mdcraft.analysis.structure - MDCraft 1.1.0 documentation (2024)

"""Bulk structural properties==========================.. moduleauthor:: Benjamin Ye <GitHub: @bbye98>This module contains classes to analyze the structure of bulk fluid andelectrolyte systems."""from itertools import combinations_with_replacementfrom typing import Unionimport warningsimport MDAnalysis as mdafrom MDAnalysis.lib.distances import capped_distanceimport numbaimport numpy as npfrom scipy.integrate import simpsonfrom scipy.signal import argrelextremafrom scipy.special import jvfrom .base import Hash, DynamicAnalysisBase, NumbaAnalysisBasefrom .. import FOUND_OPENMM, Q_, uregfrom ..algorithm import acceleratedfrom ..algorithm.molecule import center_of_massfrom ..algorithm.topology import convert_cell_representationfrom ..algorithm.unit import is_unitless, strip_unitfrom ..algorithm.utility import get_closest_factorsif FOUND_OPENMM: from openmm import unit

[docs]def radial_histogram( positions_a: np.ndarray[float], positions_b: np.ndarray[float], /, n_bins: int, range_: np.ndarray[float], dimensions: np.ndarray[float], bin_edges: np.ndarray[float] = None, *, exclusion: tuple[int] = None,) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Computes the radial histogram of distances between particles of the same species :math:`\alpha` or two different species :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta`. Parameters ---------- positions_a : `numpy.ndarray`, positional-only Positions or centers of mass of entities belonging to species :math:`\alpha`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\alpha,\,3)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. positions_b : `numpy.ndarray`, positional-only Positions or centers of mass of entities belonging to species :math:`\beta`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\beta,\,3)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. n_bins : `int` Number of histogram bins :math:`N_\mathrm{bins}`. range_ : array-like Range of radii values. **Shape**: :math:`(2,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. dimensions : array-like System dimensions and orthogonality. **Shape**: :math:`(6,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}` (dimensions), :math:`^\circ` (orthogonality). bin_edges : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Bin edges. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\mathrm{bins}+1,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. exclusion : array-like, keyword-only, optional Tiles to exclude from the interparticle distances. **Shape**: :math:`(2,)`. **Example**: :code:`(1, 1)` to exclude self-interactions. Returns ------- histogram : `numpy.ndarray` Radial histogram. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\mathrm{bins},)`. """ # Get pair separation distances of atom pairs within range pairs, distances = capped_distance( positions_a, positions_b, range_[1], range_[0] - np.finfo(np.float64).eps, box=dimensions, ) # Exclude atom pairs with the same atoms or atoms from the # same residue if exclusion is not None: distances = distances[ np.where(pairs[:, 0] // exclusion[0] != pairs[:, 1] // exclusion[1])[0] ] return accelerated.numba_histogram( distances, n_bins, bin_edges or accelerated.numba_histogram_bin_edges( np.asarray(range_, dtype=float), n_bins ), )

[docs]def zeroth_order_hankel_transform( r: np.ndarray[float], f: np.ndarray[float], q: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Computes the Hankel transform :math:`F_0(q)` of discrete data :math:`f(r)` using the zeroth-order Bessel function :math:`J_0`. .. math:: F_0(q)=\int_0^\infty f(r)J_0(qr)r\,dr Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.ndarray` Radii :math:`r`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. f : `numpy.ndarray` Discrete data :math:`f(r)` to Hankel transform. **Shape**: Same as `r`. q : `numpy.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q` to evaluate the Hankel transforms at. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. Returns ------- ht : `numpy.ndarray` Hankel transform of the discrete data. **Shape**: Same as `q`. """ ht = 2 * np.pi * simpson(f * r * jv(0, q * r), r) if 0 in q: ht[q == 0] = 2 * np.pi * simpson(f * r, r) return ht

[docs]def radial_fourier_transform( r: np.ndarray[float], f: np.ndarray[float], q: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Computes the radial Fourier transform :math:`\hat{f}(q)` of discrete data :math:`f(r)`. .. math:: \hat{f}(q)=\frac{4\pi}{q}\int_0^\infty f(r)r\sin(qr)\,dr Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.ndarray` Radii :math:`r`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. f : `numpy.ndarray` Discrete data :math:`f(r)` to Fourier transform. **Shape**: Same as `r`. q : `numpy.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q` to evaluate the Fourier transforms at. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. Returns ------- rft : `numpy.ndarray` Radial Fourier transform of the discrete data. **Shape**: Same as `q`. """ rft = 4 * np.pi * np.divide(simpson(f * r * np.sin(np.outer(q, r)), x=r), q) if 0 in q: rft[q == 0] = 4 * np.pi * simpson(f * r**2, x=r) return rft

[docs]def calculate_coordination_numbers( bins: np.ndarray[float], rdf: np.ndarray[float], rho: float, *, n_coord_nums: int = 2, n_dims: int = 3, threshold: float = 0.1,) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Calculates coordination numbers :math:`n_k` from a radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)`. It is defined as .. math:: n_k=4\pi\rho_j\int_{r_{k-1}}^{r_k}r^2g_{\alpha\beta}(r)\,dr for three-dimensional systems and .. math:: n_k=2\pi\rho_j\int_{r_{k-1}}^{r_k}rg_{\alpha\beta}(r)\,dr for two-dimensional systems, where :math:`k` is the index, :math:`\rho_\beta` is the bulk number density of species :math:`\beta` and :math:`r_k` is the :math:`(k + 1)`-th local minimum of :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)`. If the radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)` does not contain as many local minima as `n_coord_nums`, this method will return `numpy.nan` for the coordination numbers that could not be calculated. Parameters ---------- bins : `numpy.ndarray` Centers of the histogram bins. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\mathrm{bins},)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. rdf : `numpy.ndarray` Radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\mathrm{bins},)`. rho : `float` Number density :math:`\rho_\beta` of species :math:`\beta`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{n_\mathrm{dims}}`. n_coord_nums : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`2` Number of coordination numbers :math:`n_\mathrm{coord}` to calculate. n_dims : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`3` Number of dimensions :math:`n_\mathrm{dims}`. threshold : `float`, keyword-only, default: :code:`0.1` Minimum :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)` value that must be reached before local minima are found. Returns ------- coord_nums : `numpy.ndarray` Coordination numbers :math:`n_k`. """ if n_dims not in {2, 3}: raise ValueError("Invalid number of dimensions.") def f( r: np.ndarray[float], rdf: np.ndarray[float], rho: float, start: int, stop: int ) -> np.ndarray[float]: if n_dims == 3: return 4 * np.pi * rho * simpson(r**2 * rdf[start:stop], r) else: return 2 * np.pi * rho * simpson(r * rdf[start:stop], r) coord_nums = np.empty(n_coord_nums) coord_nums[:] = np.nan # Find indices of minima in the radial distribution function (i_min,) = argrelextrema(rdf, np.less) i_min = i_min[rdf[i_min] >= threshold] n_min = len(i_min) # Integrate the radial distribution function to get the coordination # number(s) if n_min: r = bins[: i_min[0] + 1] coord_nums[0] = f(r, rdf, rho, None, i_min[0] + 1) for i in range(min(n_coord_nums, n_min) - 1): r = bins[i_min[i] : i_min[i + 1] + 1] coord_nums[i + 1] = f(r, rdf, rho, i_min[i], i_min[i + 1] + 1) else: warnings.warn("No local minima found.") return coord_nums

[docs]def calculate_structure_factor( r: np.ndarray[float], g: np.ndarray[float], equal: bool, rho: float, x_a: float = 1, x_b: float = None, q: np.ndarray[float] = None, *, q_lower: float = None, q_upper: float = None, n_q: int = 1_000, n_dims: int = 3, formalism: str = "FZ",) -> tuple[np.ndarray[float], np.ndarray[float]]: r""" Calculates the static or partial structure factor :math:`S_{\alpha\beta}(q)` using the radial histogram bins :math:`r` and the radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)` for an isotropic fluid. Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.ndarray` Radii :math:`r`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}`. g : `numpy.ndarray` Radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)`. **Shape**: Same as `r`. equal : `bool` Specifies whether `g` is between the same species (:math:`\alpha=\beta`). If :code:`False`, the number concentrations of species :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` must be specified in `x_a` and `x_b`. rho : `float` Bulk number density :math:`\rho` or surface density :math:`\sigma`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-3}` or :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-2}`. x_a : `float`, default: :code:`1` Number concentration of species :math:`\alpha`. Required if :code:`equal=False`. x_b : `float`, optional Number concentration of species :math:`\beta`. Required if :code:`equal=False`. q : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Wavenumbers :math:`q`. If not specified, wavenumbers are generated using `q_lower`, `q_upper`, and `n_q`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. q_lower : `float`, keyword-only, optional Lower bound for the wavenumbers :math:`q`. Has no effect if `q` is specified. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. q_upper : `float`, keyword-only, optional Upper bound for the wavenumbers :math:`q`. Has no effect if `q` is specified. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. n_q : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`1_000` Number of wavenumbers :math:`q` to generate. Has no effect if `q` is specified. n_dims : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`3` Number of dimensions :math:`n_\mathrm{dims}`. formalism : `str`, keyword-only, default: :code:`"FZ"` Formalism to use for the partial structure factor. Has no effect if :code:`equal=True`. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"general"`: A general formalism given by .. math:: S_{\alpha\beta}(q)=1+x_\alpha x_\beta\frac{4\pi\rho}{q} \int_0^\infty(g_{\alpha\beta}(r)-1)\sin{(qr)}r\,dr * :code:`"FZ"`: Faber–Ziman formalism [1]_ .. math:: S_{\alpha\beta}(q)=1+\frac{4\pi\rho}{q}\int_0^\infty (g_{\alpha\beta}(r)-1)\sin{(qr)}r\,dr * :code:`"AL"`: Ashcroft–Langreth formalism [2]_ .. math:: S_{\alpha\beta}(q)=\delta_{ij}+(x_\alpha x_\beta)^{1/2} \frac{4\pi\rho}{q} \int_0^\infty(g_{\alpha\beta}(r)-1)\sin{(qr)}r\,dr In two-dimensional systems, the second term is .. math:: 2\pi\rho\int_0^\infty (g_{\alpha\beta}(r)-1)J_0(qr)r\,dr instead, where :math:`J_0` is the zeroth-order Bessel function. Returns ------- q : `numpy.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. S : `numpy.ndarray` Static or partial structure factor :math:`S_{\alpha\beta}(q)`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. References ---------- .. [1] T. E. Faber and J. M. Ziman, A Theory of the Electrical Properties of Liquid Metals: III. the Resistivity of Binary Alloys, *Philosophical Magazine* **11**, **153** (1965). .. [2] N. W. Ashcroft and D. C. Langreth, Structure of Binary Liquid Mixtures. I, *Phys. Rev.* **156**, **685** (1967). """ if q is None: if q_lower is None: q_lower = 2 * np.pi / r[-1] if q_upper is None: q_upper = 2 * np.pi / r[0] q = np.linspace( q_lower, q_upper, int((q_upper - q_lower) / q_lower) if n_q is None else n_q ) if n_dims == 3: _transform = radial_fourier_transform elif n_dims == 2: _transform = zeroth_order_hankel_transform else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of dimensions.") rho_sft = rho * _transform(r, g - 1, q) if equal or formalism == "FZ": return q, 1 + rho_sft elif not equal: if formalism == "AL": return q, (x_a == x_b) + np.sqrt(x_a * x_b) * rho_sft elif formalism == "general": return q, 1 + x_a * x_b * rho_sft raise ValueError("Invalid formalism.")

[docs]class RadialDistributionFunction(DynamicAnalysisBase): """ Serial and parallel implementations to calculate the radial distribution function (RDF) :math:`g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)` between types :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta` and its related properties for two- and three-dimensional systems. The RDF is given by .. math:: g_{\\alpha\\beta}^\\mathrm{3D}(r) =\\frac{V}{4\\pi r^2N_\\alpha N_\\beta}\\sum_{i=1}^{N_\\alpha} \\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\beta}\\left\\langle\\delta \\left(|\\mathbf{r}_i-\\mathbf{r}_j|-r\\right)\\right\\rangle\\\\ g_{\\alpha\\beta}^\\mathrm{2D}(r) =\\frac{A}{2\\pi rN_\\alpha N_\\beta}\\sum_{i=1}^{N_\\alpha} \\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\beta}\\left\\langle\\delta \\left(|\\mathbf{r}_i-\\mathbf{r}_j|-r\\right)\\right\\rangle where :math:`V` and :math:`A` are the system volume and area, :math:`N_\\alpha` and :math:`N_\\beta` are the number of particles of species :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`, and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_j` are the positions of particles :math:`i` and :math:`j` belonging to species :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`, respectively. The RDF is normalized such that :math:`\\lim_{r\\rightarrow\\infty}g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)=1` in a hom*ogeneous system. A closely related quantity is the single particle density :math:`n_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)=\\rho_\\beta g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)`, where :math:`\\rho_\\beta` is the number density of species :math:`\\beta`. The cumulative RDF is .. math:: G_{\\alpha\\beta}^\\mathrm{3D}(r) =4\\pi\\int_0^rR^2g_{\\alpha\\beta}(R)\\,dR\\\\ G_{\\alpha\\beta}^\\mathrm{2D}(r) =2\\pi\\int_0^rRg_{\\alpha\\beta}(R)\\,dR and the average number of :math:`\\beta` particles found within radius :math:`r` is .. math:: N_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)=\\rho_\\beta G_{\\alpha\\beta}(r) The expression above can be used to compute the coordination numbers (number of neighbors in each solvation shell) by setting :math:`r` to values where :math:`g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)` is locally minimized, which signify the solvation shell boundaries. .. container:: The RDF can also be used to obtain other relevant structural properties, such as * the potential of mean force .. math:: w_{\\alpha\\beta}(r) =-k_\\mathrm{B}T\\ln{g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)} where :math:`k_\\mathrm{B}` is the Boltzmann constant and :math:`T` is the system temperature, and * the static or partial structure factor (see :func:`calculate_structure_factor` for the possible definitions). Parameters ---------- group_a : `MDAnalysis.AtomGroup` Atom group containing species :math:`\\alpha`. group_b : `MDAnalysis.AtomGroup` Atom group containing species :math:`\\beta`. If not specified, `group_a` is used for both species. n_bins : `int`, default: :code:`201` Number of histogram bins :math:`N_\\mathrm{bins}`. range_ : array-like, default: :code:`(0.0, 15.0)` Range of radii values. The upper bound should be less than half the smallest system dimension. **Shape**: :math:`(2,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}`. exclusion : array-like, keyword-only, optional Tiles to exclude from the interparticle distances. The `groupings` parameter dictates what a tile represents. **Shape**: :math:`(2,)`. **Example**: :code:`(1, 1)` to exclude self-interactions. groupings : `str` or array-like, keyword-only, \ default: :code:`"atoms"` Determines whether the centers of mass are used in lieu of individual atom positions. If `groupings` is a `str`, the same value is used for all `groups`. .. note:: If the desired grouping is not :code:`"atoms"`, * the trajectory file should have segments (or chains) containing residues (or molecules) and residues containing atoms, and * residues and segments should be locally unwrapped at the simulation box edges, if not already, using :class:`MDAnalysis.transformations.wrap.unwrap`, :meth:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.unwrap`, or :func:`MDAnalysis.lib.mdamath.make_whole`. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"atoms"`: Atom positions (generally or for coarse-grained simulations). * :code:`"residues"`: Residues' centers of mass (for atomistic simulations). * :code:`"segments"`: Segments' centers of mass (for atomistic polymer simulations). drop_axis : `int` or `str`, keyword-only, optional Axis in three-dimensional space to ignore in the two-dimensional analysis. **Valid values**: :code:`0` or :code:`x` for the :math:`x`-axis, :code:`1` or :code:`y` for the :math:`y`-axis, and :code:`2` or :code:`z` for the :math:`z`-axis. norm : `str`, keyword-only, default: :code:`"rdf"` Determines how the radial histograms are normalized. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`norm="rdf"`: The radial distribution function :math:`g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)` is computed. * :code:`norm="density"`: The single particle density :math:`n_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)` is computed. * :code:`norm=None`: The raw particle pair count in the radial histogram bins is returned. n_batches : `int`, keyword-only, optional Number of batches to divide the histogram calculation into. This is useful for large systems that cannot be processed in a single pass. .. note:: If you use too few bins and too many batches, the histogram counts may be off by a few due to the floating-point nature of the cutoffs. However, when the RDF is averaged over a long trajectory with many particles, the difference should be negligible. reduced : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`False` Specifies whether the data is in reduced units. parallel : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`False` Determines whether the analysis is performed in parallel. .. note:: The Dask backend generally provides the best performance. verbose : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether detailed progress is shown. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to :class:`MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisBase`. Attributes ---------- universe : `MDAnalysis.Universe` :class:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` object containing all information describing the system. results.units : `dict` Reference units for the results. For example, to get the reference units for :code:`results.bins`, call :code:`results.units["bins"]`. results.bin_edges : `numpy.ndarray` Bin edges. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\\mathrm{bins}+1,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}`. results.bins : `numpy.ndarray` Bin centers :math:`r`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\\mathrm{bins},)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}`. results.counts : `numpy.ndarray` Raw particle pair counts in the radial histogram bins. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\\mathrm{bins},)`. results.rdf : `numpy.ndarray` .. container:: One of * :code:`norm="rdf"`: the radial distribution function :math:`g_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)`, * :code:`norm="density"`: the single particle density :math:`n_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)`, or * :code:`norm=None`: the raw particle pair count in the radial histogram bins. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\\mathrm{bins},)`. results.coordination_numbers : `numpy.ndarray` Coordination numbers :math:`n_k`. Only available after running :meth:`calculate_coordination_numbers`. results.pmf : `numpy.ndarray` Potential of mean force :math:`w_{\\alpha\\beta}(r)`. Only available after running :meth:`calculate_pmf`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_\\mathrm{bins},)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{kJ/mol}`. results.wavenumbers : `numpy.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q`. Only available after running :meth:`calculate_structure_factor`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. results.ssf : `numpy.ndarray` Static or partial structure factor. Only available after running :meth:`calculate_structure_factor`. **Shape**: Same as `results.wavenumbers`. Example -------- First, this analysis class must be imported: >>> from mdcraft.analysis.structure import RadialDistributionFunction Then, after loading a simulation trajectory: >>> universe = mda.Universe("", "topology.cif") We must then select the atom-group(s) to be analyzed: >>> ag1 = universe.select_atoms("type 1") >>> ag2 = universe.select_atoms("type 2") The `RadialDistributionFunction` class can then be built and run (if only one atom group is provided, the RDF is calculated for the same atom group): >>> rdf = RadialDistributionFunction(ag1, ag2) >>> The results can be obtained under the `results` attribute: >>> rdf.results.rdf One can also obtain the coordination numbers by running (specifying a reasonable threshold is recommended): >>> rdf.calculate_coordination_numbers(rho=0.1,threshold=0.1) Similarly, the potential of mean force can be calculated by running: >>> rdf.calculate_pmf() Finally, the static or partial structure factor can be calculated by running: >>> rdf.calculate_structure_factor() All of these results can be saved by doing the following: >>>"rdf") """ def __init__( self, group_a: mda.AtomGroup, group_b: mda.AtomGroup = None, n_bins: int = 201, range_: tuple[float] = (0.0, 15.0), *, exclusion: tuple[int] = None, groupings: Union[str, tuple[str]] = "atoms", drop_axis: Union[int, str] = None, norm: str = "rdf", n_batches: int = None, reduced: bool = False, parallel: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: self._groups = (group_a, group_a if group_b is None else group_b) self.universe = self._groups[0].universe if self.universe.dimensions is None: raise ValueError( "Trajectory does not contain system " "dimension information." ) super().__init__(self.universe.trajectory, parallel, verbose, **kwargs) GROUPINGS = {"atoms", "residues", "segments"} if isinstance(groupings, str): if groupings not in GROUPINGS: emsg = ( f"Invalid grouping '{groupings}'. Valid values: " "'" + "', '".join(GROUPINGS) + "'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) self._groupings = 2 * [groupings] else: if len(groupings) != 2: emsg = "'groupings' must be a string or an array with length 2." raise ValueError(emsg) for gr in groupings: if gr not in GROUPINGS: emsg = ( f"Invalid grouping '{gr}'. Valid values: " "'" + "', '".join(GROUPINGS) + "'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) self._groupings = groupings self._drop_axis = ( ord(drop_axis) - 120 if isinstance(drop_axis, str) else drop_axis ) if self._drop_axis not in {0, 1, 2, None}: raise ValueError("Invalid axis in 'drop_axis'.") self._n_bins = n_bins self._range = range_ self._norm = norm self._exclusion = exclusion self._reduced = reduced self._n_batches = n_batches self._verbose = verbose def _prepare(self) -> None: # Preallocate floating-point number for system volume or area if not self._parallel and self._norm == "rdf": self._area_or_volume = 0.0 # Preallocate arrays to store results self.results.bin_edges = accelerated.numba_histogram_bin_edges( np.asarray(self._range, dtype=float), self._n_bins ) self.results.bins = ( self.results.bin_edges[:-1] + self.results.bin_edges[1:] ) / 2 if not self._parallel: self.results.counts = np.zeros(self._n_bins, dtype=int) # Store reference units self.results.units = Hash({"bins": ureg.angstrom, "edges": ureg.angstrom}) def _single_frame(self) -> None: # Get system dimensions and orthogonality dimensions = self._ts.dimensions # Get positions or centers of mass of entities in the groups positions = [ ag.positions if gr == "atoms" else center_of_mass(ag, gr) for ag, gr in zip(self._groups, self._groupings) ] # Add system volume or area analyzed in current frame if self._drop_axis is None: if self._norm == "rdf": self._area_or_volume += self._ts.volume else: # Apply corrections to avoid including periodic images in # the dimension to exclude positions[0][:, self._drop_axis] = positions[1][:, self._drop_axis] = 0 dimensions[self._drop_axis] = dimensions[:3].max() if self._norm == "rdf": self._area_or_volume += np.delete( dimensions[:3], self._drop_axis ).prod() # Tally counts in each pair separation distance bin if self._n_batches: edges = np.array_split(self.results.bin_edges, self._n_batches) ranges_indices = { e: np.where((self.results.bins > e[0]) & (self.results.bins < e[1]))[0] for e in [ (self._range[0], edges[0][-1]), *((a[-1], b[-1]) for a, b in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])), ] } for r, i in ranges_indices.items(): self.results.counts[i] += radial_histogram( *positions, n_bins=i.shape[0], range_=r, dimensions=dimensions, exclusion=self._exclusion, ) else: self.results.counts += radial_histogram( *positions, n_bins=self._n_bins, range_=self._range, dimensions=dimensions, exclusion=self._exclusion, ) def _single_frame_parallel(self, index: int) -> np.ndarray[float]: # Set current trajectory frame ts = self._sliced_trajectory[index] # Preallocate array to store entity counts followed by system # volume results = np.empty(1 + self._n_bins) # Get system dimensions and orthogonality dimensions = ts.dimensions # Get positions or centers of mass of entities in the groups positions = [ ag.positions if gr == "atoms" else center_of_mass(ag, gr) for ag, gr in zip(self._groups, self._groupings) ] # Store system volume or area analyzed in current frame if self._drop_axis is None: results[self._n_bins] = ts.volume else: # Apply corrections to avoid including periodic images in # the dimension to exclude positions[0][:, self._drop_axis] = positions[1][:, self._drop_axis] = 0 dimensions[self._drop_axis] = dimensions[:3].max() results[self._n_bins] = np.delete(dimensions[:3], self._drop_axis).prod() # Compute radial histogram for current frame if self._n_batches: edges = np.array_split(self.results.bin_edges, self._n_batches) ranges_indices = { e: np.where((self.results.bins > e[0]) & (self.results.bins < e[1]))[0] for e in [ (self._range[0], edges[0][-1]), *((a[-1], b[-1]) for a, b in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])), ] } for r, i in ranges_indices.items(): results[i] = radial_histogram( *positions, n_bins=i.shape[0], range_=r, dimensions=dimensions, exclusion=self._exclusion, ) else: results[: self._n_bins] = radial_histogram( *positions, n_bins=self._n_bins, range_=self._range, dimensions=dimensions, exclusion=self._exclusion, ) return results def _conclude(self) -> None: # Tally counts in each pair separation distance bin over all # frames if self._parallel: self._results = np.vstack(self._results).sum(axis=0) self.results.counts = self._results[: self._n_bins] self._area_or_volume = self._results[self._n_bins] # Compute the normalization factor norm = self.n_frames if self._norm is not None: if self._drop_axis is None: norm *= 4 * np.pi * np.diff(self.results.bin_edges**3) / 3 else: norm *= np.pi * np.diff(self.results.bin_edges**2) if self._norm == "rdf": N_2 = getattr(self._groups[1], f"n_{self._groupings[1]}") if self._exclusion: N_2 -= self._exclusion[1] norm *= ( getattr(self._groups[0], f"n_{self._groupings[0]}") * N_2 * self.n_frames / self._area_or_volume ) # Compute and store the radial distribution function, the single # particle density, or the raw radial pair counts self.results.rdf = self.results.counts / norm def _get_rdf(self) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Returns the existing radial distribution function (RDF) if :code:`norm="rdf"` was passed to the :class:`RDF` constructor. Otherwise, the RDF is calculated and returned. Returns ------- rdf : `numpy.ndarray` Radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)`. """ if self._norm == "rdf": return self.results.rdf N_2 = getattr(self._groups[1], f"n_{self._groupings[1]}") if self._exclusion: N_2 -= self._exclusion[1] if self._drop_axis is None: norm = 4 * np.diff(self.results.bin_edges**3) / 3 else: norm = np.diff(self.results.bin_edges**2) return ( self._area_or_volume * self.results.counts / ( np.pi * self.n_frames**2 * N_2 * norm * getattr(self._groups[0], f"n_{self._groupings[0]}") ) )

[docs] def calculate_coordination_numbers( self, rho: float, *, n_coord_nums: int = 2, threshold: float = 0.1 ) -> None: r""" Calculates the coordination numbers :math:`n_k`. If the radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)` does not contain :math:`k` local minima, this method will return `numpy.nan` for the coordination numbers that could not be calculated. Parameters ---------- rho : `float` Number density :math:`\rho_\beta` of species :math:`\beta`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{nm}^{-3}`. n_coord_nums : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`2` Number of coordination numbers :math:`n_\mathrm{coord}` to calculate. threshold : `float`, keyword-only, default: :code:`0.1` Minimum :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)` value that must be reached before local minima are found. """ self.results.coordination_numbers = calculate_coordination_numbers( self.results.bins, self._get_rdf(), rho, n_coord_nums=n_coord_nums, n_dims=2 + (self._drop_axis is None), threshold=threshold, )

[docs] def calculate_pmf(self, temperature: Union[float, "unit.Quantity", Q_]) -> None: r""" Calculates the potential of mean force :math:`w_{\alpha\beta}(r)`. Parameters ---------- temperature : `float` or `openmm.unit.Quantity` System temperature :math:`T`. .. note:: If :code:`reduced=True` was set in the :class:`RDF` constructor, `temperature` should be equal to the energy scale. When the Lennard-Jones potential is used, it generally means that :math:`T^*=1`, or `temperature=1`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{K}`. """ if self._reduced and not is_unitless(temperature): emsg = "'temperature' cannot have units when reduced=True." raise ValueError(emsg) self.results.units["pmf"] = ureg.kilojoule / ureg.mole kBT = strip_unit(temperature, "K")[0] if not self._reduced: kBT *= ( ureg.avogadro_constant * ureg.boltzmann_constant * ureg.kelvin ).m_as(self.results.units["pmf"]) self.results.pmf = -kBT * np.log(self._get_rdf())

[docs] def calculate_structure_factor( self, rho: float, x_a: float = None, x_b: float = None, q: np.ndarray[float] = None, *, q_lower: float = None, q_upper: float = None, n_q: int = 1_000, formalism: str = "FZ", ) -> None: r""" Computes the static or partial structure factor :math:`S_{\alpha\beta}(q)` using the radial histogram bins :math:`r` and the radial distribution function :math:`g_{\alpha\beta}(r)` for an isotropic fluid. Parameters ---------- rho : `float` Bulk number density :math:`\rho`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-3}`. x_a : `float`, default: :code:`1` Number concentration of species :math:`\alpha`. Required if the two atom groups are not identical. x_b : `float`, optional Number concentration of species :math:`\beta`. Required if the two atom groups are not identical. q : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Wavenumbers :math:`q`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. q_lower : `float`, keyword-only, optional Lower bound for the wavenumbers :math:`q`. Has no effect if `q` is specified. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. q_upper : `float`, keyword-only, optional Upper bound for the wavenumbers :math:`q`. Has no effect if `q` is specified. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. n_q : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`1_000` Number of wavenumbers :math:`q` to generate. Has no effect if `q` is specified. formalism :`str`, keyword-only, default: :code:`"FZ"` Formalism to use for the partial structure factor. Has no effect if the two atom groups are the same. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"general"`: A general formalism similar to that of the static structure factor, except the second term is multiplied by :math:`x_ix_j`. * :code:`"FZ"`: Faber–Ziman formalism. * :code:`"AL"`: Ashcroft–Langreth formalism. .. seealso:: For more information, see :func:`calculate_structure_factor`. """ self.results.wavenumbers, self.results.ssf = calculate_structure_factor( self.results.bins, self._get_rdf(), self._groups[0] == self._groups[1], rho, x_a, x_b, q=q, q_lower=q_lower, q_upper=q_upper, n_q=n_q, n_dims=2 + (self._drop_axis is None), formalism=formalism, )

[docs]@numba.njit("c16(f8[:],f8[:])", fastmath=True)def numba_delta_fourier_transform( q: np.ndarray[float], r: np.ndarray[float]) -> complex: r""" Serial Numba-accelerated Fourier transform of a Dirac delta function involving two one-dimensional NumPy arrays :math:`\mathbf{q}` and :math:`\mathbf{r}`, each with shape :math:`(3,)`. .. math:: \mathcal{F}[\delta(\mathbf{q}-\mathbf{r})] =\exp(i\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}) Parameters ---------- q : `np.ndarray` First vector :math:`\mathbf{q}`. **Shape**: :math:`(3,)`. r : `np.ndarray` Second vector :math:`\mathbf{r}`. **Shape**: :math:`(3,)`. Returns ------- F : `complex` Fourier transform of the Dirac delta function, :math:`\mathcal{F}[\delta(\mathbf{q}-\mathbf{r})]`. """ return np.exp(1j * accelerated.numba_dot(q, r))

[docs]def delta_fourier_transform_sum( qs: np.ndarray[float], rs: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[complex]: r""" Evaluates the Fourier transforms of Dirac delta functions involving all possible combinations of multiple one-dimensional NumPy arrays :math:`\mathbf{q}` and :math:`\mathbf{r}`, each with shape :math:`(3,)`, summed over all :math:`\mathbf{r}`. .. math:: \sum_\mathbf{r}\mathcal{F}[\delta(\mathbf{q}-\mathbf{r})] =\sum_\mathbf{r}\exp(i\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}) Parameters ---------- qs : `np.ndarray` Multiple vectors :math:`\mathbf{q}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\,3)`. rs : `np.ndarray` Multiple vectors :math:`\mathbf{r}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_r,\,3)`. Returns ------- F : `np.ndarray` Fourier transforms of the Dirac delta functions, summed over all :math:`\mathbf{r}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. """ F = np.empty(qs.shape[0], dtype=np.complex128) for i in numba.prange(qs.shape[0]): F[i] = 0.0j for j in range(rs.shape[0]): F[i] += numba_delta_fourier_transform(qs[i], rs[j]) return F

[docs]@numba.njit("f8(f8[:])", fastmath=True)def numba_pythagorean_trigonometric_identity(r: np.ndarray[float]) -> float: r""" Serial Numba-accelerated evaluation of the Pythagorean trigonometric identity for a one-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{r}`. .. math:: \left(\sum_{i=1}^3\cos(r_i)\right)^2 +\left(\sum_{i=1}^3\sin(r_i)\right)^2 Parameters ---------- r : `np.ndarray` Vector :math:`\mathbf{r}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_r,)`. Returns ------- c2_s2 : `float` Pythagorean trigonometric identity for the vector :math:`\mathbf{r}`. """ c = s = 0 for i in range(r.shape[0]): c += np.cos(r[i]) s += np.sin(r[i]) return c**2 + s**2

[docs]@numba.njit("f8(f8[:],f8[:])", fastmath=True)def numba_cross_pythagorean_trigonometric_identity( r: np.ndarray[float], s: np.ndarray[float]) -> float: r""" Serial Numba-accelerated evaluation of the cross Pythagorean trigonometric identity for two one-dimensional NumPy arrays :math:`\mathbf{r}` and :math:`\mathbf{s}`. .. math:: 2\left(\sum_{i=1}^3\cos(r_i)\sum_{j=1}^3\cos(s_j) +\sum_{i=1}^3\sin(r_i)\sum_{j=1}^3\sin(s_j)\right) Parameters ---------- r : `np.ndarray` First vector :math:`\mathbf{r}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_r,)`. s : `np.ndarray` Second vector :math:`\mathbf{s}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_s,)`. Returns ------- c2_s2 : `float` Cross Pythagorean trigonometric identity for the vectors :math:`\mathbf{r}` and :math:`\mathbf{s}`. """ c1 = c2 = s1 = s2 = 0 for i in range(r.shape[0]): c1 += np.cos(r[i]) s1 += np.sin(r[i]) for j in range(s.shape[0]): c2 += np.cos(s[j]) s2 += np.sin(s[j]) return 2 * (c1 * c2 + s1 * s2)

[docs]def ssf_trigonometric(qrs: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Computes the static structure factors using a two-dimensional NumPy array containing :math:`\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}` using the trigonometric form. .. math:: NS(q)=\left\langle\left(\sum_{j=1}^N \cos{(\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_j)}\right)^2+\left( \sum_{j=1}^N\sin{(\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_j)} \right)^2\right\rangle Parameters ---------- qrs : `np.ndarray` Inner products :math:`\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_j`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\,N_r)`. Returns ------- ssf : `np.ndarray` Static structure factors. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. """ ssf = np.empty(qrs.shape[0]) for i in numba.prange(qrs.shape[0]): ssf[i] = numba_pythagorean_trigonometric_identity(qrs[i]) return ssf

[docs]def psf_trigonometric( qrs1: np.ndarray[float], qrs2: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Computes the partial structure factors given two two-dimensional NumPy arrays, each containing :math:`\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}`, using the trigonometric form. .. math:: \frac{NS_{\alpha\beta}(q)}{2-\delta_{\alpha\beta}} =\left\langle \sum_{j=1}^{N_\alpha}\cos{(\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_j)} \sum_{k=1}^{N_\beta}\cos{(\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_k)} +\sum_{j=1}^{N_\alpha}\sin{(\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_j)} \sum_{k=1}^{N_\beta}\sin{(\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_k)} \right\rangle Parameters ---------- qrs1 : `np.ndarray` First set of inner products :math:`\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_j`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\,N_r)`. qrs2 : `np.ndarray` Second set of inner products :math:`\mathbf{q}\cdot\mathbf{r}_k`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\,N_r)`. Returns ------- ssf : `np.ndarray` Partial structure factors. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. """ ssf = np.empty(qrs1.shape[0]) for i in numba.prange(qrs1.shape[0]): ssf[i] = numba_cross_pythagorean_trigonometric_identity(qrs1[i], qrs2[i]) return ssf

[docs]def generate_spherical_wavevectors( dimensions: np.ndarray[float], *, n_points: Union[int, tuple[int]] = 32, q_max: float = None, wavenumbers: bool = False,) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Generates spherical wavevectors :math:`\mathbf{q}` for a triclinic simulation box. Parameters ---------- dimensions : `np.ndarray` Simulation box dimensions. **Shape**: :math:`(3,\,3)`. n_points : `int` or `tuple`, default: :code:`32` Number of points along each axis. If an `int` is provided, the same value is used for all axes. q_max : `float`, optional Maximum wavenumber :math:`q`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. wavenumbers : `bool`, default: :code:`False` Determines whether the wavenumbers are returned. Returns ------- wavevectors : `np.ndarray` Wavevectors :math:`\mathbf{q}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\,3)`. wavenumbers : `np.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\,)`. """ dimensions = np.asarray(dimensions) if dimensions.ndim == 1: dimensions = convert_cell_representation(parameters=dimensions) two_pi_over_Ls = 2 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(dimensions.T) if q_max is None: if isinstance(n_points, int): n_points = 3 * [n_points] elif len(n_points) != 3: emsg = "'n_points' must be an integer or a tuple with length 3." raise ValueError(emsg) else: n_points = np.floor( q_max * np.linalg.norm(np.linalg.inv(two_pi_over_Ls.T), axis=1) ).astype(int) wavevectors = ( np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(n) for n in n_points]), axis=-1).reshape(-1, 3)

[docs] @ two_pi_over_Ls ) wavenumbers_ = np.linalg.norm(wavevectors, axis=1) if q_max is not None: keep_indices = wavenumbers_ <= q_max wavevectors = wavevectors[keep_indices] wavenumbers_ = wavenumbers_[keep_indices] if wavenumbers: return wavevectors, wavenumbers_ return wavevectors

class StructureFactor(NumbaAnalysisBase): """ Serial and parallel implementations to calculate the static structure factor :math:`S(q)` or partial structure factor :math:`S_{\\alpha\\beta}(q)` for species :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`. The static structure factor is a measure of how a material scatters incident radiation, and can be computed directly from a molecular dynamics simulation trajectory using .. math:: S(q)&=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sum_{k=1}^N \\exp{[-i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j-\\mathbf{r}_k)]} \\right\\rangle\\\\&=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle\\left( \\sum_{j=1}^N\\sin{(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j)}\\right)^2 +\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^N\\cos{(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j)} \\right)^2\\right\\rangle where :math:`N` is the total number of particles or centers of mass, :math:`\\mathbf{q}` is the scattering wavevector, and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` is the position of the :math:`i`-th particle. For multicomponent systems, the equation above can be generalized to get the partial structure factors .. math:: S_{\\alpha\\beta}(q)&=\\frac{2-\\delta_{\\alpha\\beta}}{N} \\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta} \\exp{[-i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j-\\mathbf{r}_k)]} \\right\\rangle\\\\ &=\\frac{2-\\delta_{\\alpha\\beta}}{N}\\left\\langle \\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\cos{(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j)} \\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta}\\cos{(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_k)} +\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\sin{(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j)} \\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta}\\sin{(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_k)} \\right\\rangle where :math:`\\delta_{ij}` is the Kronecker delta, :math:`N_\\alpha` and :math:`N_\\beta` are the numbers of particles or centers of mass for species :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`. The partial structure factors :math:`S_{\\alpha\\beta}(q)` and the static structure factor :math:`S(q)` are related via .. math:: S(q)=\\sum_{\\alpha=1}^{N_\\mathrm{g}} \\sum_{\\beta=\\alpha}^{N_\\mathrm{g}}S_{\\alpha\\beta}(q) Parameters ---------- groups : `MDAnalysis.AtomGroup` or array-like Groups of atoms that share the same grouping type. If :code:`mode=None`, all atoms in the universe must be assigned to a group. If :code:`mode="pair"`, there must be exactly one or two groups. groupings : `str` or array-like, default: :code:`"atoms"` Determines whether the centers of mass are used in lieu of individual atom positions. If `groupings` is a `str`, the same value is used for all `groups`. .. note:: If the desired grouping is not :code:`"atoms"`, * the trajectory file should have segments (or chains) containing residues (or molecules) and residues containing atoms, and * residues and segments should be locally unwrapped at the simulation box edges, if not already, using :class:`MDAnalysis.transformations.wrap.unwrap`, :meth:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.unwrap`, or :func:`MDAnalysis.lib.mdamath.make_whole`. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"atoms"`: Atom positions (generally or for coarse-grained simulations). * :code:`"residues"`: Residues' centers of mass (for atomistic simulations). * :code:`"segments"`: Segments' centers of mass (for atomistic polymer simulations). mode : `str`, keyword-only, optional Evaluation mode. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`None`: The static structure factor is computed. * :code:`"pair"`: The partial structure factor is computed between the groups in `groups`. * :code:`"partial"`: The partial structure factors for all unique pairs in `groups` is computed. form : `str`, keyword-only, default: :code:`"exp"` Expression used to evaluate the structure factors. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"exp"`: Exponential form. Slightly faster due to fewer mathematical operations. * :code:`"trig"`: Trigonometric form. Slightly slower but doesn't have overflow issues. dimensions : array-like, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or \ `pint.Quantity`, keyword-only, optional System dimensions :math:`(L_x,\\,L_y,\\,L_z)`. Only used to determine the scattering wavevectors when `wavevectors` is not specified. **Shape**: :math:`(3,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}`. n_points : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`32` Number of points :math:`n_\\mathrm{points}` in the scattering wavevector grid to generate .. math:: \\mathbf{q}=2\\pi\\left(\\frac{a}{L_x},\\,\\frac{b}{L_y},\\, \\frac{c}{L_z}\\right) where :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`c` are integers from :math:`0` up to :math:`n_\\mathrm{points}-1`. Additional wavevectors can be introduced via `n_surfaces` and `n_surface_points` for more accurate structure factors at small wavenumbers. Alternatively, the desired wavevectors can be specified directly in `wavevectors`. n_surfaces : `int`, keyword-only, optional Number of spherical surfaces in the first octant that intersect with the grid wavevectors along the three coordinate axes for which to introduce extra wavevectors for more accurate structure factor values. Only available if the system is perfectly cubic. n_surface_points : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`8` Number of extra wavevectors to introduce per spherical surface. Has no effect if `n_surfaces` is not specified. q_max : `float`, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or `pint.Quantity`, \ keyword-only, optional Maximum wavenumber :math:`q_\\mathrm{max}`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. wavevectors : array-like, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or `pint.Quantity`, \ keyword-only, optional Scattering wavevectors for which to compute structure factors. Has precedence over `n_points`, `n_surfaces`, and `n_surface_points` if specified. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\\,3)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. sort : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether the results are sorted by the wavenumbers. unique : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether structure factors for the same wavenumber are grouped and averaged. parallel : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`False` Determines whether the analysis is performed in parallel. verbose : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether detailed progress is shown. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to :class:`MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisBase`. Attributes ---------- universe : `MDAnalysis.Universe` :class:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` object containing all information describing the system. results.units : `dict` Reference units for the results. For example, to get the reference units for :code:`results.wavenumbers`, call :code:`results.units["wavenumbers"]`. results.pairs : `tuple` All unique pairs of indices of the groups of atoms in `groups`. The ordering coincides with the column indices in `results.ssf`. results.wavenumbers : `numpy.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. results.ssf : `numpy.ndarray` Static structure factor :math:`S(q)` or partial structure factors :math:`S_{\\alpha\\beta}(q)`. **Shape**: :math:`(1,\\,N_q)` or :math:`(C(N_\\mathrm{g}+1,\\,2),\\,N_q)`. Example -------- First, this analysis class must be imported: >>> from mdcraft.analysis.structure import StructureFactor Then, after loading a simulation trajectory: >>> universe = mda.Universe("", "topology.cif") We must then select the atom-groups to be analyzed: >>> ag = universe.select_atoms("all") Note that if one wishes to obtain the total structure factor, all particles must be included in `ag`. The `StructureFactor` class can then be built and run: >>> ssf = StructureFactor(ag) >>> .. note:: If `parallel=True`, the analysis will be performed in parallel using all available cores. The results can be obtained under the `results` attribute: >>> ssf.results.ssf To save the results to a file, use the `save` method: >>>"ssf") """ def __init__( self, groups: Union[mda.AtomGroup, tuple[mda.AtomGroup]], groupings: Union[str, tuple[str]] = "atoms", *, mode: str = None, form: str = "exp", dimensions: Union[np.ndarray[float], "unit.Quantity", Q_] = None, n_points: int = 32, n_surfaces: int = None, n_surface_points: int = 8, q_max: Union[float, "unit.Quantity", Q_] = None, wavevectors: np.ndarray[float] = None, sort: bool = True, unique: bool = True, parallel: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: self._groups = [groups] if isinstance(groups, mda.AtomGroup) else groups self.universe = self._groups[0].universe super().__init__(self.universe.trajectory, verbose, **kwargs) GROUPINGS = {"atoms", "residues"} self._n_groups = len(self._groups) if isinstance(groupings, str): if groupings not in GROUPINGS: emsg = ( f"Invalid grouping '{groupings}'. Valid values: " "'" + "', '".join(GROUPINGS) + "'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) self._groupings = self._n_groups * [groupings] else: if self._n_groups != len(groupings): emsg = ( "The shape of 'groupings' is incompatible with " "that of 'groups'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) for gr in groupings: if gr not in GROUPINGS: emsg = ( f"Invalid grouping '{gr}'. Valid values: " "'" + "', '".join(GROUPINGS) + "'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) self._groupings = groupings self._mode = mode if self._mode == "pair" and not 1 <= len(self._groups) <= 2: emsg = ( "There must be exactly one or two atom groups in " "'groups' when mode='pair'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) elif self._mode is None: if sum(g.n_atoms for g in self._groups) != self.universe.atoms.n_atoms: emsg = ( "The atom groups in 'groups' must contain all " "atoms in the simulation when 'mode=None'." ) raise ValueError(emsg) if wavevectors is not None: self._wavevectors = wavevectors self._wavenumbers = np.linalg.norm(wavevectors, axis=1) else: dimensions = strip_unit(dimensions or self.universe.dimensions[:3], "Å")[0] if dimensions is None: emsg = ( "System dimensions were not found, but are " "required when 'wavevectors' is not specified." ) raise ValueError(emsg) elif len(dimensions) != 3: raise ValueError("'dimensions' must have length 3.") dimensions = np.asarray(dimensions) if np.allclose(dimensions, dimensions[0]): grid = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(n_points) / dimensions[0] self._wavevectors = np.stack(np.meshgrid(grid, grid, grid), -1).reshape( -1, 3 ) if n_surfaces: n_theta, n_phi = get_closest_factors( n_surface_points, 2, reverse=True ) theta = np.linspace( np.pi / (2 * n_theta + 4), np.pi / 2 - np.pi / (2 * n_theta + 4), n_theta, ) phi = np.linspace( np.pi / (2 * n_phi + 4), np.pi / 2 - np.pi / (2 * n_phi + 4), n_phi, ) self._wavevectors = np.vstack( ( self._wavevectors, np.einsum( "o,tpd->otpd", grid[1 : n_surfaces + 1], np.stack( ( np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)[:, None], np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)[:, None], np.tile(np.cos(theta)[None, :], (n_phi, 1)), ), axis=-1, ), ).reshape((n_surfaces * n_surface_points, 3)), ) ) self._wavenumbers = np.linalg.norm(self._wavevectors, axis=1) else: self._wavevectors = np.stack( np.meshgrid( *[2 * np.pi * np.arange(n_points) / L for L in dimensions] ), axis=-1, ).reshape(-1, 3) self._wavenumbers = np.linalg.norm(self._wavevectors, axis=1) if q_max is not None: q_max = strip_unit(q_max, "Å^-1")[0] keep = self._wavenumbers <= q_max self._wavevectors = self._wavevectors[keep] self._wavenumbers = self._wavenumbers[keep] self._Ns = np.fromiter( (getattr(a, f"n_{g}") for (a, g) in zip(self._groups, self._groupings)), dtype=int, count=self._n_groups, ) self._N = self._Ns.sum() self._slices = [] _ = 0 for N in self._Ns: self._slices.append(slice(_, _ + N)) _ += N self._njit = lambda s: numba.njit(s, fastmath=True, parallel=parallel) self._delta_fourier_transform_sum = self._njit("c16[:](f8[:,:],f8[:,:])")( delta_fourier_transform_sum ) self._ssf_trigonometric = self._njit("f8[:](f8[:,:])")(ssf_trigonometric) self._psf_trigonometric = self._njit("f8[:](f8[:,:],f8[:,:])")( psf_trigonometric ) self._inner = ( accelerated.numba_inner_parallel if parallel else accelerated.numba_inner ) self._form = form self._sort = sort self._unique = unique self._verbose = verbose def _prepare(self) -> None: # Determine all unique pairs self.results.pairs = ( tuple(combinations_with_replacement(range(self._n_groups), 2)) if self._mode == "partial" else ((0, self._n_groups - 1),) if self._mode == "pair" else ((None, None),) ) # Create a persisting array to hold atom positions for a single # frame so that it doesn't have to be recreated every frame self._positions = np.empty((self._N, 3)) # Preallocate arrays to store structure factors self.results.ssf = np.zeros((len(self.results.pairs), len(self._wavenumbers))) # Determine the unique wavenumbers, if desired self.results.wavenumbers = ( np.unique(self._wavenumbers.round(11)) if self._unique else self._wavenumbers ) # Store reference units self.results.units = Hash({"wavenumbers": ureg.angstrom**-1}) def _single_frame(self) -> None: # Store positions or centers of mass in the current frame for g, gr, s in zip(self._groups, self._groupings, self._slices): self._positions[s] = g.positions if gr == "atoms" else center_of_mass(g, gr) # Compute the structure factor by multiplying exp(iqr) by its # conjugates if self._form == "exp": if self._mode is None: rhos = self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions ) self.results.ssf += (rhos * rhos.conj()).real else: for i, (j, k) in enumerate(self.results.pairs): rhos_j = self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions[self._slices[j]] ) if j == k: self.results.ssf[i] += (rhos_j * rhos_j.conj()).real else: self.results.ssf[i] += ( 2 * ( rhos_j * self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions[self._slices[k]] ).conj() ).real ) # Compute the structure factor by summing cos(qr)^2 and sin(qr)^2 elif self._form == "trig": if self._mode is None: self.results.ssf += self._ssf_trigonometric( self._inner(self._wavevectors, self._positions) ) else: for i, (j, k) in enumerate(self.results.pairs): qrs_j = self._inner( self._wavevectors, self._positions[self._slices[j]] ) if j == k: self.results.ssf[i] += self._ssf_trigonometric(qrs_j) else: self.results.ssf[i] += self._psf_trigonometric( qrs_j, self._inner( self._wavevectors, self._positions[self._slices[k]] ), ) def _conclude(self) -> None: # Normalize the structure factors by the number of entities and # timesteps self.results.ssf /= self.n_frames * self._N # Combine values sharing the same wavenumber, if desired if self._unique: self.results.ssf = np.hstack( [ self.results.ssf[:, np.isclose(q, self._wavenumbers)].mean( axis=1, keepdims=True ) for q in self.results.wavenumbers ] ) # Sort the results by wavenumber, if desired if self._sort: order = np.argsort(self.results.wavenumbers) self.results.wavenumbers = self.results.wavenumbers[order] self.results.ssf = self.results.ssf[:, order] # Clean up memory by deleting arrays that will not be reused del self._positions

[docs]@numba.njit("f8(f8[:])", fastmath=True)def numba_cosine_sum(x: np.ndarray[float]) -> float: r""" Serial Numba-accelerated sum of the cosines of the elements in a one-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{x}`. .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^N\cos(x_i) Parameters ---------- x : `np.ndarray` Vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N,)`. Returns ------- s : `float` Sum of the cosines of the elements in the vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. """ s = 0 for i in range(x.shape[0]): s += np.cos(x[i]) return s

[docs]def cosine_column_sum(xs: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]: r""" Evaluates the column-wise sum of the cosines of the elements in a two-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{x}`. .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^N\cos(x_{ij}) Parameters ---------- xs : `np.ndarray` Matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,\,N)`. Returns ------- s : `np.ndarray` Column-wise sums of the cosines of the elements in the matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,)`. """ s = np.empty(xs.shape[0]) for i in numba.prange(xs.shape[0]): s[i] = numba_cosine_sum(xs[i]) return s

[docs]def cosine_column_sum_inplace(xs: np.ndarray[float], s: np.ndarray[float]) -> None: r""" Evaluates the column-wise sum of the cosines of the elements in a two-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{x}`. .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^N\cos(x_{ij}) Parameters ---------- xs : `np.ndarray` Matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,\,N)`. s : `np.ndarray` Array to hold the column-wise sums of the cosines of the elements in the matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N,)`. """ assert s.shape[0] == xs.shape[0] for i in numba.prange(xs.shape[0]): s[i] = numba_cosine_sum(xs[i])

[docs]@numba.njit("f8(f8[:])", fastmath=True)def numba_sine_sum(x: np.ndarray[float]) -> float: r""" Serial Numba-accelerated sum of the sines of the elements in a one-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{x}`. .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^N\sin(x_i) Parameters ---------- x : `np.ndarray` Vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(N,)`. Returns ------- s : `float` Sum of the sines of the elements in the vector :math:`\mathbf{x}`. """ s = 0 for i in range(x.shape[0]): s += np.sin(x[i]) return s

[docs]def sine_column_sum(xs: np.ndarray[float]) -> None: r""" Evaluates the column-wise sum of the sines of the elements in a two-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{x}`. .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^N\sin(x_{ij}) Parameters ---------- xs : `np.ndarray` Matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,\,N)`. Returns ------- s : `np.ndarray` Column-wise sums of the sines of the elements in the matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,)`. """ s = np.empty(xs.shape[0]) for i in numba.prange(xs.shape[0]): s[i] = numba_sine_sum(xs[i]) return s

[docs]def sine_column_sum_inplace(xs: np.ndarray[float], s: np.ndarray[float]) -> None: r""" Evaluates the column-wise sum of the sines of the elements in a two-dimensional NumPy array :math:`\mathbf{x}`. .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^N\sin(x_{ij}) Parameters ---------- xs : `np.ndarray` Matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,\,N)`. s : `np.ndarray` Array to hold the column-wise sums of the sines of the elements in the matrix :math:`\mathbf{x}`. **Shape**: :math:`(M,)`. """ assert s.shape[0] == xs.shape[0] for i in numba.prange(xs.shape[0]): s[i] = numba_sine_sum(xs[i])

[docs]class IntermediateScatteringFunction(StructureFactor): """ Serial and parallel implementations to calculate the coherent and incoherent (or self) parts of the intermediate scattering function, :math:`F(q,\\,t)` and :math:`F_\\mathrm{s}(q,\\,t)`, respectively, and the partial intermediate scattering functions, :math:`F_{\\alpha\\beta}(q,\\,t)`, for species :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`. The coherent intermediate scattering function is a measure of the time evolution of the structure factor and can be computed directly from a molecular dynamics simulation trajectory using .. math:: F(q,\\,t)&=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sum_{k=1}^N \\exp{[-i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t) -\\mathbf{r}_k(t_0))]}\\right\\rangle\\\\ &=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle \\sum_{j=1}^N\\cos(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)) \\sum_{j=1}^N\\cos(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0)) +\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sin(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)) \\sum_{j=1}^N\\sin(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0)) \\right\\rangle where :math:`N` is the total number of particles or centers of mass, :math:`\\mathbf{q}` is the scattering wavevector, :math:`t_0` and :math:`t` are the initial and lag times, and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` is the position of the :math:`i`-th particle. For multicomponent systems, the equation above can be generalized to get the partial coherent intermediate scattering functions .. math:: F_{\\alpha\\beta}(q,\\,t)&=\\frac{2-\\delta_{\\alpha\\beta}}{N} \\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta} \\exp{[-i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t) -\\mathbf{r}_k(t_0))]}\\right\\rangle\\\\ &=\\frac{1}{(1+\\delta_{\\alpha\\beta})N}\\left\\langle \\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha} \\cos(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)) \\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta}\\cos(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_k(t_0)) +\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha} \\sin(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)) \\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta}\\sin(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_k(t_0)) +\\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta} \\cos(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_k(t_0+t)) \\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\cos(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0)) +\\sum_{k=1}^{N_\\beta} \\sin(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_k(t_0+t)) \\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\sin(\\mathbf{q}\\cdot\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0)) \\right\\rangle where :math:`\\delta_{ij}` is the Kronecker delta, :math:`N_\\alpha` and :math:`N_\\beta` are the numbers of particles or centers of mass for species :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`. The partial coherent intermediate scattering functions :math:`F_{\\alpha\\beta}(q,\\,t)` and the coherent intermediate scattering function :math:`F(q,\\,t)` are related via .. math:: F(q,\\,t)=\\sum_{\\alpha=1}^{N_\\mathrm{g}} \\sum_{\\beta=\\alpha}^{N_\\mathrm{g}}F_{\\alpha\\beta}(q,\\,t) and are related to the static and partial structure factors via .. math:: F(q,\\,0)=S(q),\\,F_{\\alpha\\beta}(q,\\,0)=S_{\\alpha\\beta}(q) The incoherent intermediate scattering function characterizes the mean relaxation time of a system, and its spatial fluctuations provide information about dynamic heterogeneities. It is defined as .. math:: F_\\mathrm{s}(q,\\,t)&=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle \\sum_{j=1}^N\\exp{[-i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t) -\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0))]}\\right\\rangle\\\\ &=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^N\\cos[\\mathbf{q} \\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)-\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0))] -\\Re\\left(i\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sin[\\mathbf{q}\\cdot( \\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)-\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0))]\\right)\\right\\rangle Similarly, partial incoherent intermediate scattering functions :math:`F_{\\mathrm{s},\\,\\alpha}(q,\\,t)` can be defined for a single species :math:`\\alpha`: .. math:: F_{\\mathrm{s},\\,\\alpha}(q,\\,t)&=\\frac{1}{N} \\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha} \\exp{[-i\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t) -\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0))]}\\right\\rangle\\\\ &=\\frac{1}{N}\\left\\langle\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha} \\cos[\\mathbf{q}\\cdot(\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)-\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0))] -\\Re\\left(i\\sum_{j=1}^{N_\\alpha}\\sin[\\mathbf{q}\\cdot( \\mathbf{r}_j(t_0+t)-\\mathbf{r}_j(t_0))]\\right)\\right\\rangle and related to the incoherent intermediate scattering function via .. math:: F_\\mathrm{s}(q,\\,t)=\\sum_{\\alpha=1}^{N_\\mathrm{g}} F_{\\mathrm{s},\\,\\alpha}(q,\\,t) .. note:: The simulation must have been run with a constant timestep :math:`\\Delta t` and the frames to be analyzed must be evenly spaced and proceed forward in time. Parameters ---------- groups : `MDAnalysis.AtomGroup` or array-like Groups of atoms that share the same grouping type. If :code:`mode=None`, all atoms in the universe must be assigned to a group. If :code:`mode="pair"`, there must be exactly one or two groups. groupings : `str` or array-like, default: :code:`"atoms"` Determines whether the centers of mass are used in lieu of individual atom positions. If `groupings` is a `str`, the same value is used for all `groups`. .. note:: If the desired grouping is not :code:`"atoms"`, * the trajectory file should have segments (or chains) containing residues (or molecules) and residues containing atoms, and * residues and segments should be locally unwrapped at the simulation box edges, if not already, using :class:`MDAnalysis.transformations.wrap.unwrap`, :meth:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.unwrap`, or :func:`MDAnalysis.lib.mdamath.make_whole`. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"atoms"`: Atom positions (generally or for coarse-grained simulations). * :code:`"residues"`: Residues' centers of mass (for atomistic simulations). * :code:`"segments"`: Segments' centers of mass (for atomistic polymer simulations). mode : `str`, keyword-only, optional Evaluation mode. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`None`: The coherent intermediate scattering function is computed. * :code:`"pair"`: The partial coherent intermediate scattering function is computed between the groups in `groups`. * :code:`"partial"`: The partial coherent intermediate scattering functions for all unique pairs in `groups` is computed. form : `str`, keyword-only, default: :code:`"exp"` Expression used to evaluate the intermediate scattering functions. .. container:: **Valid values**: * :code:`"exp"`: Exponential form. Slightly faster due to fewer mathematical operations. * :code:`"trig"`: Trigonometric form. Slightly slower but doesn't have overflow issues. dimensions : array-like, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or \ `pint.Quantity`, keyword-only, optional System dimensions :math:`(L_x,\\,L_y,\\,L_z)`. Only used to determine the scattering wavevectors when `wavevectors` is not specified. **Shape**: :math:`(3,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}`. dt : `float`, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or `pint.Quantity`, \ keyword-only, optional Time between frames :math:`\\Delta t`. While this is normally determined from the trajectory, the trajectory may not have the correct timestep information. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{ps}`. n_points : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`32` Number of points :math:`n_\\mathrm{points}` in the scattering wavevector grid to generate .. math:: \\mathbf{q}=2\\pi\\left(\\frac{a}{L_x},\\,\\frac{b}{L_y},\\, \\frac{c}{L_z}\\right) where :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`c` are integers from :math:`0` up to :math:`n_\\mathrm{points}-1`. Additional wavevectors can be introduced via `n_surfaces` and `n_surface_points` for more accurate structure factors at small wavenumbers. Alternatively, the desired wavevectors can be specified directly in `wavevectors`. n_surfaces : `int`, keyword-only, optional Number of spherical surfaces in the first octant that intersect with the grid wavevectors along the three coordinate axes for which to introduce extra wavevectors for more accurate structure factor values. Only available if the system is perfectly cubic. n_surface_points : `int`, keyword-only, default: :code:`8` Number of extra wavevectors to introduce per spherical surface. Has no effect if `n_surfaces` is not specified. q_max : `float`, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or `pint.Quantity`, \ keyword-only, optional Maximum wavenumber :math:`q_\\mathrm{max}`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. wavevectors : array-like, `openmm.unit.Quantity`, or `pint.Quantity`, \ keyword-only, optional Scattering wavevectors for which to compute structure factors. Has precedence over `n_points`, `n_surfaces`, and `n_surface_points` if specified. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,\\,3)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. sort : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether the results are sorted by the wavenumbers. unique : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether intermediate scattering functions for the same wavenumber are grouped and averaged. n_lags : `int`, keyword-only, optional Number of time lags :math:`t` or "windows" for which to evaluate the intermediate scattering functions, including zero. If not specified, the number of frames in the trajectory is used. incoherent : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`False` Determines whether the incoherent intermediate scattering function is computed. parallel : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`False` Determines whether the analysis is performed in parallel. verbose : `bool`, keyword-only, default: :code:`True` Determines whether detailed progress is shown. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to :class:`MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisBase`. Attributes ---------- universe : `MDAnalysis.Universe` :class:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` object containing all information describing the system. results.units : `dict` Reference units for the results. For example, to get the reference units for :code:`results.wavenumbers`, call :code:`results.units["wavenumbers"]`. results.pairs : `tuple` All unique pairs of indices of the groups of atoms in `groups`. The ordering coincides with the column indices in `results.cisf` and `results.iisf`. results.times : `numpy.ndarray` Time lags :math:`t`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_t,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{ps}`. results.wavenumbers : `numpy.ndarray` Wavenumbers :math:`q`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_q,)`. **Reference unit**: :math:`\\mathrm{Å}^{-1}`. results.cisf : `numpy.ndarray` Coherent intermediate scattering function :math:`F(q,\\,t)` or partial coherent intermediate scattering functions :math:`F_{\\alpha\\beta}(q,\\,t)`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_t,\\,1,\\,N_q)` or :math:`(N_t,\\,C(N_\\mathrm{g}+1,\\,2),\\,N_q)`. results.iisf : `numpy.ndarray` Incoherent intermediate scattering function :math:`F_\\mathrm{s}(q,\\,t)` or partial incoherent intermediate scattering functions :math:`F_{\\mathrm{s},\\,\\alpha}(q,\\,t)`. Only available if :code:`incoherent=True`. **Shape**: :math:`(N_t,\\,1,\\,N_q)` or :math:`(N_t,\\,N_\\mathrm{g},\\,N_q)`. Example -------- First, this analysis class must be imported: >>> from mdcraft.analysis.structure import IntermediateScatteringFunction Then, after loading a simulation trajectory: >>> universe = mda.Universe("", "topology.cif") We must then select the atom-groups to be analyzed: >>> ag = universe.select_atoms("all") Note that if one wishes to obtain the total structure factors, all particles must be included in `ag`. The `IntermediateScatteringFunction` class can then be built and run: >>> isf = IntermediateScatteringFunction(ag) >>> .. note:: If `parallel=True`, the analysis will be performed in parallel using all available cores. The results can be obtained under the `results` attribute: >>> isf.results.cisf >>> isf.results.iisf To save the results to a file, use the `save` method: >>>"isf") """ def __init__( self, groups: Union[mda.AtomGroup, tuple[mda.AtomGroup]], groupings: Union[str, tuple[str]] = "atoms", *, mode: str = None, form: str = "exp", dimensions: Union[np.ndarray[float], "unit.Quantity", Q_] = None, dt: Union[float, "unit.Quantity", Q_] = None, n_points: int = 32, n_surfaces: int = None, n_surface_points: int = 8, q_max: Union[float, "unit.Quantity", Q_] = None, wavevectors: np.ndarray[float] = None, sort: bool = True, unique: bool = True, n_lags: int = None, incoherent: bool = False, parallel: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__( groups, groupings, mode=mode, form=form, dimensions=dimensions, n_points=n_points, n_surfaces=n_surfaces, n_surface_points=n_surface_points, q_max=q_max, wavevectors=wavevectors, sort=sort, unique=unique, parallel=parallel, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) self._dt = strip_unit(dt, "ps")[0] or self._trajectory.dt self._cosine_column_sum = self._njit("f8[:](f8[:,:])")(cosine_column_sum) self._cosine_column_sum_inplace = self._njit("void(f8[:,:],f8[:])")( cosine_column_sum_inplace ) self._sine_column_sum = self._njit("f8[:](f8[:,:])")(sine_column_sum) self._sine_column_sum_inplace = self._njit("void(f8[:,:],f8[:])")( sine_column_sum_inplace ) self._n_lags = n_lags self._incoherent = incoherent def _prepare(self) -> None: # Update number of time lags now that the user has specified # the frames to analyze, if necessary self._n_lags = min(self._n_lags or np.inf, self.n_frames) # Ensure frames are evenly spaced and proceed forward in time if hasattr(self._sliced_trajectory, "frames"): dfs = np.diff(self._sliced_trajectory.frames) if (df := dfs[0]) <= 0 or not np.allclose(dfs, df): emsg = ( "The selected frames must be evenly spaced and " "proceed forward in time." ) raise ValueError(emsg) elif (df := self.step) <= 0: raise ValueError("The analysis must proceed forward in time.") # Determine all unique pairs self.results.pairs = ( tuple(combinations_with_replacement(range(self._n_groups), 2)) if self._mode == "partial" else ((0, self._n_groups - 1),) if self._mode == "pair" else ((None, None),) ) # Preallocate arrays to store results self._positions = np.zeros((self._n_lags, self._N, 3)) shape = ( self._n_lags, 1 if self._mode is None else self._n_groups, len(self._wavenumbers), ) if self._form == "exp": self._exp_sum = np.empty(shape, dtype=complex) elif self._form == "trig": self._cos_sum = np.empty(shape) self._sin_sum = np.empty(shape) self.results.cisf = np.zeros( ( self._n_lags, 1 if self._mode is None else len(self.results.pairs), len(self._wavenumbers), ) ) if self._incoherent: self.results.iisf = np.zeros( ( self._n_lags, 1 if self._mode is None else self._n_groups, len(self._wavenumbers), ) ) self.results.times = df * self._dt * np.arange(self._n_lags) # Determine the unique wavenumbers, if desired if self._unique: self.results.wavenumbers = np.unique(self._wavenumbers.round(11)) else: self.results.wavenumbers = self._wavenumbers # Store reference units self.results.units = Hash( {"times": ureg.picosecond, "wavenumbers": ureg.angstrom**-1} ) def _single_frame(self) -> None: # Relative current frame index rcfi = self._frame_index % self._n_lags # Store atom or center-of-mass positions in the current frame for g, gr, s in zip(self._groups, self._groupings, self._slices): self._positions[rcfi, s] = ( g.positions if gr == "atoms" else center_of_mass(g, gr) ) # Note: Although the intermediate scattering functions can be # calculated using correlation functions more efficiently than # using sliding windows, the memory requirement to store the # exp(iqr) or cos(qr) and sin(qr) terms for all frames, # wavevectors, and positions is prohibitive for most consumer # machines. (For example, a 10-frame, 32,768-wavevector, # 10,000-particle array requires over 52 GB of RAM.) # Calculate intermediate scattering functions using exponential # form if self._form == "exp": if self._mode is None: self._exp_sum[rcfi] = self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi] ) for time_lag in range(min(self._n_lags, self._frame_index + 1)): rifi = (self._frame_index - time_lag) % self._n_lags self.results.cisf[time_lag] += ( self._exp_sum[rifi] * self._exp_sum[rcfi].conj() ).real if self._incoherent: self.results.iisf[ time_lag ] += self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi] - self._positions[rifi], ).real else: for i in range(self._n_groups): self._exp_sum[rcfi, i] = self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi, self._slices[i]] ) for time_lag in range(min(self._n_lags, self._frame_index + 1)): rifi = (self._frame_index - time_lag) % self._n_lags for i, (j, k) in enumerate(self.results.pairs): if j == k: self.results.cisf[time_lag, i] += ( self._exp_sum[rifi, j] * self._exp_sum[rcfi, j].conj() ).real if self._incoherent: self.results.iisf[ time_lag, j ] += self._delta_fourier_transform_sum( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi, self._slices[j]] - self._positions[rifi, self._slices[j]], ).real else: self.results.cisf[time_lag, i] += ( self._exp_sum[rifi, j] * self._exp_sum[rcfi, k].conj() ).real + ( self._exp_sum[rifi, k] * self._exp_sum[rcfi, j].conj() ).real # Calculate intermediate scattering functions using # trigonometric form elif self._form == "trig": if self._mode is None: qrs = self._inner(self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi]) self._cosine_column_sum_inplace(qrs, self._cos_sum[rcfi, 0]) self._sine_column_sum_inplace(qrs, self._sin_sum[rcfi, 0]) for time_lag in range(min(self._n_lags, self._frame_index + 1)): rifi = (self._frame_index - time_lag) % self._n_lags self.results.cisf[time_lag] += ( self._cos_sum[rifi] * self._cos_sum[rcfi] + self._sin_sum[rifi] * self._sin_sum[rcfi] ) if self._incoherent: qrs = self._inner( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi] - self._positions[rifi], ) self.results.iisf[time_lag] += ( self._cosine_column_sum(qrs) - 1j * self._sine_column_sum(qrs) ).real else: for i in range(self._n_groups): qrs = self._inner( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi, self._slices[i]] ) self._cosine_column_sum_inplace(qrs, self._cos_sum[rcfi, i]) self._sine_column_sum_inplace(qrs, self._sin_sum[rcfi, i]) for time_lag in range(min(self._n_lags, self._frame_index + 1)): rifi = (self._frame_index - time_lag) % self._n_lags for i, (j, k) in enumerate(self.results.pairs): if j == k: self.results.cisf[time_lag, i] += ( self._cos_sum[rifi, j] * self._cos_sum[rcfi, j] + self._sin_sum[rifi, j] * self._sin_sum[rcfi, j] ) if self._incoherent: qrs = self._inner( self._wavevectors, self._positions[rcfi, self._slices[j]] - self._positions[rifi, self._slices[j]], ) self.results.iisf[time_lag, j] += ( self._cosine_column_sum(qrs) - 1j * self._sine_column_sum(qrs) ).real else: self.results.cisf[time_lag, i] += ( self._cos_sum[rifi, j] * self._cos_sum[rcfi, k] + self._sin_sum[rifi, j] * self._sin_sum[rcfi, k] + self._cos_sum[rifi, k] * self._cos_sum[rcfi, j] + self._sin_sum[rifi, k] * self._sin_sum[rcfi, j] ) def _conclude(self) -> None: # Normalize the intermediate scattering functions by the number # of particles and timesteps norm = ( self._N * np.arange(self.n_frames, self.n_frames - self._n_lags, -1)[:, None, None] ) self.results.cisf /= norm if self._incoherent: self.results.iisf /= norm # Combine values sharing the same wavenumber, if desired if self._unique: self.results.cisf = np.stack( [ self.results.cisf[:, :, np.isclose(q, self._wavenumbers)].mean( axis=2 ) for q in self.results.wavenumbers ], axis=-1, ) if self._incoherent: self.results.iisf = np.stack( [ self.results.iisf[:, :, np.isclose(q, self._wavenumbers)].mean( axis=2 ) for q in self.results.wavenumbers ], axis=-1, ) # Sort the results by wavenumber, if desired if self._sort: order = np.argsort(self.results.wavenumbers) self.results.wavenumbers = self.results.wavenumbers[order] self.results.cisf = self.results.cisf[:, :, order] if self._incoherent: self.results.iisf = self.results.iisf[:, :, order] # Clean up memory by deleting arrays that will not be reused del self._positions if self._form == "exp": del self._exp_sum elif self._form == "trig": del self._cos_sum, self._sin_sum

mdcraft.analysis.structure - MDCraft 1.1.0 documentation (2024)


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