Bldg. AT. 1491, CLEAR Minn. 160, rich soil, htthway 4.

for rmt. he hotel. Heater. Allen Hotel. 1 OR 2 good lots.

58tb Ar James for or ton truck, ub, sun. 5 OR 10 acres, close In. tood out sell or exch. for home, RE, 2385. 160 ACRES Improved, tood loll, Mtt $5,000.

Tradi for elty orooerty. HY. 6554. REAL ESTATE WANTED CASH at once for your real estate. We ret you buyer with money.

Results or no bay. BATRD Ac CO Bonded Auctioneers of Real Estate. 1949 Univ. ev, Midway. Mols.

and St Paul. MI. 3201. WILL build dwelling or duplex on your lot. accent small prop.

Part pay Harrv Roach. 5511 Grand CO. 1133. WANT at once duplex. 8o.

Central dlst. Not over iiu.uuu. lu. wo. MTNNETONKA For Rata a arairj T.ot lake.

1 eottates. 8 beats. bait in rasp. sirnwoerriea. mem num.

resort. Mrs, ueo. wnnama. For Rent COTTAGES 14 completely furnished on Ksaiason inn grounn. tvnriaimaa use.

r. celsior, for lease. $375 and UP per seasoi lenson. goli- natniig. Doating, iisniua.

veuins, ing ana aanrint Fl 'nil Information mimier'l office RADIfiSON HOTEL. AT. 2181 TONKA BAY lakeshore, run. water, large screened porches, 1100. OL.

3418. HAVE A FINE LIST OF RENTS, BATSON BAKER BLDO. AT. 6491. FINE modern home at Areola; eand.v beach.

Eckstrom nt Areola nr OF CLEAN 4-rm cottage, beach. DI, 3(1(18, Crybtal Bay, line Wanted COUPLE wlsl vate fam: Ish room A- breakfast with pri vate family at Minneionica, R. Mcsaersmlth, 1514 2nd ar 8. Apt. I.AKE RESORT PROPERTY Lake Col I aces for Rent PRIVATB like cottage, well water, bosti 115 weekly.

Call Hopkins FURN. west tide Twin lake irtore, quiet. 6100 season. Close In. HY.

3,191, CRYSTAL LAKE COTTAGER. $85 up for season, HY. 461(1. SMALL furn. cottage within 25 miles, bith.

ing oeacn. write imin inoune. Ike Cottages Wanted. FURNISHED cottage near. Lake Johanna.

Noel C. Thome, Anntirnnaie. wis, lake Shore Property for Sate WOODED tract, good lake, best hunting, nsning. montni LO. 9,159, T495 $10 MO cnUaiewTth 202 ft lakeshore, 25 miles out.

OE, 8657, ef 1431 300 PI 371 425 375 425 325 300 Pord Chevrolet Dodte Pontiac Oldsmohlle Plymouth Essex Loans on my make ear. tf yon ewe on your cir. we will refinance your notes, pay off the balance due. cut your payments In half and advance vou more money. Courteous service and low ratea.

ALLIANCE FINANCE CO. 1134 HARMON PLACE. GENEVA 1143, AUTO LOAHS-REFIKANCE Additional Cash Advanced No Endorsers No Delay Guarantee. Lowest Rates UNIVERSAL INVEST. CO.

203 Pence Bldg. 730 Henn. GE. 6344 AUTO LOANS. LOW RATE Tir1- vrnir rr Villa navlnc Quick Confidential Service IMPERIAL CREDIT CO.

401 Roanoke Bldg. It at Marquette MA. Tth J5Q1. Auto Loans ana Refinance NICOLLET LOAN CO. 435 Andrus BIdfr.

GE. 2200 LOANS To AUTO OWNERS. We loan on tour auto Quick Serv ice, Low Rates Refinance yam contract on small payments, PUBLIC FINANCE. 602 Plym Bide OB 6457 H. J.

PRENDERGAST. 416 3RD 8T 8 AUTOMOBILE LOANS REFINANCE LOW RATES NO DEI. AT Financial Wanted FINANCIAL assistance wanted by 1 rep- Stable Minneapolis concern. Good col iteral will he advanced atrainst tern porary loan. No cash need be advanced as arrangements have been made for obtaining required money bv means of additional indorsem*nt.

write -00 iiioune. Want, ist mn. on 11.400 ortct colonial. 4919 Oliver B. wa.

21)10 19:8 1929 1930 75 125 2J5 75 U'5 225 121 $25 375 75 175 375 75 225 S35 75 175 375 ino 175 300 65 100 J00 $0 135 200 1931 Chevrolet $395 1931 Chevrolet Coach 375 1930 -Chevrolet Sedan 375 1930 Chevrolet Coach 290 285 235 65 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Sedan 1927 Ford Coupe 1927 Whippet 6 175 Broadway at Girard. HY. 9601 Broadway at Dupont CH. 4301 FORD Tudor 1930. rery line condition, uonoistery ana paint nte new.

ca our In city at our low price, $275. GROSSMAN CHEVROLET CO. 1304 Lake st. DR. 0673.

FORD. 1931 de luxe nheeton, hot water heater, perfect condition. Owner oeeu cash. Sell CO. 5754.

FORD Model A sedan, late 28, with trunk. This car excellent condition, ilea; terms. 1JR. B.1J1. FORD tudor.

'30, after you have looked at some ior Sisu. or 1279. see mine ior little more, 4014 Vincent N. FORD '30 sot. cpe.

R. This car Is In first class cond, throughout. $265. Mid land Finance. 3412 Nicollet.

FOKD '31 $td. cpe. Repossessed, Perfect cond. Ifloks like new. Priced mr timet sale.

Terms. Midland Finance. 3413 Nlc, FORD coach, late '30 Like new. Beat of ler takes it today. 3412 Nicollet.

Midland Finance, FORD 9 1 Panel like new for unpaid Ford A Ford I Dr. 852 50. Fin. 815 80. 6th St DE BOTO sedan, '30, a real buy.

$385. kov Li. ryioore. 1. nenn.

av. ESSEX cne. Late '29 R.S. ADpearance of new car. Motor overnauieo.

your own terms. Midland Finance, .3412 Nlc FORD '25 coach, perfect condition. Best cash offer, 3309 19th av 8. FORD coune model ft aedan, A-l. Chean 2020 27th av S.

FORD '30 de luxe coupe, like new ft coach, 150 trade. 305 3rd it. FOHD Late 1928. apt. cne.

rum. seat. cheRp. 703 4tli ar B. Fining station FTJRD, 485.

closcd-in light delivery, per fect condition. 20 Lake st. FORD, late 29. has 30 31, real buv. 4380.

Sn A IU)U, flUU, Vll)- 44 17th av B. FORD coune 29, rumble teat, good tlrei, 4125... Must sell, terms. Kg. apav.

FORD Coupe, lite 31, petted, 4300. $75 baL easy terms. CH. 2293. FORD coach, '24, good new, heavy duty tires.

435 4827 Aldrleh N. FoRD model coutes. tudor, four doors ft roadsters. $35 ft un. 313 8th av S.

FORD 28, overhauled ft new paint. $150. 312 8th av B. HUPMOBILE Century six sedan, 1938, trunk. 8 wheels, shutter.

Car like new, low mlleaue, 4395. terini. Morey Motor 605 Broadway. HUDSON 4-dr. sedan.

Perfect condi tion, tiree ft motor paint gooa. low mlleace. $225. Morey Motar 606 Brnrtdwav. HUDSON 28 sport mod.

ledan, finest con- dition. $175, jib a em st. HUDSON sedan, 1931, almost new. 8 wire MORTGAGE LOAN CO, (Established 1880) 254 Mcknight bldg. 418 IND AV OE 6389, n.

G. LYLE, MANAGER 7 FOR 41.000 1st mortgage, On $4,500 property, private, write K3Q24 Tnnune Heal Estate Loans. MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited fundi loan on tv res dentla nrooerty Construction or Kennance. Mortaate Deot INVE8TORS SYNDICATE. 100 14 7th St WE ALWAYS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON WELL LOCATED MINNEAPOLIS REAL ESTATE THORPE BROS.

MARQUETTE AT 2133 MONEY to loan on Improved Mola. real to SALARY LOANS Borrow f) 00 pt bee $10 Borrow $20 00 pay back $30 II Borrow $M) 00 pav bark $51 89 On your Plain rote Pay only ff the you use the money In small monthly oavmenti If desired. LAKE LOAN CO. ,0, Ot UU. Now That a Dollar Buya More Borrow needed fundi of PhoenlJ HELPFUL LOAN PLA Provides yott money quickly on convenient repayment schedule.

FMenix Finance Systea 440 Kreste Bldg. 4th Floor. 7th ft Nicollet. GE. estate Lowest ratei ano cost! r-rompt service Towle Mortgage Co- 834 Idc-KnlKht Bldg AT 2447 ANTON HANSEN ft CO solicits rour ipt.g renewals, uurrent rutei rromni ans un.

1601 1615 Lake st Eves DFt 3528, $TR3T MORTGAGE LOANS FOR Bait Investment! at Wallace McWhtnney GE 1621. Essex 28 coach 81681 Fontlat 80 cch $355 Ford 19 1901 Chev 31 coach 395 St. Anthony Chev. Co. MONEY on hand for first Tabour Realty Mcemigm Bia 1ST MORTGAGE Inane Ins sm inc.

Keauors. rio 2325 Central. 320 Central, Our Platform Special Today 1631 Ford coupe rURR-GILFILLAN 1308 Hennepin. MA. 1504, CHEV, 26 cch.

$601 Ford 24 cch. $22.50 Wheels. IH00. Act qUICK, CO. i'M.

28 LA SALLE 7-i)Bssenirpi' sedau, chauffeur driven, unholsterlng, duro. motor ft tires In excellent condition. Reduced to STEPHENS BUICK 1018 Hennenin. MA. 6117.

1.AFA VfcTTR aedan driven only SMALL SERVICE CHARGE When you need ready cash. rte makl big difference Com oar our lot) rate with HI other rates. "QUICK LOANS" ON TOUR SALARY. NO SECURITY-NO ENDORSLita. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

ANNA NELSuN 138 PLTMOUTH BLDG rfH 4 HFNW READY private money for real estate loans Deaver 924 Plymouth Bide OE. 2727. 8 SALARY LO.NS 11 ON TOUR OWN SKJNATOK miles. Cost new over of miles of dependable I a ma! hnrriiln nrlpe. 7 -i nnusanns transportation BWANBFno ft BCHEEFE )4 TTniv.

av NE. end 7)3. Brdwy. at HitiriM -1H ii.) rlui r. la St." Anthony Lhev.

to. $328 Central, 310 Central, $10 DOWN Binall Bervire Charte. OUR LOW HATES PAVE YOU MONET. NASH demonstrator '32 sedan, Halleen'4 READY money on Improved Mnls Thompson Bros Security Bldt property OK 3158 85 TERSONAL LOANS PLAIN NOTE LOANS To employed men end women. Payments lo suit rour pay days Loina alee made on household toods plinoa, lutos, eto Ladles ask (or Ulai NICOLLET LOAN CO.

V. 35 Andrui Bldg, (12 Nic, Our tona snth at. ro ahnn fTitHH sedan. Adv like riew, $385 Roy L. Moore.

1114 Henn. iv. f)ellver any car 1B our stock, Throtith Kane Seles ft Flnanre. Regular terms ilsn Tur lis r-Att PALACE 1417 HI.NN -OL'ICK CAHH tOANS" TRICTLY CONFIDLNIIAL. HO ENDORSERS NO fiECL'RITt.

East Payment an lymei lER.s NORTH WErTffRN LOAN CO, t3 Plymouth R1.1 7th Wl i anri fenn LOAN C6. TIM FASTEST PtACS TO BOItftOW THE EASIEST WAY TO PAY $32-414 FmvuU ldf. AI. NO, OLDS lie. 29.

Bal, due $325. Trade. DEPENDABLE USED CARS. LOWEST PRICES WHY TAKE CHANCES? condition, 3637 Lynuaie n. uau eves.

DODGE Std. aedan. late 39. Ral, dui $335, $75 flown. 3bsi yeoar kci, nnntm ao mi aoort coune.

$5Sn. 128 Lake Bt, RE, 0949. DE SOTO '30 cne. Thoroughly reeond. An BUY FROM LUUIB $75 down 3841 Cedar Rrl.

LATE 31 Olds, sport aedan. bv owner. NEstor 1203. Must sacrifice, WAYS RELIABLE. 1411 HENN, AV.

KU uLuvAfi motor OLDS $200 contract, good on luy model. WiU dlicouut $109. MA. 61t. HOrEL ft 5 cottaaes.

good lake near Pt-1 auot. Part trade, wtltt Tnbuaa. Eearanci ot new car, oia ior unpaid ilinct. Uldliad. Finance, jtu Mo, apt.

on. rot, II with th IMI..

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.