Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

W9VWm 8P st at aj-ti ay ay. se wriVY sp' vyoryrwor' TV PAGE 30 PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: SEPT. 26. 1 956- TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD CALL EXPRESS 1-1475 63 Out-Town R'l Estate Sale 1 70 Miscellaneous for Sate 52 Houses. Sale.

Cry Sub 54 Houses for Sale, So. 54 Houses for Sale, So. Hills EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES iai. Call Hunter TRAINS Electric 88247 after 8. MT.

Walk. New. 4 rms. a pwdrm SOMERSET. Pa.

Large desirable lots in heat residential section. R. 5-ROOM Brim 1 block echool and transportation 16.000. Mt 1-6898. 1st.

2 A bath 2nd. $17,000. LO Bouch. Phone Somerset 5359 3-0404 BETEEL CI RANCH 1 7,800 STONE FIREPLACE; ACRE nit large brick home positively mutt told tt already been appraised ly the VA. The llvlngroom It 19x12.

epaiate dlnlngronm. 10x12. and thi llchru. 10x12. It'a onlv 3 veart nlri I PPER t-T -(I AIR WATCH THIS! EAST Fairfield.

Ohio Private club or Prfesalonal man's fishing lodge. Beau-'Iful ranch home overlooking 12-scrr i h.u v.llvea. blue 52A North Suburban Houses for Sale We Buy, Sell, Trade or Rent Wa tww hive? 2 lovflj pike! rhanel cats, blue gills, wrh unrir construction Kvttfd on a larsr iwarfd lot with Irm ami las a birch kitchen, reramir til Lake sen oy Sonne. ponds, also 8 000 pine trees To no lU mi es Office Farnltura Near srhonU. shopptnjt and irinsporta- BAKERSTOWN Area Acre.

room; semi-bungalow, bath. Utilities Gtragr nnn. tamp nomta nave a uvmi ronm th. 220-servire. sMdint door closets, -utomatic washer connection and an si ra wA in.

d. i nrt M7 Write Leonard dinini room. 13 baths. 3 twin-surd 9 mues Pittsburgh. 111.

SOD. Emer BRU-TIIER! THINGS arc gonna be machines, desks, "tUrdex" eaJewie. tors, rash registers, floor ewvennga, riirianhanes. all kinds ef efSoe ess- Porter. Lake LeMaud.

Columbiana. son 1-5014. nately 90H75 do rooms, game room ana urj: a -car Ear am. Contact us now so you can ENGINEERS AND SUPERVISORS rhinn. water coolers, electrle laaa.

South Park Realtv crtooi? colon, and have? your choice? of 65 Mortgages Duiit-tn rang and oven. Excituivt ft. S-T73S OPEN EVES. LO. l-SMS lis rsoo.

New and ese4. Pgh. Office Furn. 1 Eejuip. Co.

BELLEVUE S9.800 Frame, duplex. 3-rooms, l.ath 1st fir. 5-tooras and bath 2nd and 3rd. Level lot. garage.

Separate metert. New eas furnace. Call Mr. Irons. lenklnson Realty Co.

PO. I-3IIT laaga far the naa ha BETHEI R.nrh 1 a ST. CLAIK BEALTT CO. 3Iorlagi3 Loans old. ime room.

G. I. 117.500. LO 3-0404. OPEN f- IE.

1-8888 larks araprr tralaing In a 322 Blvd. ef Allies CO. I -IIS I BROOKUNE (Carllne St. PKisi-8 Washington Twp, SarriaUzrd Field! Your In- arte rooms, bath, (as t. c.

larate. level: $12,800. MARTIN. Lfl 1.3I1 I iiliniilcd unus Construction Complete loans Appraisals up to 90 GIBSON'A 4-room cottage, Inselbrte; beautifully landscaped, unoccupied; transportation: amall lot; $3,995. Owner.

Allegheny 1-7538. ROOMS, l'i BATHS ACRE. (1T.SOO CARRICK, (7,200 Bargain: rooms, hath fura.H tr tr VA 4-3308 Train Liunel $60 You will be amazed at the mom tn Klelii, 814 Brookllne Blvd. LO. 1-1000 Are Needed by iii.iifi INDUSTRY UNDERWOOD typewriter.

Standard. thu 7-year-old brick Cape Cod. The HAMPTON HEIGHTS location It very hsndy to Peters Two Excellent condition, am. rnone no. K'ARRICK Will sacrldc my lovely 7 tare depeadi an aaar ability! Be gia tralalag aaw la this pelal-Ixed eaane! ELECTRIC APPLIANCE REPAIRING Lowest Cost Interest Rates 334-5 1-25 Yrs.

1-3907. Owner leavlni city, this property must be sold. 6-room brick and clapboard. iwm, corner onck nome, gat heat schools and the but stops In front of the door. The 18x11.8 livinsroom has large iront and rear porches.

2-car Mr I.I tile bath, tile kitchen, (arage. a nice logburnlng fireplace and the wajsa 70A Radio-Television Eqpmt. arparate: convenient schools, rhurch. stores, bus. un: 11 Ann wooaea ana lanascapea 101.

Asmnc STRAIGHT OR PAYMENT LOANS G.I., F.H Conventional, for B. tiding, Perrhasing. Financing, ReSnanc- sis.ton. Make oner, tan j. iixii.

ainingroom win sccommoaate a full tire dining tulle. The 10x11 kitchen hat an abundance of eating Stubenbort. CARRICK Brick and ahinjle. extra space, un tne ist noor we have a TV 17" rosier, combination Radio Enroll Now! FOR SEPTEMBER CLASSES VILSACK'TRONDLE HILAND 1-2300 12x11.6 bedroom at a powder room. ing, Imprevementa.

All types Inancing. Completion Loans and 3-speed Record Player, beautiful rahlnet. $75. FA. 3-8549.

The 2nd floor hat 2 bedrooms, ll'jx bath, open nreolrae, carpets. Comolete bar, built-in workshop, also extra powder rOOm In Cellar. rfetarhari is ana isxioe at weu as a lull Wo will tier oil your present bills INGOMAR PINE ROAD batn. The owners hat purchased TV weetltighouse 21 Inch, console, i year old. Asking $100.

(Cost $379. garage. Near carllne. Real country new home and would like to tell out arranio immediate ef veer alreacfv-sfarfett Aome. setting.

112.500 tnit one quickly. ceaar j-jji. Cewetr Ctmmti of HOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE WIRINI MOTOR REW1NDINI Lovelv 8-room l'A-bath. 2-ttorv home AFFROVED FOR VETS! aBBaBBBaBBaaBBaBBaaaBBaBBai NO HIGHER MATH REQUIRED. APPROVED TOR VETERANS.


LO. 3-1111. on picturesque acre. Priced low at TV RCA 12 table mdl $25 FA 1-6213 CASTLE Shannon I approved Twin Pines Realty A. Schumann SOI GRANT ST.

AT. I-696T sii.v uou ior quiet uii. neien Ament, Poplar 1-8881. TV 124 tbl model $33 CH 2-0137 ranches with 2 and bedrooms. Prom 814 350 and up.

Level lots, sewered Raeeh Salee. 2868 w. Lib. LO. 3-2111 FT 1-7774 Opentvet.

MrMurrtylltl TV. lndr ant ail Clin $5.95 EL 1-0334 isortnree Agcy. a-070 V. 21" A-l $65 ctt $225 LE 1-1495 WHITEHALL-BALDWIN Open Dally 9 ta Ksturdar to 1 EVENINGS BT APPOINTMENT EMSWORTH 3-story brick. 3 bedroom house, bath: Integral garage: 1956 CAPEHART table model TV.

DORMONT-T 2 kitchens. 2 baths, convenient, C. I. $12,500. LO.

3-0404. RANCHES SPLIT-LEVELS. $21,900 convenient schools, transportation: Used i months. $140 owner leaving city I. Mr.

Calvary, CRant 1-5300. $14,500. Poplar 8-9510. 8 tpaciout rooms. J'i baths.

Dream kitchen. Paved driveway. Level, wooded 66 Business Opportunities O'HARA Township. Parkview Blvd. Ext.

so. tot. nurryi can Ann viscount. TU GREENTREE 4 BEDROOMS 3-bearoom rancn. a years oia.

tntetrai WEST PEIIII TECH 12t Blvd. tf Allies GRaat 1-0100 1-8995 garage; approximately 'A acre; well Management Production Control lob Evaluation Time Study Methods and Procedures Quality Control Plant Layout Standard Costs Incentives AUTO Body Shop tor rent. Mellon H. V. Tl'CCERIP.

SOS Brownsville Rd landscaped city water. But at door 70B Office Equipmt for Sale Street Garaie. East Liberty r. $300 down to CIS West Mifflin Boro Many extras. Must see to appreciate competition, opportunities.

Emerson ii-siory brick, Integral garage, gas Asking $15.900. Sterling 1-2898. Located on 80x130 near direct bus. exceptional roomy 2-story brick Colonial, bedroom a powder room on 1st- 3 bedrooms A tile bath on 2niT Electric kitchen AV larta llvlniroom. 1-9838.

iurnacr. Aioens construction MU. IBM elec typewriter $100 IV 1-8187 AOTO Body Shoo Three stalls. WEST VIEW l-b404-UK. 3-2H73.

eouinoed. ready to tn. A real money 2-car taraxe. 125 500. maker.

No competition. Will lease to 70C Cameras Supplies WESTBROOK. SO. HILLS LO. 1-3588 responsible party.

Bishop Ho I or 55 Houses, Sale Northside Emienton, Pa. GREENTREE New brick ranch. 8 Do you want to be handy to trolleys, schools, stores, and also have a modern home? Buy this almost new brick 8 -room home with fireplace, tile bath, pofch. Many extras; quick pcaueslson. A bargain at $15,750.

Call now. Mr. Schomaker. 4-8775. AUTO Repair Equipped Good busi- Leica F3 $135 Connellavilla 881 PITTSBURGH TECHNICAL INSTITUTE FREDERICK Street, 3030 8-room esa location Ambndee: 8-room house.

lovely rooms, tile bath, tat a. 2-car rarace. larce level lot. Bus at door. Onlv $17,500, -E.

V. MARTIN LO. 1-8211 Complete property. Sacrifice. Congress frame, conversion gat furnace, cellar garage.

$8,000. Owner, PO. 1-2203 e-jaie. INC 70D Hunting Fishing NEWTON AGENCY FO. 4-4000 Oreetltree IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Bakery-Established Bnsiness $9,5005500 DOWN HOME INCOME LC Smith trap 34" $250 AT 1-1237 5 OLD.

SACRIFICE! FOR QI'ICK SALE. FIFLDBROOK 1-4478 53 Houses for Sale, East End S1S.900 KKMLNGTON 780 ADL 30-08. Never BIS TERMINAL shot. Make offer. Phone Wellington m'os't Me Dairy bar and delicatessen.

Includes 1-9S07 before 13 noon Rifle Sav 300 A sling Tl 10 CX 1-1871 DOWNTOWN 1204 PENN AVE. PA. rhM f.il III. nronin reel estste, business snd fixtures. 2 apartments: 2-car garage.

Westmoreland County. Will rent or aell W. H. SckOve Co. AL.

1-4044 MARTIN. REALTOR. Lafayette 38587 me i.n. integral garage. 22' cement side porch, awninged and very prl-, vate, large cement patio, level land.1 71 Household Goods for Sale Enter the Jewelry Business Be independent Learn Watchmaking tIPOX GRADUATION: a Start your own business a Work tor i Jeweler a Repair watches it home lull time or part time.


9 rooms. 3 baths, nice yard, gas "tapeo 101. jiiocs; to out. call Mr. norst.

furnace, ra, ful co*cktail lounge and restaurant in the Ohio Valley. See to appreciate, doing $1,200 weekly Call after 5 MURKER and PHILLIPS. Inc. m. Amhurst 4-1331.

1451 Potomac Ave. LO. 1-1700 MANCHESTER DISTRICT NEAR ALLEGHENY AVE. 2-family brick: gas fumace; nice antiques Pine tiand. Dutch sink, wash aland, 3 ladder back citairt.

Alto hand hooked ruts, slightly used, 3 tiered tea wagon, glass top. Secretary, china cioset, twin bassinets. aner-wood 5-4417. CONFECTIONERY Located near! housing project West Etna. No other -i 1 COME IN OR MAIL COUPON FOR BOOKLET NAME.

ADDRESS CITY PHONE 'DAY EVENING VETERAN po -2 ttoret. uoing iron weeaty. iing KNOXVILLE SUNCREST Home and Income 2-famllv bnck near Brownsville Rd Oas heat, front porch, level lot. Ask vard. Excellent condition.

Down payment $1,000. Pnce $8,500. Call Mr. Sheriff for appointment. lease: $2,000 plus Inventory.

Tarasi Sterling 1-1318 ANT1QIES Wanted China, glass bric-a-brac furniture (modern period), ruga. Hi 1-3363 HI 1-3957 este. ALLEGHENY REAL EST. FA. 1-2100 rent.

Fully equipped lng $15,700. G. I welcome, call DINER Writ $25 a week MARSONIA and Osgood Streets. 25th Wonderful opportunity ANTIUi rS SHOW AND Ktl.r. ai reretia.

tv. j-ttnor. H. V. Teccerl.

SOS Brownsville Rd. Ward New 3-bedroom brick: integral for right party. Fremont 1-4242 the WOMAN'S CLl ef MT. I RAMON gsrage. Keasnnaoie.

mcj. i-tzoh. t.n. not I llK' Bl DEIVP. SrPTfMBtR 23.

1. 7 DRt'G STORE ConnelUvllle. Pa old established neighborhood. Busv comer KNOXVILLE Rrlck. rear St.

Csnlcet; rooms: modern bath; fin. nnn NORTH Side 7-room brick, bath 11 a I. 10 g. sst. Adealiswm.

78e. conversion furnace, new roof. Venetian HARRT B. TARR ASSOC. HE.

1-8008. onnos. rtirtai 1-3135 on mam street of city To fountain, clean etoek. reasonable rent, terma arranged Beighley pharmacy. Ctxnnellt-vllle.

Pa. Baby buggy Thayr At $15 WA 3-2648 Baby 1 3 Stkln crrge 1 L6 1-0388 PERRYSVILUS 30124 large Pltatt itnd frtt Information i PHODt MT. LEBANON AND VICINITY rooms, mooern mtrnen. imisnea attic. Bdrlwy 1 5 Jr chlfrob $15 P06-81T6 FREEZER Provisioning Modern bull 75' to carstop.

Owner, Fairfax 1-2933 Nam Ada-rest nesa with little competition. Here Bedrm 7-pc wal $100 TU 1-5888 DOWN WE 1-4453R Tour mance ro operate own box srtrlnrs S25 h.ir Mt i K.iiM nw springs aa Ml Pwr-ysviiip Ave. District. Gerainum Bed tng sprng 1 5 Senlckley 3370 good business now in addition City -28 rooms, bath; it rape; ftwd loca BARTLETT ST. niPLEX Locaer rental, bulk storage and meat processing.

Successfully operated tn Bed dbl comp mil gd 810 VA 3-3544 Bed dbl mets slpg $23 CE 1-8737 Bdrm 3-pc wal $43 HA l-836 tion: balanc itka rent; 97ft per month. W. H. Schove Co. AL.

1-4044 300 MT. LEBANON BLVD. LOcast 3-3100 A addition to other employment. Owner Choice location, near Denniston! 8 rooms and bath In each floor; garage: norch for each. Reduced to $28 000 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOROLOGOL INST.

107 Ridge Ave. (Rear Office) pgh. 12, Pa. AL. 1-6601 wishes to retire.

Box b-311, poti- uatrtte. spruce e-4o BEDROOM suites 1 2 1. 2 aectiorul S6.250 S500 DOWN mm sofas. several mlKeilaoeoua It CHARLES CARLISLE. FR.

1-5027. KELLY-WOOD HI. 1-2600 GARAGE fully equipped, located Alle This fine older brick home which has been completely remodeled and dec Reasonable HI. 1-6737 gheny Valley; good business; other Colored Brick. 7 rooms: rood location; nice yard: balana? Uke wit: $78 50 pel month.

Call AL. 1-MM Bedrm st ,1 pc A-l $80 FR 1-501T Write Bog D-231. Pott Garette. orated, nas large iivingroom. dining-room, kitchen and breakfast room on 1st: 8 nice bedrooms, bath on 2nd.

Finished 3rd: finished basem*nt and COLORED Omrga 7-room brick, furnace, good location, $450 down. FR 1-9897. Bed Ijk dresser radio 123 ea MU 2-3665 il-PlSSrj" At $30 HE 13328 Buffet crib $10 (mp chr. 10 1-5638 stork and equipment Intersection 1H COLORED-Wlnfltld Street: -room 56 Lots for Sale arret. Apartment, sutler Co.

ijj sou garage, on level lot: jjo.doo. WILLOW TERRACE LXCLlSIVg EM. 1-504 CLASSES BEGIN OCT. 3 Cjsrpet Slalr gren friere $37 OR 8-5615 house, arranged 3 families: present Income $90 monthly; $800 down. FR 1-9897.

GROCERY Meatt Froren Foodt ARROWHEAD like Ilieebrth Two Oialr grey upholstered 1 QTO 11830 Ctiildt de.k $20 'aV chstil 5 HA 1-372T Some join In which graduates have been placed In the last on Orcherd Drive, nice Ms for prefab plut 7 room apartment witn garage Rent $100 month, HEmlock 1-1535 8-year-old Colonial, near schools, nark and bus. level lot 57x177: 1st 8. hav. tng Iivingroom 13l22 with logburnlng flreplece. dinlngroom 12x13: kitchen 12x12: powder room and garage 2nd ft bedroom 10.8x17: bedroom 13x13: 2 ots Ak nt JTtsn each year: Aircraft Electronics Technician Atomic Enenrv Chlds rocker $7 storchst $8 Sew 3370 MICHAELS REALTY T'.

4-1118 HOTEL. 21 NATRONA Electronics Technician Radio Station Chief Engineer China rarmt gray oak $35 PI 1-8S7T A ACRE LOT Bar. restaurant. 3-roors house. gt- bedroom 10x11.

and bath: 3rd fl for Chinete nig 9x13 $T8. MO 1-1074 raret (rear t. sacrifice. AC storage Basem*nt. Gameroom.

laundty Industrial Electronics Control Technician Electronics Field Service Engineer Sales Engineer Guided Missile Technician Railroad Communications Technician Television Studio In Bethel TVro on dead en etreet East End Homes Handy locations Roomy Llvinr Areaf Landscaping City Facilities $18,750 TO $23,700 Highland Ed Fenn rooms garare Fairlawn 8 ttr. 5. I. OK, Close to schools, transp, and shorptng tna powaerroom. carpets ana drapes $27,000.

ssennce. S3 500. owner. TE. 5-98 HOTEL 13 rooms, with anert-mentt and bar Beit tn town.

Ill health reason. Ponora 3125 LIME Plant Now in operation 13- HOUSER ft RUSH. Realtors BROORIINE AIVIOININO MOORE Technician Television Service Technician. STOP IN WRITE CALL FOR INFORMATION "tll MO 1-3168 DINETTE Chinete nigs. sofs.

chairs, china rhifferobe silver, mtacellaneoua. MOMOJjtMIJjrWj DlriMteJT-pc mh gd 8 i33 LO l-63) DININGROCIM New (8 months Colonial maple 10 pee. Ttppan range. 9' refrigerator; moving. LO Pl.ATGROrNn AND PIONrrR AVE "In The New Shopping Center' LEVEL LOTS.

CTILITIES. LE 1-801 1 LOOK before you enroll in any beauty visit MAISON FELIX beauty school Pittsburgh's oldest, largest and most modern Beauty School owned and operated lor 25 yedrs by MR. FELIX. Thtro is no lubstitutt for experience. Maiion Felir teaches all the latest Elgin 11 roomt, 4 baths foot vein alone.

Albert Smith. Blatrt-vlll 6787-R3 daytime. Oxbow 4-7933 evenings. MT Lebanon Vicinity Best lots In INQUIRE, THE REGISTRAR 5440 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURGH Bucknell 8 rms level yttt lackson 4 2 baths. 2nd South Hlls T5S145.

All Utllltl $1. 950-83, 950, Developer. Locust Stanton 9 rooms 21-? baths 3-3133. Mt. Lebanon Vie.

by Stewart Bros. G.I. APPROVED $14,450 ROOMS. TILE BATH Dlnrm 8 PC wal $50 HA 1-5269 Dinrm 10 pc wal AI $50 VA 3-3844 HUSS BROTHERS LIQUOR LICENSE CITY PHONE POPUAR 8-4734 MAKE GOOD MONEY AND i BE YOUR OWN BOSS i 57 Investment Property. 5972 Bum Blvd.

MO 1-4700 brick ranch on level, highly MORNINGSIDE AREA RANCH Pimnarrn it 7pc wal $15 MO 1-3374 Dingrm 9pc wal A-l $95 FI ianl xaJjJf al $35 TU 1-1138 Dmgrjnpc wal gd $STTU 1-7460 Drpet A sprd $30 mlrr $10 MO INVESTMENT BUILDING tf you are amhittout and wsnt above aversse earnings, phone Mr. Aschl, EDisnn S-rjueo. for appointment eievatea lot witn fooa view, in upper St. Clair. dinette, roomj 3 bedrooms.

tUe bath, jramerm area. AC i a a. 10 down to vein art. Imme. DOM Level Green 3 ttorerooms Brat floetr, 2 apartmenti second floor.

Call Trat foid 10-R. Dryer 55 West $125 BR 4 lain NEW night restaurant; ueuor llrense: 12 -room lodge: private gas COINTRT CI.CB MOTS. COLONIAL ifecjakillet strll $3 dst LE 1-4S33 31RT Archllrct-deaicned 6-ronm brlrlt bung low ExreprtoniUv larxa rooms: finest coniiruciion thromrri- out; 2-car lnterral faraire; level lor. Prited to fell, in iht high 20 piFASF cam. fipRTRrrir nii.i., rXCM'SlVF ARFNT.

HI, 1-073f. well and 30 acres ot land: frontmr Durrs ACCOUNTING AND SECRETARIAL COURSES CLASSES NOW FORMING NORTH Side roomtnr houf 20 rooms. baths, tncom $A50 Per Route 6. near Kane, tn heart of A.le brick home In choice nectton, near jrolf course. Sparioui Itvrm.

with lot fireplace, fumilv TV room. eprir- gheny National will sell as one! Write or fhono for lit methods in Beauty Culture. YOU be Pro. Cofotee 6 tn, julJgti Com in end compare. month.

Mcellent location, near park I I aL'JlLlT j.sV- jLTJ te dlnrm larfe kit. 1st; 3 twin rail Sir Sheriff for ftoiwilntrrtent unit $40 ono. or win suo-aivioe. i-nrt-tact 3 Algot Swanson Lud EXCELLa'T Reirigeraton tutted Watiiert $24 up. Special clearance.

Servel Refrigerators i. Appiitncet IVs lej Ml' 3-3 3 4 Ruts. lelTvl.l.io. West inthoy.e refrtgerator. lamps.

Leavmi town. WE 1-0146 ALLEGHrNT REAL EST. l-iwn KELLY-WOOD HI. 1-2600 low. Pa or Dirk Stahlman.

Broker LEARN Berinnlnf. tnlcrmedlat artd Art Mte bedrms. tile hath 2nd Cm" wait to wall earners tncluded. 300. HCBt'RBAN SPLIT Lf VH, compteted an idal floor plan, on acra 100 ft.

front level land 1010 Pennsylvania Avenue, Warren. ianrtd Afconnllni and tSerrftarial fnunri for thona cntrrint hutinnti OAKLAND Fine home and Income Pa Phone 13-j. 57A Building Contracting PE l-tiA Furniture 815 up. PIZZA buainest or entire ptue equipment. No reasonable offer refused Modern duplex.

5 rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, private porch, entrance each. Write Box H-235, no for thniio now Pmploffd wha art irfkfnc advancement and Increased income MAISON FELIX Fifth Ave. and Wood SI. NEW KENSINGTON. PA.

25. Fifth Ave. AT. I-3T7I I -mi Phone Edison 5-6261 Css eonveriioo A-l $23 HA 1-3440 scaped lot. Ll fireplace, livem.

Tnrk-town kit. Includes built -In dishwasher, ran oven. 3 large bedrooms, 2 tile hatha, lof fireplscp in ramerm, 2-car Inti-nflfTft shorthand and trnfnr mumm 50-FT. RANCH Call after 8 p. m.

Homeseisd 1-7662 REAL ESTATE OFFICF DORMONT Established and doing good business: 8 desks, phones, eeeiferenee room Mutt sacrifice. Write Bog C-244. Post-carette Grill $20 rnov cam PJ $180 ft 5-8368 (XX1D refrtreratort. scrip refflgeratnra wanted. Ranges coal stoves, sctsp tires Jmit cars, trucks.

Wainut tar, U7 4oo oniy i.ouo Move nsht in. prenara you lor iwuer naiinr poit-tinn. Pt, rTtntnc- Coed rational, SHADYSIDE Reduced: 8-room brick, 1H baths: gas heat. Convenient schools, transportation, shopping. Emerson 1-0508.

STEWART BROS. LO. 1-6906 Air-conditioned classroom. Artire em 1-4731 ATTACHED GARAGE, BEDROOMS GAMEROOM AREA IN BAsem*nT. You will ttke dictation at 100 words per minute and transcribe into perfect mailable letters! Join a day, evening or Saturday morn Ing class starting now.

FREE FIRST LESSON Telephone ATLANTIC 1-5386 ployment BTvirf. Complete catalor on request. TeJephona Atlantic 1-5386, 52 WASHINGTON ROArt SOUTH HIGHLAND AVE. Heater gs Moots $40 FA 1-1 598 RES1ACRANT COTTAGE ROI IE 18 NORTH GIRLS NEEDED or writ MT. LEBANON ft AREA Heaters circ $8 5 Rdnt $4i HE 1-2088 Houe with 3 apartments, producing BCII.T ON TOI'R LOT OR ONE OF .8 To train for e-iod wvinff johi ai nnar.

Durrs 48 miles from Pittsburgh. Fqutpped Heater coal clrc A-l $15 FA FREE MAPS PHOTO CALLER elorg of rUeinfM machines. OIR RFAt'TIFl'L LARGE PLOTS resiursnt with 4 rooms At nstn apart IRON CITY BUSINESS INSTITUTE menL Four 4-room cottages, rented s.ioti montniy income tan rejiteoi. Close to Sacred Heart Church area Mv be had 00O Call WM. I.

FRIDAY, REALTOR VARIETT OF FLOOR. PLANS AND OLDER. nt'T utinriv DAY A EVENING CLASSES Hi e-a-bed red 39 50 JA 1 -84 1 Ktcjtndjntie set all 850 Hl7 59T6 Ktchn 3pf chrm bit wt $30 1-6 57T 80S Clark 717 Liberty Ave. year round, $125 monthly rental 2 overnight cabins. 7 seres, 900 ft This ftne 3-bedroom brick home has EXTERIORS.

Sh'in Courses Low Tuition FlIISBlKt.H ZZ. FA. 13.350 DUFFS road frontage, 600 ft frontage cm many recent modern Improvement! and at this Drlce Is well worth vour 8030 CENTRE AVE. HI. 1-5583 nssstnit BE A PRACTICAL NURSE LEARN BY DOING.

DAY OR EVE. EARN UP TO SIS A DAY AGES 18-84. FREE BOOR IT Register New Start Day, Oct. Evening, Oct. 29 Established 1939 Franklin School AT.

1 -9560 DO Seventh Near Penn Ave. Slippery Rock Creek. Beautiful larre ARRANGED SQUIRREL Hill 8-room brick AVIATION MECHANICS cor-'examination. Large front porch, 3- trees, low taxes. Net income irom res write or Phone for Feee Booklet Your Dre.m.

Will come True BURROUGHS Officf Marhln Traininer c*ntmr I COMPLETE Kit cab base $38 test $461 VA 4-1964 JajrwfJ 1 35 KM 3 354 9 JvipifintViM u.r. ner house. AI location: $15 800. For taurant last yesr $6.000 could hei car garage and level lot. very eon-venient location, near schools and appointment ma.

i-zio. i Exclusive i mcreas-d owners np-in-years unanie transportation 1 5 5 0 0. to handle. Price reduced lo 821 000 mi a ahip AT. 1-5714 finO RU.

in I kMakt an appointment to see at sectionals, love aeatsl New. used, re-upholstered, unclaimed. Tufted Regency sola $35. Reaetlfiil I-awm Call Rosati Builders Phone PEnhurst 1-9031 PARK AREA 54 Houses for Sale, So. once.

BE A PRACTICAL NURSl arr-cmuAr'. sofa $45. Comfortable lounre era ire Appioved ior Korean Vets PGH. INSTITUTE Or AERONAUTICS Ask for Frea Brook I ft Nn, 1 New Cla Now Forminr AIJKt.HFNY COtNTY AIRPORT TEVFNSOW TOWrFT 331 W. Rrady Bitter.

Pa. Phone 75-851 Learn By Doing Day or Eve" Charming brick Colonial, on beautiful lot. in one of our finest sections Llvlngroom. with log-burning fireplace separate dtntngroom. well arranged UTAH MUncvrs: Enroll now for a course In BODY and FENDER $13 50 Verv tall rose anetrla.u BAILEY PLAN.

58,800 barrel-back chair $18 80 Xtarnon and AliiuMO'llVB, kitcnen, with disposaii: 3 nne bed Here Is a good Inselbrle home on mohair 3-pe suite $4 3. Sofa beds, platform rorkert. 3 and J-nr auit.a. Sportsman Bar Grill rooms and tile bath; large side porch Kenova win a cneertui rooms. 58A Bus.

Property for Sale PRAVOMU R(i. T. 1IO. 1-7500 Lott of bargatnt during Ihll Clearance, star Upholstering, 9.14 Br.d-dork Brsddork Rn 1.7 tea EARN UP TO S4200 REGISTER NOW, START OCT. 8 OCT.

IS DAY Pgh. School of Prac. Nursing 711 Penn Ave. ATlant'e 1-1905 ROSEDALE AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICAL SCHOOL 49.15 VtRONA ROAD, VFRflNA Crfil SY. 3-2491 or SY.

3-23)3 witn rront ann rear awnings Tor re-taxing and entertaining: attached ga' rage and low taxes $24,000. painted walls clean gts furnace, modern vetlow tile bath, copper plumb-Ing. Low tatet. Call us now. HU COMPTOMETER Day end Evening Classes In Comptometer Operation Comptometer Schools founded In 19ns Over 48 yeart of continuous operation STOP IN, PHONE OR WRITE FOR BOOKLET 800 Mare Rid p.h it ft.

532 Main Mt. Pleasant $14,500 Owner Retiring COMMERCIAL GROUND ENGINEERING Open evenings. Rear free parking. 1-1S00. THE HOME TOl' WANT 18 AMONG Bethel's most desirable commercial UVINGROOM Suite.

3 piece bilieT riolo Management Corp. OCR LISTINGS. BEE OCR FICTt RES. Tavern Manchester Diit. 3.

arret suitable for Center or any. ENROLL NOW TOR SEPT, CLASSF' Hendlx Keonomat waaher. aood enndi ACCORDION Lessons Accordions (ur- businett. In heart of businest district. linn.

PO. 1-7531. 11-MU. ot jvo Hlt.llr.K maih BALDWIN NEW RANCHES C. ONLF S7SO DOWN 336 fourth Ave.

AT. 1-9414 Lvgrm 3pc It nu $60 HA 1-577 Stevenson Williams 666 Washington Reed. I.E. 1-60(10 PITTSBURGH -u ure. cnnarrn a specialty.

An-dnsco Studio, near Stanley Theater. AT. 1-8863 L. E. rlNK TE.

8. 8280 er TE. S-tS38 Rambling brick ranches; 6 perfect Approved for Korean Veterans Easy Terms for Non-Veterans Immediate Enrollment Pgh. Barber School 908 Federal N. S.

FA. 1-5457 rms ceramic tile baths: gas a. Uvntrm3pc tec. $100 Liv chelrt 1 ctl'md" $35 ea MU 3-330 TECHNICAL INSTITUTE heat: Int. birch kit.

Built in a MISTAKE ABOUT IT! sell RADIO TV Technical Training ALLEGHENY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 15 SmlthSeld St. AT. wonderful suburban section. 114.50" something fast, order a fast-action Write for Free Booklet 1 Mixmatt sunbm A-l $35 WE 1-1363 58B Indust Real Estate, Sale Excellent location. Price Includes good huilding and equipment.

Nice neighborhood location. Excellent potent la It-ties. Askmr $33 000 Mr. Young. Mcknight, TAVERN LOW OVERHEAD RAEELWOOn Rt'SIWFSS DISTRICT Must sell due to Illness: mske offer (ALL 12 NOON 11 1.0J14 t'NTILIOP.

M. CASE, 1152 Brownsville Tl' 4-2400 "am hq can r.xnreB 1.147 204 Pl.NN AVE. GRANT 1-098D, 1 wmriiLnjxAji. w-rirmr i-ii-im-i SMT. LEBANON AREA FREE MAPS PHOTO GALLERY Mr.

Mrt. Horn Bvytr MOVING out of state, October 1 Have automatic washer, drver d.lu.a BEECHVIEW BEST 2-FAMILY BATHS 36A Apartments-Suburban electric range, 8 2 -gallon electric hot 38 Apartments-South Hills 45 Office-Desk Room, Rent 52 Houses, Sale, City Sub. wairr neairr. name orane, win sacrifice. TU.

2-635S. we Aon )ut ehrrkrd oar Iisftna for Beautiful room yellow brick, gas ATTENTION BUYERS TENANTS ynu or roj oner 77 nom. rua. DOR MONT. Espy Ave 2nd 8 duolex heat, 3-roomt bath on lit.

4 and bath 2nd: 2 lovely rooms 8rd: all TAVERN Rlvd. Cafe, between Cora opoltt and Groveton on Rt 31. Iocs 4 ROOMS 4 WD 04THS is wjcoua lor.aftone Ml. Letmnfm imnmrnt rooms, bath, $79 Call Mr, Erlwarls. LE.

1-1500 View 4 rms bth 2nd WE 1 1 8 1 fl-M Wllk a Irg rm oa utl adu Fit 1-814 4 Wiik 3rm p. bth 3rd adu $80 PE 16T'2 Srms heat tnr $75 Oakmont2284 rm bth heat ent $65 FE 1-4429 painted and recently remodeled. Oily i blocks car line. Arranged now 336 FOURTH AVE. Furnished Offices and Desk Spsce.

Office Address. $10 Monthly. Phone. Mail and Steno Service. Call AT, 1-8741.

and transit trade. Phone AM. 4-0106 TOMAT many properties are fee tele avoraging it van ttf oat, priced Drmnt 5 rms 2nd $60 LE 1-4422 with very NOMINAL DOWN PAYMENTS and balanre payable 1st LOW 3 families, total rental Income 8150 monthly. Anyone $2,500 down. Call MT Lebanon Beautiful 1 bedroom afier 5 TAVERN East Liberty, coioTed trade" beautiful setup: terms; $8 000 down balance monthly; money.

maker, principals only. Fremont 1-4476 apartment; convenient to now. Harry Tuccerl, EV. 1-9000. H.

V. 803 Brownsville Rd oenrrn .7,900 ANO $24,900 ato i trif ef I4THS ofUf i.tr iWfc DINS e4MMOOMJ $110, ITtlll- Monthly Installments, as rent. Check ADVANTAGES! 1. RETAIN werkint capital. A COUNTRY ESTATE ALMOST IN THE CITY" Three tores exquisitely landscaped and three acres a creek bottom hollow and woods In their natural state The house Is an authentic French Provincial-brick and stone exterior of spacious size, but not over larre.

Descriptive and pictorial brochure will be mailed on request. KELLY-WOOD HI. 4-2600 Machines (Uie.) Clearance 8INER TRFADLE MACHINE. 8 9.8 OTHtR MAKE 18 56) SIN1.IR roHTAtlir 24 30 CONSOLE II.KCTRIC 29 50 MNMR CONHOLE MM New Home Electric, sews backward, forward. Mab cabinet.

Etrellent eattidi. How. S89 50. tOritinally 8169 An.) Desk Model with batten hale attach. Excellent rendition.

$109 So. All gear anteed. Easy terma. Free heme trial. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.

PENN AVE LIRFRTT, FG9J. ir. inciuaeo Koysnon Apartments 37 Apartments-East End 46 Business Property, Rent BEECHVIEW 8-room brick, bath. New 'uo Buchanan Place. LE.

1-9506 3. Monthly Installments lews than 1 1 4 WELL Established business North Belle Vernon. Excellent location 605 Brosd Avs. Phone Belle Vernon 4 0vy( uiuttu nf tnem on He Mt) MtWsh 4rms ba $50 ull tnc HU 1-3563 rent. S.

NO RENT receipts. BEAUTIFUL new (doll house typet 133 ft. Dltrtrlriee 1 gas furnace. Ideal for 1 nr 3 families Good condition. $10,500.

Chat. Bode. 1541 Fallowfleld Ave. LE 1-2317: FI. 1-1253.

BETHEL SUBURBAN SETTING 2038-R. l.iiyWM Of rn rn ti nt erej trf -o otfja IMMffOMTf f.Aa 'fi ran fftd The shove terms ere avsilahle for ties lnduded; parking space, AT 4 232 Lib 4rms all Poconv EM 2-2107 n-nj-Lrui in nnririr ni-inrya-i-r brick building, 15x20, large paved parking area, paneled interior; suitable for offices, dairy mart, barher shop, eic. In the business sertlnn of a 39 Apartments Northside bete large and small properties. INFORMATION I PON RIQI EST fries Prk 4-5rm 1st p. be EM 70 Miscellaneous lor Sale development of 700 homes, on nt fhM hotne tittti nurrffw thu Htld down tn th oti'd thnt nr our fjpe.

MORWWiblDt 4 rooms seml-pri CRAFTON, CAPE COD $18,700 Charlet st 3rms 2nd $22 J.J. GU MB ERG CO. busily traveled highway in West Mifflin Boro. $90 per month, HO. vate oatn.

utilities, $85; second LE 1-7534 "FA 1-4299 a rrymprrm rouiiaeor wan icttntra then home ireii tri1 rnivin tvou Hemlock St 3rm s. bth 2nd PORCH furniture, excellent condition; 3 Burcaln chairs and glider: deck chairs: rut: $55 JA. 1.5095. cm-rion 1-1031 Don fall to see thu 3-year-old home on a nicely landscaped t-j-acre lot. The perfect spot to raise your family away from traffic worries.

Can be flsed as a 4-bedroom hom? lf 8 dining room Is not necessary. The modern kitchen It large tnd hat Plenty of table apace. Bedrooms 12x1312x12 Brick. 8 years old: bedrooms, birch kitchen, log Areolae, attached e.raae 1-5464 RENNEKAMP'S 10 acevjow ana irnnnportatinn ana vail GRANT BLDG. CO.

1-2200 Craig 310 7 roo mt 8 0 Ko Wegley 3r blh ent EM 2-0491 1 appraised Large lot, fruit trees. BEECH VIEW 1650 Broadway. Storeroom and basem*nt. Ideal contractor, plumber. radio-TV shop.

LE 1-0483, tatte fo tn one rou sfiicr. 11. A. WALKER WA 1-2200 40 Houses-Rent, City Sub RANGE; Kenmore. apt.

site. 0 months. $70. Dinette, yellow, 1 sear. $30.

HU. 1-1688. Tata il thl neif u. it tr Itnnw 0 fo 12x10 13x20; ceramic tile bath EAST MrKeesDort Rrnwn Place tiASLAr. 4 rooms, private 3r 0 $32 mo.

MA. 1-2110. MODERN MTgTPLANT SUIUMAN LOCATION 10.000 SQ. FT AC OFFICta PARKING ALL POWER NEW Building 2 minutes from Gate- Tfte iHlleisrt' Detiorfmeet Jfore COMPLETE IUILDERS' SIRVICI Lumber and Millwork Gas AC heat, Integral garage, concrete room Cape Cod. 1" story, level lot.

Oklnd S't rm 1st utl $85 MU 2-5280 JMft TIMI 'or ynu in vour Aome riunUng nrob-lewt. We Aoue many ofAer oronertie. walks, storm doors and screens. Res $135 ASPINWALL a rooms, single tarter, e.s fiimara wsy Center. 2.800 sq ft.

Loading platform, office suites. Common park old. Handy to everything. 810,500. RANGE.

like new, $39.50. Drv. er. $99 50. Ironrlte.

$79 50. $6 month. Donslles. 133 BrowngvlUe Road. $57 SHADY nr Alder, au.rm sonable taxes.

$300 tlrcondttloner win be included Reduced from ing area. ct. l-i iu. LLOl CO. 1-2800 MICHAELS RFALTT TP 4-1118 Insulation Board Wool ttetm het, utilities too MO 1-2800, at imrtoin prices and ih all suet tor ou to select trrm.

Call today for an appointment nrttf one of our people J.J.GUMBERGGO. BEAUTIFUL ne PERRY HIGHWAY OTFICE 8-room sdIu level A ref A-l 8150 r6 4-8iSa $13,900 to $13,900. BETHEL Gl'l LOOK! CRAFTON-INGRAM District 3-bed brick home tn. the runit.na rint iffADTSIDE 5 room. Kath room bungalow, utility room: large Club area of WSst Mifflin Boro.

$135 GRANT BLDG. CO. 1-2200 v.11. orrunpv 0 netp JOU. THE HOME TOII WANT 1 AMANr.

KEBCtRT REAL ESTATE AT. 1-4305 Range elec lk nu $90 LE 1-6833 GE rvfrlg gd cond $40 PE 1-7664 Ev per month Skvltne Raaltv Unm. sjju aown; appraised We have for rent 4 room office bldg. suitable for many businesses. Good off St.

parking. Low utilities costs. $120 per month. i Hurry Bring your check book and be be preparer to nut a deposit on thu terrific. 3-bedroom.

3-story colonial, beautiful lot. In Ruthfred Acres Near -1 OLE LISTINGS. SEE OIR PICTURES Ref Coldtpot tn use A-l $10 HI 1-3973 sUTH Brtddock Duplex, 8 rwmt 2nd floor 3 bedrooms tole bath 59 CI, Oil, Gas, Timber Land North Hill Real Etate Co. Refrlg gat $30 FA 3-4867 DELMONT Vicinity 1H mll-a from Five Point, Trees Mill Road; 4' rooms, bath, Howard 8-6882. Stevenson Williams FO 4-5300 WE 1-0800 Ref Norge good cond $50 JA l-366f EAST SUBURBAN Allegheny-Westmoreland fountlee HOMES LOTS ACREAGE SEE PHONE 0 'THE BIRD WITH TMt uni.n shopping, tchool transportation Carrara glast both, fireplace, many extras.

Only $11,200 PARKVIEW REALTY Still Sash Riady Mixid Concritt Roofing Hardwan Concreti Blocks letlfvlttval '(ease 4vlloe8 IS3S Woodvllle Ave, West End WA. 1-8100 Storeroom, Brookllne 000 block. FRICK Park 8-room duolex tas fur 688 Washington Road IE. 1-6000 Ref8' Tapp rnge bth 838 HI l-SOrTH Ref Coldsp mge $30 ea FR 1-3111 $125. Call Mr.

Edwards. LE 1-1500. nace, svallable Oct. 15, $100 month 38 Apartments-South Hills tH. 1-7421.

MT. LEBANON. Beverley Section 8 lovely rooms, den. dark room, porch Tf 8-84001 TE 8-S887i LE 1-1230 Ref Frig 7' cu A-l $45 LE 1-6667 Ref West $100 misc toolt AL 1-3240 2040 WEST LIBERTY i ii.wj REALTORS OPEN EVES. SUN.

3-car garsge; excellent condition. Only $14,900, GI sonrnved. 813 Ross Wllat. PE. 1-6100 Rt.

22 Monroeville VA. 3-6100 Rt. 22 Murrysvill Export 288 41 Houses-Rent, East End Refrlg gat $25 ttove $50 MU 3-1023 GEO. H. DI'NN 1-7762 OPERATING STRIP MINE REASONABLY PRICEO-ALL TON AGE SOLD DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP.

WAInut 1-0719 e.i-.iiaMi rvw. ou at ftloSMar Btva. VA. 4-91011 MT. Leb.

Brick. 8 'rooms, rlo.e in BETHEL G.I. APPRAISED, SI4.450 RUG, Chinese Oriental I antique 10x8. exrllnt mhiHa. Two store building.

4000 sq ft. Drive-in to 2nd floor. Gas furnace. Corner location Immedlste possession. ARNHEIM NEELY EXpresi 1-1900- Bruihton white 4rm $50 SY 3-4S04 urive uut Today-Tonight Asking only $13,900.

LO 3-0404. ATTENTION Individual home builders cleaned. See to appriate. Call FL OUalltV hnm. at nnl.

A .1. E- Lib 5 twmi p. hih P. G. 1-4934.

Call Kramer Builders today Complete MT. Leb. Ranch. 3 2 yrs. old, modern, $18,500.

LO 3-0404 and owners. If you want tn buy a famous make turfites wholesale, call Oskland 5rm dup bth P. G. K-237 Rug 9x14 gd $35 Scvlckley 3270 um-miaiuMl ya. J-S .1 1 .1 6-year-old.

3-bedroom brick ranrh, on a level landscaped 75x140 ft. lot. ceramic tile bath, tide porch, partially finished gameroom; Integral garage, storm doors, windows At screens. Low HA. 1-0515 Sew mach Wh trdl $10 CH 3'-586'A For hue homes In Arlington Park Manor.

Home, von can a fl.irrt REAUTY shoo equipment tModecraftl 42 Houses-Rent, South I 9- rniJ5ngeUjrt $49.50 FI 1-3465 Three yeart old. Complete hop. Re- tutu at nrcaerautT looay. VA. 3-1222 MT.

LEBANON RPASSEn VALI'E 3 bedroom ranch home, full tired many labor saving advantages recreation room. Screened norrh lvi 46A Indust. Real Estate, Rent taxes. Jutt reduced from $15,900 to possesteo, sacrince eieuu. rnone Sink 6 ft cab filings $20 FK 1-4105 60 Farms-Acreage for Sale TOX CHAPEL Nixon 2262.

Sink 50" Redge est Irn 18 FO 4-6266 BRAND NEW CONVERSION burner for equate red meet c. I. tpprtlsal. PETERS WASH. CO.

RANCH, I ACRE, $10,500 Sink cab 42" i fit Irn $22 FO 4-6286 6 rooms. donhi. Mt ih.nnn Neat Veteran Hospital, brick Colonial. 8 3 hath. hvln.Mnm BRADY'S BEND.

Pa 2 acres. 6 flash boiler, 180 ooo BTU I. new. driveway. Near school and hut direct lo city.

An outstanding buy for only 825 700. Sofa at chair gd $15 HA 1-5269 clnity tile bath. Individual caraie Phone ST. 1-4876. toom house, electric, gas and water.

Inside imiei, $3,000, for quick sale. 17x28. dinlngroom 15x15, tcreened Conv burn Janltrl $50 LO 1-6198 aft4 $lV 10 Beecrivu 3rm bth-ent Hi tp j-2873 apartment 17 8 tnrluc.et ht 4, jltor rvlr, WTWAOfL. 2 iWrs i-snoo Moms. bath.

2nd floor: private convenient; adults. LO. A. C. BRICKELL, Realtor i urnrtxims, oen, large game- rmm rw.

tii. SoftLwtn $400 $150 MA 1-4407 er Sofa $30 end tbl, 2 $15 ea PE 1-0198 Conversion burner $25 Thli 8-year-old home teaturea 3 Iwln size bedrooms. 13x12 modern kitchen. Bee-Gee windows, gas AC furnaw, conoer blumblng. integral garage.

RUTLER. Sf.uth 11 acres 000 ft prox. acre level aewererl lot. Own. EM 3-3942 703 Waahlntton Road LO.

1-3100 FREIGHT TERMINAL and 14 Blork of property available, CALL DORMONT Duplex, 4-rooms lsl rVwir r.tta hu u.iu i. Sofa $25 T.V. 4-8112 Conversion burner $35 frontsge, 6 rooms, hsth. Co-op. Cath- er leaving city.

Price $38 500. Call Hi 102 Htll.nnnn SlokrAmer Std A-l 835 MO i-5485 mic nui. en.utiu, cmerson 1-5Q34, mi. SI. l-aafla or JA.

Dog house 4x4x4 Insul 815 F04-8546 front porch, 8x18 patio. Taxes only 1-1234. Fluorescent light fixtures, sets. Stokr Amer Stand AI $35 MO 1-846S REENTREE 1 djernon hTlve Ntlf aWme 3'q 2nd conv $5" TE 8.837a Mt. Lebanon Beit Bnyt CALL LO.

1-1823 POWDER BOOM Or IBf $58 yearly. Reduced for quirk sale PARKVIEW REALTY WEST REALTY CO. 48" long, 4 puids teen, eieo. sn, 61 Summer Places for Sale Stoker Iron lire good $60 PO 8-0484 November l.t. Colonial, beautiful ln- 01 1 VALLEY VIEW" HARRT ff BLACKWOOD.

BROKER WASHER Automatic Maytag. Excel- TT 8-9400 Open Eves, LE 1-1330 FA 3-4867 1100 BEAVER. FALLS 1ZS Furnsce gss ONRpEVlUJl 3-bedroom ranch, 1 3.900. Other homes and lots. Mon.

tleello Bldrt. VA. 3-4300, VA. 3-8351 $15.800 Conveniently lerateel, t-Tf- irni year oia, porcetam guutn. Bargain at $9.

CE. 1-3431. BETHEL i.l i A no oatn. wonaeriui view lo minuiet to downtown only $I2 a monlh. Root 564 35th SL, Union DWELLINGS Modern Garden-Type Apsrlments CONNEAUT Lake 4 rooms, bath, oil furnace, acres of ground.

Vs mile LIVINGROOM tofts, chairs, suites, sectionals, love sests. Ntw, used, re upholstered, unclaimed. "Warehouse Wather $38 8 pr drspes HA 1 -ST3t I-8TORT COLONIAL 0 ROOMS ota priest, on a largf level landscaped 't. llvingrm, kitchen, ttle powder 3 bed toiin, write Mrs. Lesko, Township Brick ranch, 5 rooms, birch nanellnv A haatili.i.i 48 Wanted to Rent Washr $35 GE dryer $50 JA 1-1443 Pi sr at "mV un i JI Larger home, near It has a iiKr, ra.

NEW ON MARKET. LI schools and transport NEW ON MARKET. schools and transportation. Clearance." about (5 pieces, perfect cres. Will subdivide.

Sycamore 3-0179 rue oatn na. int. gas ennvemtnt to School. Churches and Center $77 50 to $120 Furnished from $100 to 160 ini.i mee new j-oea- roora homes, ranches, split levels A AI $38 war FO 4-3638 vestibule entrance. 23-ft.

llvlngroom LIGONIER 1 mile from Waterford, 3-room cabin, electrle $2,800. with a stone log-burning fireplace. 13 ii.i r.iu amiii. 4 TILE BATH 2ND Washer GE ringer $38 LO 3-1645 jmf wnn ouHt'in ranres ovens, landscaped. 1135 per month SCENIC Heights.

Penn Township 6-room trick ranch; 2-car gsrage; ceramic hath; lardacaped, $17,500 or 1-40 IB. ft dinlngroom. 13-ft. kitchen with eessvaaeejMajaajaj a iiw 823, boo Attractive brick colonial SUMMER home or htintlne lode in for hotels, gnoteis, rented rooms, or spsrtments. spare rooms, dens, $sme-rooms or Itvlngroomt.

SHI all or part, at very low prices. Chairs $7 60 up. sofat $16 up. Cash or termt. Star Upholstering.

834 Braddork Avenue. Braddork. BR 1-3166. Open evenings, Retr free parking, Mil HAIL HI ALT TL'. 4-11 1K aye, j.

184,4, 73 Musical Inst, for Sale am nnrre.tton remittee V. (1 stimmmr pool and WadtMg Pont TUxede 4-3444 802 KNOEflMR DRIVE acres of land with eight-room house FAMILY man desires farm for rent within 50 miles ot Pittsburgh. MA 1-3020 52 Houses, Sale, City Sub. tear eii acnoois in Mission Him, on a landscaped lot 60x240 Hat 33 ft. 13 ft.

dinlng a double bowl formica sink snd 3 bed-rooms, with the smallest being 10x10, Being 1. apprataed. $15,950. SOUTH PARK REALTY SHER ADEN Widow's; -acrlflce $10.. --------i-ii-innnri ri.c nnnnn 900; brick.

7 rooms, an l.t ni.ie roon, urge nam, work shop, chicken house, pig pen. garage and Implement Shed. All hulldlnea are in rm, den at modern kitchen 1st; tide 45 Office-Desk Boom, Rent Drums complete $60 JA 1-6798 LO 1-1003. excellent condition, House Is wired TE. 5-7733 'Open Eves.

LO 1-5955 Drums set cotrip sludnt $75 FR 1-4936 TU 1-9140 Monroe heater $30 SWISSVALE, 2210 Hawthorne 3 porcn, ttt. gar, siste rooi. Scott Hamilton Realtors ory trame. rooms: can arran-e MV lid Lard Fixtures, hack Slnte DOWNTOWN Modern; Building Kur-I snd electric servire la available: also has two good springs. Locsted In Penn Township Hunllnednn Countv.

CARNEGIE 6 roomt. bath, 2-rar enrage, hardwood flmrs. newly decorated. Convenient everything. Bmwning 9-3244 PIANO AND ORGAN SALE IMAGINE SAVING $100-14001 Fixture 1301 Peim.

AT. l-8iin7 Bf Till I. B1AI 1Y Moving to California The owner mutt tell this neat 3-yesr- a-iamny utnge, $6300, owner. El. 1-331 1.

827.1 West Liberty Are, I.O 1-1828 one mile from Junlals River snd col- At Ml. Lelianon-Pnrmwnt Jenetlen New Fr. Prnv. Spinet 8398. wss 898.

riiARTIERS City. 28tfi Ward WEST Mifflin 6-room brick, Integral garage, gas furnare, landscaped. MT. OI.IVFH Frame. 6 rooms, hsth.

tas hot water tsge trttiemeni. Priced for quirk tale at $3 600. For further information write J. Denton, Bog 397, Huntingdon, Pa. nld.

ti-room rancn, on a level lot, fronting 126 feet, on a quiet street, near schools snd transportation. This PITT. POSTS. 8 FT. PHONE PGH.

ST. Or Write Bntler Consolidated Coat to, wiLowoon. pit. inur nr uesx epace Tele-Phone Answering Office Address at $10 Monthly. Manufacturers Agents Hesdtjuarters, Allanllr 1-6050, GRANT Bldg.

AppmximateTy865 ft. of desnable olflre space on 24th floor, sub lease until April 30. 1857. ny fUval separator Co. on a very favonhie baits Garaie and cafeteria Neat, 4 rooms, bath, sat HW heat.

nomcBteaa 1-SB86 1-0470. extras: $8,000. heat, garsue, $8,400. HEEELBARTH'S B. F.

WA 1-8311 CLINTON 5 -rnom. hath. furnace: 123 BEDROOMS STI.60 to SI 15.50 rrriUTiF iNn.tnrn eWtttats a. Sbepetag Piaa TU, 41231 9 to 9 WII.KINSBURC. Vicinity 1 1 HARRT B.

TARR ASSOC. WE. 1-8006 is a nome you somite at $16,500 JONES SONS manual organs (795. was II raj, Flnsl Clearance of New Spinets Organs At Used Grands on FIRE RALE All Slock Matt Before Store Remodeling Next Week WALLACE PIANO TH. 1.668$) E.

Libert. AHII rnlev Aa. 63 Out-Town R'l Estate Sale Acres brick, patios, awnings paved walks, drive. $15,700. Electric nice laundry, fruit and roal cellar.

BRENTWOOD BRICK COLONIAL PooT table complete $175 MU 3-3380 Radiators Ind gat ttm $40 MA 1-1773 Stoker Iron firman 848 WA 1-3540 over nnr rn.mfl. Oxford r3-ei4o'. rartlt available. Long term leasel i -l 1 11 Here II a fine S-rnom home; tile bath: gas a. e.

heat; Int. good lo MT. WASHINGTON On earline. 8-room home. In perfect condition, on beautifully planted lot.

See this' erne 31 1.000, Tudja Mnlli-Liit HU. 1-2000 0-li-RED Tarrlntton fit: 8-rnom s-rooM ranch, U-miTe br rk. furnace. 2-fam arr.n.ement PRILlPPt. W.

Va. 8 rooms with 'no- rrangn II desired Contact G. G. T.r.n, LO. or see your broker.

PE 1-7341 Stone lined tank. Mr $30 Wllklnshurg, 809 Penn Often evee. cution: will G.t ai $11,800 Cass, il-2 Brownsville TU e-2400 $450 down, rm 1-9697. I Son, Vi. uw extra lot, eall Imperial, Oxford 5-8343, w'tofSdooFl 6x841 14 Trumpet Sewlckley 3370 Uy3453 I fir Vrii-jn r-i if- taaiajssj.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Article information

Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6018

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.